
Part 12: Summer Break

It was good to be home, Gaele wrote, after settling into her old room and waited for dinner. It's great to see Devon, and Riahna, (she has grown so MUCH since I saw her at Christmas!) Daddy is such a riot, he goes and grabs me up and slings me around as though I'm still a little kid. But I was having too much fun to care. It was good to see Mom, though she looked kind of tired and subdued. She looked a lot better, though, after Don told her about Seth's e-mail and that he was okay. Must have taken a big load off her mind. Poor Mom. I sure do feel bad for her, and I can now see why Don is so bent on getting Seth home again.

"Extraordinary meal, Mike, as usual," Don said, as he sat back a little from the table.
"But of course," Mike said, pretending to twirl a moustache. "Ze mastair chef aims to please."
"The accent needs some work, though," Rahab said in a teasing tone.
Everyone laughed.
"So, Gaele, what are your plans for this summer?" Mike was now looking at her.
Don looked thoughtful, and then exchanged glances with Gaele.
"Ah, well, maybe Don could explain," Gaele said.
"Explain what?" Rahab eyed Don with a look of apprehension.
"Rahab, I've decided to go to Nepal to get your son," Don said.
"And?" Mike now looked uncertain.
"I'm going to go with him," Gaele heard herself say.
"Aw, man! How come I don't get to go anywhere," Devon protested.
In the silence that followed, Gaele noticed Rahab glowering at Don. Gaele inspected her cuticles, and tried to think of something helpful to say.
"I would feel a lot more comfortable if Gaele stayed here," Rahab said at length. "Not that I don't trust your capabilities, Don, but it's nerve wracking enough to have one child out in the wilderness of such a faraway place..."
"Gaele will be all right, babe," Mike said, reassuringly patting Rahab's arm, as he grinned at Gaele. "Outside this house, you couldn't ask for safer company than Don."
Rahab closed her eyes a moment, as though in surrender. "I... suppose I should stop being such a worry wort... after all, you are an adult, Gaele. It's not like you need constant monitoring any more... only, old habits die hard." She gave Mike an uncertain smile, as if to draw support from him.

Here I am just lazing in the sun by the pool, Gaele wrote, a few days later.  I'm really enjoying vacation more than ever, away from the grindstone of college. Hardly doing anything at the moment, other than doing projects and gardening with Mom and Ri and just talking. Actually, Ri doesn't talk much, but does one of her favorite passtimes that involves plucking different kinds of flower petals and meticulously gluing them in intricate patterns on poster board. They really turn out to be gorgeous, and they end up in frames around the house. I have one in my bedroom.
Riahna is turning gorgeous herself, she's so willowy and long limbed like Mom, that I almost hate her for it. Daddy says I'm gorgeous  just the way I am, though he does tease me about being built like a Mack truck... I suppose he's right, I can hold my own with Devon, and Ri looks like a good strong wind could just knock her over.
Oh, I dunno, I guess I used to hate her for other reasons too, one being that she took up most of Daddy's attention because she demanded so much from him. Sometimes he'd be frustrated to tears over her. And I'd be frustrated to tears because he didn't have time for me any more.  And I'm sorry to say, I  had some memorable tantrums myself, until Daddy realized that I was just vying for attention, and he and Mom and everyone decided to have meetings where we could be honest about our feelings, and kind of air the issues, so that there wasn't anyone feeling left out.

Which brings me back to last night's meeting! It turned out fabulous, because I'm going to get to go to Nepal after all! (Uhm... Nepal after all? Gack, bad poet alert!) Anyway, I'm really excited about this trip, I just love travelling. And yet I'm nervous, too. Not sure about what, but I have a feeling that getting Seth isn't going to be very easy...

The monastery where Gaele and Don were supposed to meet Seth was perched on top of a mountain a day's hike from the city of Kathmandu.
"Do you want to take a break?" Don slowed to let Gaele catch up. In spite of her strong condition, the high altitude was making her gasp for breath. She shook her head and reached for Don and he let her hang onto the backpack as he pulled her along. After several hundred vertical feet, even that didn't help. She called for a halt and rested against a boulder a little to the side of the path.
When her heart slowed enough for her to breathe normally, she looked around. They were beside an acre or so of meadow, in the center of which was a small shrine, surrounded by a copse of conifers that clung to the base of a cliff. Don stood beside her, breathing easily, carrying her backpack, so that she was not too burdened. She looked at Don in amazement, at how well he could go right along, at an age where most people in his field were contemplating retirement. So old and seasoned, compared to her... and yet, he could outdo most 20 year olds. She smiled at him, and he returned it.
"You ready?" He offered a hand to help her up.
Not wanting to waste any energy talking, she nodded, and pulled herself to her feet. She waited to let Don lead the way, but he was standing still, his face frozen in a look of incredulity, as he focused on the copse. Gaele followed his gaze, but could see nothing, at first, then she caught something moving in the shadows. A moment later, a cloaked figure appeared, and stopped when it reached the edge of the open ground, and by its stance, was keenly aware of their presence.
Don drew himself up and waited, and finally the figure started toward them. Trailing behind, half hidden in the folds of the generous garment, was a yellow iguanid tail. Gaele gasped with recognition and started forward, but Don held a restraining hand in front of her.
"Let him approach us," he said quietly.
"Seth," she heard herself call out.
When he reached them, he gathered himself and bowed formally to Don, who returned it with equal care, and then Seth turned to Gaele, and his hands reached to clasp hers.
"It is so good to see you both, again," Seth said in a quiet voice.
"Good?? Oh SETH," Gaele said breathlessly before Don could respond. "Don't you realize how much everyone's been WORRIED about you?"
"Mom's been completely BESIDE herself-"
"Gaele," Don gave her a look that stopped her, then looked back at Seth. "Did you receive any of my replies?"
"Yes, I did get them, only today, because I had gone up to meet Leo coming down from the valley..." Seth stopped, and his eyes darted around, as though watching for eavesdroppers. "It might be better if we talked within the monastery... it would be more sensible. Nothing to worry about, mind you, but I'm anxious to get back."
"Yes, let's get going," Don said lightly, taking hold of Gaele's elbow and leading her along behind him. Seth took up the rear.
"It was a pleasant surprise to learn of your arrival, Gaele," Seth said happily. "What do you think of Nepal, so far?"
"I didn't like the city much. Too noisy, and smelly. But up here, it's simply magnificent."
He amiably patted her on the back, and she continued the hike up the mountain in contented silence.


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