Krys 9/96

Okay, this is a big mess. I go out on the rooftops to watch for anybody wanting to hurt the Kappa and his friends. Instead I'm distracted by a welcoming party of Foot. And even though James and I killed almost everyone, there were more, and they attacked the apartment. It's funny. They didn't give a flip about me or James.

I started to follow the Foot to protect the kappa, but James' hand came to rest sternly on my back. "No."

I turned to him. "What the hell?!" I said, gritting my teeth. "The Foot are going to kill those guys if we don't do something!!"

James shook his head. "They'll be okay." James began walking to the edge of the rood. "Come on. We have to get out of here."

This was the last straw. "WHAT!" I shouted. "Are you crazy? You expect me to just believe that those people are just magically going to be saved?!"

James nodded.

I shook my head in disbelief. "No... I'm hallucinating now. This... This is so damn crazy!" I closed my eyes and massaged my forehead.

Then I looked up at James with fury in my eyes. "I'm going my own way! I don't need you or your nutty predictions." I walked away from James.

"That's okay Challi," James said. In my mind, I saw him smiling. He probably was.

So I began going across the tops of buildings, I wondered why James, usually ZZZ and bossy, was just letting me walk away.

Damn! The moon was so beautiful. As I left across the buildings, I was enveloped by everything. I almost felt like I was in a state of ecstasy. Type O Negative's, "Love You to Death." With its haunting music and solos began playing through my mind.

"Beach lipstick stains her glass of red wine."

I looked to my right... hey is almost sounds

"I am your servant, may I light your cigarette?"

like someone's coming in behind me.

"Those lips smooth yeah, I can feel what..."


I turn slowly around.

"You're saying..."

No one! Impossible!


All of a sudden, fire boils up in the side of my head. My knees buckle and

"They say the beast inside of me's gonna..."

I fall to the concrete of the rooftop. Stars flash about my eyes and I strain to focus. I turn my head and

"Get ya, get ya. Get..."

I see a boot coming towards me. I'm knocked back and I slide a little before twisting into an odd angle or the ground.

"Am I good enough for you?"

I'm yanked up by my leather jacket and someone from behind grabs both of my arms and pins them back.

"Am I?"

I cry out in pain. I'm sitting on my knees reeling from the blows. I look up into the darkness, and a member of the Japanese Foot walks towards me.

"Am I?"

They're here early James!

"Challi... Challice... and Kenji. We meet." The guy smiles wide. I'm not amused.

"You cowards! You attacked me when my guard was down!"

"Then," chuckled the man, "You should have not let your guard down. Didn't your father teach you anything?" He smiled.

"I knew your father, Kenji. But do you know me?"

I groaned. "Ryo dai Hoshi."

"Then you aren't so ignorant." Ryo dai Hoshi mocked.

I sneered. "What do you want from me?"

"Your relics. Your life."

"You can have neither!" I yelled. To my dismay, the Relics were now in the possession of the April woman. I had hid them in her purse. I had no idea the place would be attacked.

Ryo dai Hoshi smiled. "Kill him. And destroy his body."

The Foot closed in and I began thrashing wildly. It can't end this way!

And it didn't, for, out of the deep purple sky flew a bird. A phoenix. The bird let out an ear piercing scream and flew towards me and my enemies. In fear, the Foot panicked, releasing me, and began running for cover. I turned to see the uproar. The bird hovered a few seconds before the terrified Foot. Then, with a screech, it dove at them, moving so fast that the bird looked more like an arrow of light.

There were screams inside that inferno when it hit them, and I thought I could see the burning bodies writhing.

Then, from the ashes, I saw a movement. Then, a lone body rose from the dust. Walking towards me, he smiled. His bodysuit wasn't even slightly singed.

"Who are you?" I asked, knowing all too well who he was and had been The Phoenix.

He stopped walking and smiled. "My name is Alex. I've come for you and to bring yo this." He brought out a crystal which shone read like rubies. "Take it." he said simply.

I hesitated, then grabbed it. A pain like none I had felt surged through me and I screamed.

Was it because the Crystal had seemed to glow and grow fiery hot to the touch in my hand, or was it because I had begun to remember every painful detail of my forgotten past? I'd admit to both.

And everything came swimming back to me. One year ago, when the Demon Agravar had risen from the depths of the Dark World and began to try to take out world, the 9 had been born to stop him. I had been one, Challice, the bearer of the Red Crystal.

But Agravar had been too strong, and had sent each one of us to a different time and place. I had been fused with the mind of a young boy, but my past had been lost because of Agravar. But now I was myself again.

I turned to Alex. "What are you doing here? How did you get away from the Demon?"

"I don't have time to tell you all of that, Challi. We have to leave this world and find the others. Agravar must be destroyed," Alex said, fidgeting.

I turned my back. "But I've sworn to protect the uh... kappa from the Foot, or whatever. I've got to fulfill my promise first."

Alex nodded, then sighed. "It is what's right. I'll help you Challi. Then, we will find the others."

I smiled. "Thanks, Alex."

From behind me, I heard some rubble move away from where Alex's Phoenix had fried Foot Fillet. Alex and I turned to see Ryo dai Hoshi push his dead comrades away and stand up.

"Wha..." Alex said, not understanding why his Magick hadn't killed the idiot.

Ryo got to his knees and glared at us, his eyes burning black.

"Don't you ever die?" I said, frustrated at his will to live.

Suddenly, Ryo began to laugh. It was a cruel laugh, filled with evil and a desire for the pain of theirs.

Alex stepped forward. "Seribdys."

The laughing man began to laugh louder. Mocking us. As he laughed, he began to morph into a thing.

The thing was, indeed Seribdys. A demon under Agravar. "We meet again Kellomi!" She said, sneering. "I have come from my Lord bearing yo farewell!"

"No," Alex said confidently, shaking his head. "We are the 9 are growing stronger by the minute. You are afraid. And we will destroy you. Good will always destroy Evil."

Seribdys smiled. "You'd like to think." Without another word, she jumped at us, claws aiming to kill. We ducked, barely missing a death blow.

"Now! use your crystal!" Alex cried, looking at me madly.

I held the red gem out and focused. A singing like angels echoed through my mind. A rainbow of colors shot out and hit Seribdys. She was thrown back into the wall, where she lay still.

Alex and I stood there, afraid to move, all was quiet. Then, that laughter began again. Seribdys stood up. "Fools! you think just the two of you can destroy me? It is my turn, now."

We just stood there, stupidly, and let my own powers come back to blow us away. There was a sickening sound, much like a tidal wave crashing up against us, throwing us through the air, to be beached on the gray concrete. And that was the last thing I knew before I went to the darkness.

Seribdys walked to her victims and picked them up. "Your kappa would come for you, if you were in the hands of their worst enemy." She looked down towards the street. "The human they call the Shredder. And he could be of use... to Me."


Tim 11/11/96


Anger inflamed inside of me, "FOOT! I find that damned turtle and CASEY JONES!!!"

"But we cannot find their trail...."

I looked at the recruit like he was an idiot. "MOLASSES COOKIES MESS YOUR HEAD UP, MAKE YOU STUPID! NOW, all of you. Spread out!! Find Casey!!!"

After a few minutes of blind pursuit, I heard footsteps. "Ninja! Find them. Attack!" I said as I pointed to the direction of the alley. Sure enough I heard the boisterous voice of that cretin CASEY JONES. I smiled wide.... Now is the time of his demise.

What's this? No turtles?? UGH that makes me mad as well!! We were about three blocks from Miss O'Neil's apartment, yet the Foot could no other traces.... UGH! HOW THIS ANGERS ME! Now, back to my vendetta with Jones san.

The Foot had him outnumbered twelve to one, yet he seemed to fight very well.

"You purse snatchin' pukes! <<WHAP>> Take that you perfume Sniffer! <M>HACK SLAM And that you pajama wearin' creep!" His battle cries are most unusual. If ever I found one of my Foot smelling like perfume, his punishment would be agonizing!

Casey looked towards me. "UH oh... Time to get out the heavy artillery!" he said as he pulls out a large bat with a flat edge. "Tea time. Let's play Cricket." He points towards me and motions me over.

"Casey Jones Challenge Tatsu?" I grinned. "Foot, let me take care of this." As I looked over, to my ninja there were about nine of them out cold.

"HMM. So much for good help these days...."

"BAKA YAROO!!" I yelled as I swung my staff towards him. I wielded it with fast speed, up, down, left, migi, Hidari, jab. I hit him once well in the chest.

He steps back and says, "Now it's time for Double Trouble Baldy!"

Hmm. Two Cricket Bats.... HMM I attacked just as fast, he blocked half of my blows, and <<UGHH!>> he hit me broadside on my cheek. I spat out blood and believe me, now he will die!!

"Now Jones san, I will get my revenge for the disgrace of my master!" I step forward and grin wide as I pull out the two katanas that Poor Leonardo turtle lost! <<SHINGH>> <<SHINGH>> "Your friend Leonardo Left these for me!!!"

"Holy..." he uttered as I drew in and sliced, then lunged and attacked fast, chinghk, chinghk, chinghk. I was able to cut him before he knocked a katana out of my hand. Blood trickled from his side. He drew back and swung a few more times, hitting me again. I had to withdraw for a moment.

Suddenly, a car with flashing lights was at the end of the alley, police sirens were blaring down the street. I kicked at Casey one last time, connected with the chest, knocking him down. "NINJA, Vanish, Meet downstreet...."

I slid through a window, and went obey three streets, avoiding police cars, and men with rifles. Out of all of us, only nine met up. The rest of the Foot were slow and were caught by the cops. They got Casey also, but had the medical doctors looking at him. DAMN, denied from his demise again! "Foot, let's return to Base, quickly before the police see us."

After slipping past all those police, the Foot and I rejoined a few blocks away.

"What? You saw Master Shredder?" I looked at the recruit and glared. "Show me where." I had an uneasy feeling that either Shredder had come back, and came back as a hideous ghost or a menacing mutant.

We went six streets down, towards town. Hawkins Blvd. had a sinister feel. This feeling felt good, like power, like my Master.

Seeing a shape in the shadows, I moved forward telling the Foot to follow me.

"Master Shredder... it is your servant Tasushiro Waze, trainer of your Elite Foot Clan."

"Tatsu, Anger Fills me, I must wreak my revenge on the turtles, They will pay with their deaths...."

"Quickly Master, we must return to the Headquarters to discuss revenge. Many things have happened and I must tell you of our new Resources."

Shredder, the rest of the Foot and I quickly made it back to our vans and to our headquarters in the Warehouse District.

"I swear, if Verome does not drive better, I will stick him into my urn and make him my good luck statue," I grunted as we walked into the headquarters.

"Master First off since you have left, there are new allies of the Turtles. That punk Casey Jones has been disposed of.

"I found the swords of Leonardo. One of them is permanently part of Casey's chest. The other one is here."

"A fine blade and a fine piece of bait to lead out the turtles and that wretched Splinter out of their rat holes." Shredder let out a maniacal laugh.

As he did, I looked to the door and saw a familiar american thug walk in, with a few others.

Shredder glared. "Who are you and how did you enter my domain?"

Uh oh Vance, do not anger my Master. "Master These are the allies I told you about. These are our TGRI Contacts that helped us track down the Turtles," I said quickly.

"I see," thought Shredder.

Finally Vance has decided to really help us to destroy the turtles. Yet I still do not trust him.


Mitch 5/11/97

Morning, already.

I stopped and got some Dunkin' Donuts and a big cup of coffee. Black. I sat in the car and ate a couple before heading back to my place. I deserved some sleep.

It had taken hours to pack everything up. We set everything in our back up lab and decided not to connect

anything. Some of the guys went back to see how many of the cats they could find, but I doubted much luck. All the information, lost. It would take a long time to start over.

I finished the coffee as I drove back home. The extra donuts I left in the car, the extra sugar would only keep me awake. (Was that possible?)

The elevator played it's stupid music and I thankfully stepped in to the hall way.

There was that dizty news reporter's place. She was not bad looking, but a seriosly no-brainer. That sleeze she had brought home a couple times looked like he had no clue as to what a comb was or how to use it. Let alone a washing machine or shower.

Shower. That sounded good. I debated what was more important, shower or sleep. My hand reached for my keys when I saw that I would not need them. My door was shattered around the door knob and lock. Damn, what was going on?

Tatsu was supposed to call me, had he started to distrust me already?

I slowly opened the door, my hand reaching for the dagger. Eyes glittered over a pair of swords. My green

subject, named as Leonardo by Tatsu, stood before me.

"Oh fuck," was all I could manage.

He was on me, swords coming at me. I dived, rolled and ran. I cleared the couch in one leap and stopped before a startled woman.

April, the ditz. I grabbed her and she swung at me.

Her blows hit me several times before I held both hands in mine.

"How dare you hide behind a woman," Leonardo said.

"How dare you come in here? Just what is it you think you would find? I should call the police."

"I think the police might be interested in your evening activities as well," said a third voice.

I looked over my shoulder to see some new guy. I blinked several times.

"Perry?" I asked, a name finally fitting in with the face. "Is it you? I read about you in the company newsletter. What are you doing here?"

He shrugged, "I'm interested in what you're doing."

I looked at him, then back to the glaring turtle. "Drop dead."

"I just might," I heard Leonardo mutter.

"Not until he does," April said, stomping on my foot, then kicking me in the shin.

I let her go and pushed her away from me. The dagger appeared in my hand and I met Leonardo. His swords clanged against the fighting dagger, we both knew he had the weapons advantage. But, I could see in his eyes, he was hurt. He was fighting the serum.

His blow missed me and smashed my lamp. Never liked it much, anyway. I swung up with my fist and nailed him in the gut. My other hand, dagger in my fist, punched him square in the face.

He staggered back and we paused to catch our breath. I looked down to see my shirt had a slash in it and my stomach bore a nasty cut. My jacket had taken abuse in the arms.

Overall, I thought I was fearing better than him. He was breathing heavy, and would occasionally shake his head.

April attacked me from the side and I tossed her off me like a rag doll. I could feel the serum racing inside me, giving me strength. The harder I stressed my body, the more it gave.

"Oh, my," I heard Perry say behind me, then a crash.

Leonardo stared behind me, as if he was looking at some sort of vision. I dared a look behind me.

My monitor was sitting sideways, beside the CPU. Perry, who had been in the chair, had fallen backwards and was laying on the floor. Rising to his feet and looking none to surprised was a man in black robes.

"Jaggar Tharn?" I gasped.

He pulled his robes around him and said, "Shield."

Perry looked like he had been yanked back by an invisible rope. He landed at least seven feet from Jaggar


Leonardo took my shock as a chance for a free attack.

"Force Bolt."

I felt something fly past me and Leanardo crumpled to the floor.

"What... Leo!" April cried.


Flame lept from Jaggar Tharn's hands and my apartment was on fire.

"Come, Vancetor," Jaggar Tharn cried.

I grabbed Leonardo as I heard Jaggar cry "Passwall. Levitate."

Then I was walking on air. The fire alarm went off and I tried to find April and Perry, but the sprinklers and Jaggar Tharn made it near impossible.

Jaggar Tharn carried me out the opening he had created in my wall and we slowly fell to the sidewalk.

Jaggar Tharn paused to breath deeply and I heard sirens coming.

I raced for my car, yelling for Jaggar Tharn to follow me. He did, and we drove off, away from my burning life.

"Damn," I muttered. "Damn it all to hell anyway. What are you doing here? Your supposed to be a computer game."

"I was," he said, watching the world go by. "They came after me. I left them trapped in their computer. I then fled to you."

"They who?"

"Donato and his friends. I must have been traveling so fast, and with the fact your computer had the game on, I must have been hurled here."

I nodded, it made sense. As much sense as the rest of it. My back seat held a sleeping, drugged turtle. April and my fellow proffesor had been left in the remains of my apartment. And he had had the game on.

"Ah, can you smell it?" Jaggar Tharn asked.

"Yeah, rush hour traffic smog and car exhaust."

"No," he said, then waved his hands.

I swerved and almost nailed the taxi in the other lane.

We exchanged the customary four letter words out the window and I managed to find a place to park.

A green mist, like a trail from some rotten food, wove it's way down the street and around the corner.

"What is that?" I asked.

"An evil spirit, like myself," Jaggar Tharn smiled. "We must seek him out and join with him."

"Who? Join with what?"

He looked at me and smiled, "Why, the turtles ancient enemy, the ninja master of the Foot Clan."

Tatsu? Tatsu was evil enough to leave a trail behind him.

"One thought dead," Jaggar continued, laughing. "He has become so much more. He shall help us. Lord Shredder will help us, indeed."

He laughed evilly beside me.

"Go, now, follow the trail," he cried.

I did as he told me. I knew what he could do in the game, and he had shown some of that power in my apartment. I was in no shape to take on some other demision Battle Mage.

I dont know how many roads I drove down, but we finally stopped. I parked the car and got out. I stretched and found myself looking at a couple of the Foot.

"Hi, guys," I said, rising my arms in a non-threatening manner. "My name's Vance LeGault, could you tell Tatsu that I'm here to see him."

They didn't move right away, so I opened the door to the back seat.

"Tell him I've got a present."

One look at the sleeping turtle, and two were off and running. They returned several minutes later with Tatsu and more of the Foot. Tatsu gave me the usual grunts and nodded at Jaggar Tharn.

We followed him and the Foot carrying the turtle in to the building and down a couple halls. It was then I heard his voice.

Go back to Part Three, Chapter Three

Continue onward to Part Three, Chapter Five, Good Sir/Lady

Run in cowardly fear back to theBlades of Vengeance site