This story is rated G for general viewing.

Round 2.


Again, I sit before my Viewing Pool, worrying for the five young Earthlings I have just chosen. What if they fail? What if they cannot even complete the task? What if the crystals don't accept them? What if- This is ridiculous! I have to think of something else, before I go insane. I stir the Pool with one hand and think of each of the young candidates in turn. They all seem to be doing fine, each seeking his or her crystal with curiosity and eagerness. Strange, too-the elements seem actually to be HELPING the candidates to locate them. The Earth element, usually so obstinate and self-serving, is even over-exerting itself in its efforts.

Perhaps the elements sense the urgency of the situation. Normally, the candidates must face the perils all on their own, and the elements do not interfere with the initial task. But this is totally different, and the elements recognize this and are exerting all their power to aid the seekers. If only I could help them myself! But until the crystals are returned, my powers are greatly limited. All I can do is wait, and hope that all goes well.

I am lonely. I miss my elementals....It is so hard to accept the fact that they are gone. I wonder idly what happens to elementals when they leave this life....or what indeed happens to Elementmasters? The exact nature of the soul-tear spell is not quite known, since no person has died from soul-tear and came back to tell us about it. All we know is that the soul is torn from the victim's body and fed into the power of the caster....But what happens to the soul, truly? Does it become pure energy or is it banished to some other plane? A fascinating puzzle.....I might bring it up to the Solar Council, if I survive this conflict.

I am lonely, too, because if my elementals were here, and the crystals resting in their rightful places in the FiveHolder, I would be able to feel them. The elements can talk to me through the crystals, and often do. It is through the crystals that the elementals usually communicate with me, keeping me updated on the activities in the various Earth dimensions, and telling me about their problems and solutions. It is also through the crystals that the elementals communicate with and wield the elements themselves. But the five pentagonal slots of the FiveHolder are empty, the crystals are scattered across the dimensions. I sigh and again stir the Pool.

I seek out the Mars elementals. They are probably shielding from me.....Wait! I see the Mars Air elemental, Harata, cloaked with an invisibility spell. But she cannot hide from me that way. Her power gives her away. I wonder why she is hovering there and what she is waiting for....Suddenly, I see Krideth! Harata is lying in wait for him! That cursed Mars elemental could really hurt him....even this far from Mars she is full of power. And someone with enough power can manipulate even elements that do not accept them. Too, if she finds the crystal before Krideth and places it in the FiveHolder, it will be forced to accept her. This is a disaster that I doubt young Krideth can cope with! I want to scream out, but that is useless. He cannot hear me.

But perhaps the elements can. --Air!-- I cry mentally, seeking the Air element as hard as I can, mind straining for contact. And then the Air reaches out to meet me and I can speak to it. --Air, do you know that Dragon?--

--Of course.-- it answers promptly. --Krideth is the Air elemental candidate.--

--Is he acceptable to you?--

--You know I cannot say for certain until he has touched the crystal.-- I sigh. I know this, and yet-

--Can you try to protect him? The Mars Air elemental lies in wait for him.--

--You think I do not know?-- The tone of the element, such as it is, is almost amused. --I know all that passes within my realm.--

--Can you?--

--Yes. I shall try....I suppose I must, on the chance that Krideth may be my elemental...He has potential.--

--Thank you.--

--For what? It is my responsibility, I feel. Besides, I do not choose to help Harata and she manipulates me just the same. She is rude and arrogant and self-serving. I do not like her.--

I chuckle to myself. --Do your best.--

--Don't I always?--