Warning! This story contains some violence, cursing, and adult situations which may be inappropriate for some readers. This story is voluntarily rated PG-13 for parental guidance. Kids, do yourself a favor and ask mom or dad before you read Forever, Always Young.

Part 5: Forever, always young.

Don stood under the lamppost on 9th street. It was strangely deserted, even for this time of night. Don checked his watch. Almost midnight. He pulled the note out of his pocket and read it through for the thousandth time. "Donatello: I urgently need to meet with you. Corner of 9th and Brooksfield. Midnight. Tell no one." The note was unsigned, and underneath his winter jacket, Don carried a gun. It was a less conventional form of arm for a ninja, and Spliner would NOT have approved. But when attending secret meetings with strangers in the witching hour, it was best to take precautions. A would-be assassin would fear a gun more than a bo.

Suddenly, a figure materialized in the edge of the lamp's glow. The person was heavily muffled with trenchcoat and scarf, and it carried a bundle against its chest. Don felt for his gun. "Who are you? What's this all about?" he demanded.

"Relax, mon ami," came the familiar voice. "Don' want to draw 'tention to me."

"Gambit!" gasped Don, startled. The last missing X-man! Here, in New York? Of course, what better place to hide? But why hide at all?

"Sh, Don. De murderers not gone yet." Gambit's voice was muffled, as though his mouth was covered.

"What do you mean?"

"Dey huntin' Gambit. I not caught yet, but dey don' give up."

"Why are we here? What did you want from me?"

"Gambit's son all he got lef'," Gambit said softly. "Don' want Bobby to get hurt in dis mess."

"Are you saying--"

"Take Gambit's son off-world, Don."

"But--" Don's head whirled. He wanted to help his friend, but how could he just leave Earth, go off on his own? "Gambit, it's not that simple. I don't have any money that's not worthless off-world. Where do I go? How do I take care of a kid with no money?"

"Money not important. Go to Lilandra, de Shi'ar empress. Tell her 'bout Xavier, she'll take care o' you."

"I don't know, Gambit...Couldn't you take him?"

Gambit's voice was suddenly harsh. "Gambit gotta keep de killers busy. If Gambit take Bobby, killers find him and kill dem. But if you take him off-world, even if dey kill Gambit, dey never find Bobby." It did make sense. Gambit was just looking after his kid the best way he knew how. "Gambit ask you for a favor, mon ami. Saved your life once, you said dat one day you pay me back. Gambit wants to call in de favor. Take Bobby and go."

Gambit was right. He HAD saved Don's life, he did owe Gambit a great debt. And could he really let Bobby die or let Gambit down, just because he was afraid to leave Earth behind? "I--I'll take him, Gambit. I will do as you ask."

He could hear Gambit's sigh of relief as he handed over the bundle in his arms. "T'ank you, mon ami. If Gambit lives, Gambit never forget dis."

"You're welcome, old friend," Don said softly, as he cradled the infant in his arms. The former X-man melted into the shadows as swiftly as any trained theif. Don gazed after him, hoping to hell that Gambit would be all right. "And Godspeed to you as well."