
Part 26: Afterward

Today is the first day of the rest of my life, Gaele wrote in her journal. I realize that no matter how difficult life can be, or how wonderful it looks, for that matter, there's nothing more important thatn one's relationships with others. Okay, so my romantic life is at absolute zero right now. I'm not going to sit around and mope about it, any more. So my work is boring, it won't be that way forever. And Paula doesn't exactly love me, but at least she stopped trying to cut me down, at every turn. I guess because of her friendship with Devon, she's almost civil. At least as civil as she is capable of being. Devon said she grew up in a strict household, her parents are totally anal, or something... so I guess I can understand why she acts like she's got a stick up her you-know-what. Okay, I'll stop being mean. At least she's trying, now. I'll give her that much. Though I still have trouble figuring out why Devon is so enamored of her. Maybe he likes a challenge. He may act like a social rebel, but he has a heart of gold. Just like his dad. Speaking of which, Raph is also a good friend, even though his visitations are rather intermittent. He is ever the true wanderer: he goes wherever his mood takes him. But he said I was finest kind. Coming from him that's quite a compliment.

It's great to see Don in my life again. We've put our differences aside, and things are a lot like they were in my early college days. He still is my mentor. Maybe he will be for the rest of my lifetime. I hope so. I love him dearly, even if he can be a royal pain at times.
I'm glad he isn't staying away from me so much any more.

Daddy did buy that yacht so that he  and Mom and Riahna could have a reliable place to stay while visiting me, and that somebody would be staying there at some time or another, and that I could always go there for sanctuary, when life got too overwhelming. You know, a home away from home! And Daddy said that once he learned how to sail it, we could go on weekend cruises in the summertime along the coast. Trust Daddy to make good on promises, no matter how crazy they sounded.

Yeah... my life isn't perfect, but maybe that in itself is a perfection. All I know is, there are people out there who love me. That's what it's about.


                                                                 @>=--}-- The End --{--=<@

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