Around two years ago I finished my first ever fanfic, Game Theory. Directly after that, I had this great idea for another story and so I posted the beginning of one called The Gift.
The Gift was a story of WonderLand, a place I have always loved but never had the confidence to explore in writing. Four parts of the story were written, and posted to this website. Then writers block prevailed and after a time, it vanished. The idea remained however, on printed paper in the depths on my closet.
About a year later, the idea dragged itself out of the closet. This resulted in the first version of Of Ravens & Writing Desks. It was a considerable improvement on my previous writings, but it too suffered writers block. The main problem was that the plotline I wanted to be the main focus - the characters origin - had become a subplot. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do next, and ended up sticking the idea back in the closet.
Out of sight, but not out of mind. The toughest decision was do I take Of Ravens & Writing Desks down and start over or just write the emerging new idea as something separate? And the answer that I eventually arrived at was: I can write better than that, I'm going to start over. So, here we go - again.
Life is full of learning processes. Writing well is one of them.
I need to thank:
Sharee-san, Justin, Rox'E, Kim-san, Joanna, Blue & Wendo - These are the friends who honestly believe I have a talent for writing. They have been great friends to me, as well as sources of information, inspiration, and humor. I always enjoy hearing from them, and it's for them that I always try to write the better story.
Alt.dragons-inn - By playing around on this role-playing newsgroup, I've had the chance to improve my writing skills. When you make writing fun (and are able to overlook typos), you start doing it better.
TMNT-L - The mailing list for turtle fans. For them I started the Fanfic MasterList and Archive. Seeing so many fanfics as an Archiver gave me the confidence to write my own.
Credit also goes to the following places/people.
Enjoy the story.