Chapter 10

Healing Takes Time

It had been almost a month since the day Selana was killed. The girls now lived with the turtles in peace and freedom; something that could have only happened with the aid of their dead sister; Selana. Raphael had turned from almost everyone. He didn't talk much anymore, but he did yell a lot. He was always fighting with his brothers over even the littlest things. He went out a lot and stayed away for as long as possible, until he heard his sensei call to him in his mind; telling him to come home. Leonardo and Katana were getting along more and so was Sunny and Mike. Donatello was the one who was alittle awkward about Melana. They didn't talk much, but occasionally they shared a few words. Splinter did a lot of meditating now a days. Raphael knew that he was getting old and the thought terrified him. He lost the one he loved and to loose his father would be more than he could bear.

" How are the cookies doing, Mike ?" Leo asked.

" Well, I guess they are looking alright, but am not so sure. I am worried about them getting burned." Leo chuckled as he recalled the time that Mike had burned the cookies black to the point where he couldn't even take a bite. The thought made him laugh even harder and then head into the living room, before Mike caught on. Leo sat next to Katana on the couch. April had sent some more money and they had gone shopping for food, furniture, and a few other things. Christmas was coming soon, and everyone was busy wondering what to give each other. Sunny walked out of the back door and started to walk away. She liked to walk around, now that she was aloud to. But there was somewhere she wanted to go today. Melana saw her leave and went after her. It would give her a chance to talk to her sister. She did secretly wish that Donatello would follow. He was right outside looking at where Sunny was going.

" Hey wait up, Sunshine !" She called. Her freckled face sister smiled and stopped. When Melana caught up to her, Sunny smiled and looked at Donny.

" Hey Donatello, do you want to come along ?" He looked up alittle shocked at first and then shrugged. Melana went wide eyed, red, but couldn't help but smile. The three of them walked into the woods and for awhile.

" Where are we going ?" Don asked as he looked around. Sunny's smile kinda faded. It replaced by a look of sadness.

" Well it is like a cave. Selana kept her clothes and some of her other things in there. Some of our stuff is there too, but it was her little hide out." Don nodded in silence and stole a glance at Melana who also looked sad and distant for that moment, before she looked up again. They walked to a somewhat meadow looking area and crossed through the tall grass and into the next batch of trees. Then Sunny stopped and began to push a rock out of the way. It was rather large and it amazed Donatello how she was able to push it out of the way. She then pulled out a lighter and went into the small opening. The others followed close behind. Then Sunny lit a candle that was on the wall. It lit the place beautifully. Don was amazed at what he was seeing. It was like an under ground house. There was a passage way that they went down and toward the end was a bunch of European designed trucks and silk pillows and sheets. It looked fit for a princess. There were Arabian clothes, and a middle eastern dance costume, or more commonly known as a belly dancing outfit. Melana touched the gold coins lightly and sighed.

" Is that yours ?" Don asked. He wasn't sure if he should picture her in it or not. He didn't want to arouse himself in front of her. She shook her head.

" Not this one." She looked over it. There were gold coins all over it and it had coined gloves, a coined belt, coined ankle bracelets, and a coined head piece. The top material of the skirt was a red silk and the chiffon material beneath it was green. There was a veil and it was a sparkling green chiffon.

" She spent ours in that hell hole making this thing. She needed things to do when she wasn't out. She made ours too. But I think hers was the best. We didn't want ours as revealing as hers, but they all came out nicely." She added. She went to a veil that was hooked to the stone ceiling of the cave and moved it out of the way. There were three more costumes.

" The black one with the purple sequins is mine, the brown and orangish type with the gold coins is Sunny's, and of course that blue one with the blue sequins is Katana's. She wanted to make us dresses that would match us." He looked at the purple and black one.

Just the right colors too.

He turned away before any thoughts that he would regret came to mind. Sunny was packing some stuff in a truck that could be carried on her back or dragged. It must have been her stuff. Melana packed hers too in a truck of almost the same type.

" Should I help pack Katana's and Selana's stuff too ?" Don asked.

" Well if you want to help with Katana's, feel free, but anything of Selana's is going to stay here. She wouldn't want to have it moved and I am going to honor that wish." Melana answered. He nodded and went to the stuff that was mostly blue and around a truck with Katana's name written on it. He started to pack the stuff neatly into the box. When they finished he looked around. Sunny had finished first and had packed Selana's stuff, but put it in a corner. The place looked empty now. He knew that Raphael would have loved to see Selana in that belly dancing dress. He would have loved to see Selana in any way. Don sighed and turned to leave with the girls. They carried the trucks out and moved the rock back to it's place. They then went back to the house.

Raphael sat on a hill about two miles from home. He looked at the green grass around him. The clean, wild air blew into his face and he breathed it in. The smell was sweet, like Selana's hair. He could picture her right then, galloping that magnificent stallion up and down the grassy lanes. Her red hair flowing behind her and her transparent dress flying back as the wind whipped through it. Hot tears came to his eyes. He balled his fists and growled.

" Damn you Selana for leaving me. Damn you for doing what you did." He put his head down. As much as he loved her, he knew that he would have to forget her and move on.

" I guess I should just forget about you. Do what you said and pretend you never existed." The words that were said hurt him again and he could feel the tears coming down his cheeks.

" I'll just forget about you." He said softly and dropped the little daisy he had been holding. He got up and started to walk back to the house. He felt alone and left out. There was a hole in his heart from where she had been, but he wanted to get over her. He wanted to forget and move on. He walked to the door and stepped in. Everyone was in the living room eating Mike's cookies. He had cooked about 50 chocolate chip cookies and they were warm and soft. They were on a tray on the new coffee table. Raph went to the kitchen and got a drink of water. Mike came in and looked at him. His brother didn't move from where he was. He just starred at the wall. Mike came over and tapped his shoulder cautiously. His hot tempered brother looked at him for a moment and then spoke.

" What ?"

" Are you alright ?" Raph shrugged.

" I dunno anymore. I'm just trying to get over what I lost." Mike lowered his head and he felt for his brother. Raph had been very hot tempered lately and it was all over Selana.

" I'm sorry you lost her. She really was nice, when she didn't have that black suit on."

" Ya I know. But I'm just gonna forget that I even met her. I am going to forget about her." Mike looked at him, but the way he had said it, made Mike want to back off. Raphael set his cup down and went to his room. Mike heaved a sigh and went back to the living room where everyone was talking. It wasn't easy seeing Raphael so upset like this. Pissed off is one thing, but not heart broken. For awhile he had joked about Raph even having a heart, but it was obvious that he did. Katana was brushing Sunny's frizzy hair and putting it into a braid. Melana was looking out the window. She had started to talk, but not very much. At least not that much when the turtles were around. She was still thinking about her lose. Mike noticed Don looking over at her and he couldn't help but smile at his brother.

You may be pretty self confident when it comes to computers, but you have no balls when it comes to girls.

He sat himself next to Sunny after Katana had moved. Mike knew he was falling for her. She almost resembled April. He kept glancing at her when she wasn't looking. She was small in size and height. Melana and Selana were small too, but not this small. Selana had been built and bog boned. Melana was big boned, but it was obvious that she didn't have the muscle Selana had. Katana was almost as tall as Leo and she had a slim figure like Sunny. He turned away the second she looked at him. Everyone seemed to be having fun. Everyone except Raphael who was still mourning over Selana. Mike got up and went to his room. Sunny followed.

" What's wrong ?" She asked closing the door behind her. He looked at her and shrugged.

" I dunno. I guess I feel sorry for Raph that's all."

" Oh. I never thought he actually loved her."

" Well he did and he does. Now he wants to pretend it never happened. That's how much the love hurt him." She looked at him curiously.

" What about you ?" He looked up at her questioningly.

" What about me ?"

" Well, for one have you ever been in love ?" He looked around uncertainly.

" No not really. Why ?" His stomach began to flip flop all over. She sat next to him and looked at him.

" Are you scared to fall in love ?" She asked.

" Well..." He was not sure how to answer the question. This was all so new to him and he didn't know what to do. " I guess I am alittle scared. I mean look at what we are. We don't exactly get dates every night. Plus after seeing what Raphael is going through, I don't know if I can deal with it."

" What your brother is going through is a little different. But what if someone did like you ? Would you try to make the best of it ?"

" Yea, I would."

" What if that someone ?" He sucked in a sharp breath and couldn't believe what he was saying. Was it going to happen ? Was he finally going to get the love he always wanted ?

She looked at him and she already knew that he liked her. She smiled and leaned toward him. He turned to face her at the very instant she placed her lips to his. He bolted back alittle, but she held him close to her and he gave into the warm kiss. It was happening. He wrapped his arms around her waist and laid her down on his bed. His kiss became more passionate and he touched her body. She moaned softly and allowed his hands to explore between her legs. She pulled him closer. Slowly he undid the buttons to her gown and slipped it off. Her breathed in and started to kiss her breasts and then move down her belly.....

It would be hard to heal the wounds deep within the souls who loved Selana. Melana and Raphael were the ones who took it the hardest. A twin sister to one and a love to another. Melana stood at the window as the night wind blew inside. It was all she could do. She couldn't have saved Selana even if she wanted to. Now she had to move on. Leonardo and Katana were starting to get along. She knew that now Mike and Sunny had more than just friendship in their midst. Raphael seemed lost and almost frightened. She knew he was scared to look for someone else, but what scared him most is that he might find someone else. As for her and Donatello, nothing had happened between them. He was afraid and she knew it. Their relationship would have to take time, but she wanted to have something with him. Selana had said that having Raphael was so wonderful and for filling. She wanted to feel what Selana felt. She turned to face Donatello who was sitting silently on the edge of his bed. She came in front of him and he looked into her violet eyes. He could see desire there and he was surprised by this. But she bent down and kissed his mouth ever so softly. At that very moment, she vowed her love....and so did her sisters.

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Chapter 9

End of Dark Sides. Story will continue in the seqeul !

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