The story behind the story:
This is the second story of the Awakening Trilogy. (For the full story on the trilogy you should head back to the Trilogy page.) Eventually, things will come up in the story that connect it to the first story, "Prophesy." However, it isn't absolutely necessary that you read all of "Prophesy" before you begin this story, so I am putting them up at the same time. I promise not to confuse you too much. :-)
I would like to thank Joanna Capello for the title "MindWalkers." Congrats, Joanna!
And finally, I would like to dedicate this story to Doctor Cornelius Quease. The evil villain I plan to introduce here, Doctor Detri Delterius, is a man after his own heart. I put it down to pure coincidence. And maybe just a little bit because Dr. Quease is my favorite villain.
Nobody ever mentions the hassles of spontaneous intergalactic travel. The complicated foreign languages, the anal nature of the local constabulary....And the fact that you have no clue where you are and no clue how to leave. Raphael doesn't really want to deal with any of that. But he hasn't got many options.
As Raph goes about solving the problem of how to return home, he'll run into an interesting assortment of friends and enemies; all of whom can help him discover things about himself and Leonardo that he had never dreamed possible.
Warning! This story contains cursing and may not be suitable for young readers. It is rated PG for parental guidance.
*Thanks to Happyface Man for the title of Chapter 1.*
*Thanks to Dawnatello for the title of Chapter 2.*
"Prophesy" and the Awakening Trilogy are copyright 1998 to Luna Azul.
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and all associated characters are copyright 1998 to Mirage Publishing.
All copyright holders retain their copyrights; nothing on this page may be used in any way without permission from Luna Azul.