All that jargon just means Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Secret of the Ooze, part 2. Now you know why I use the acroymns.

Yes, this is another continuation story: I just picked up where the movie left off for this story. But as per usua, I also used the story to explore different ideas. Haven't you ever wondered why the turtles never get in trouble for kicking the crap out of all those people and for destroying stuff in their fights? What would happen if the cops arrested them for it? Hmmm....

Uh, I think the story picks up at the dock right after Shredder dies (again). But I shuffled dialog so some of the stuff that's said in the lair gets said on the dock. More creative liberties. I also slipped in elements of the cartoon, and some other strange stuff. Don't be suprised by any of the weird things I do. And especially don't be suprised by my youthful naivete about the workings of the police. I was only 11 years old, cut me some slack.


The night was silent. Four police cars were parked in front of a building known as the Dockside Club. But down by the submerged dock, four green forms exchanged high threes.

"Spacious!" declared one.

"Obstantacious!" said another.

"Wicked!" cried the third.

"Cowabunga says it all, dudes," a fourth announced. They were the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

"Great workout, bros, but we better check out the club for more Foot," said Leonardo. He flipped his blue mask.

"Good idea," said Donatello. "We don't want any more hanging around." The others nodded.

Slipping through the shadows, they made their way into the club. They moved center stage and peered around at the bodies. "Guess that's it," said Raphael. "Let's head to the lair."

Armed policemen sprang out of every corner. "Uh-oh," said Michaelangelo.

"You're under arrest for trespassing, breaking and entering, destruction of private property, and disturbing the peace!" shouted an officer. They were in deep trouble. Raph saw a way out. He motioned to his brothers and then to the small window above the exit.

Don and Leo moved to the side. Mike and Raph took running starts and using their brothers' hands for a lift, grabbed a pipe and swung onto the window ledge. They left. Don and Leo leaped for the pipe. Don made it. But just as Leo grabbed the pipe a brave officer lifted his gun and shot Leo in the arm. He fell, and everything went black.

The police started to snap handcuffs on the Foot. The chief of police cursed because he had not caught the other three terrorists. His men handcuffed the one they had caught and put him in a car. The chief promised the man who caught the terrorist a raise.

Meanwhile the others climbed into the sewer. They were discussing the night's activities. "So, Leo, what do you think?" asked Don. He turned to face Raph. "Where's Leo?" he asked Raph.

"I don't know. I thought he was up there with you," replied Raph.

"Uh-oh," said Mike, looking back on the path.

"Raph, check the club. Mike, go back to the lair and check. I'll take the tunnels," said Don. They split up. Fifteen minutes later they met back in the tunnel.

"Nothing," said Raph.

"Zip. And I checked with April too," reported Mike.

"I couldn't find him either," confessed Don. The turtles took to the tunnels, searching and calling.

About a half hour later inside of the New York City Police Department, Leo tried to push himself up, flopped down, and groaned. He slowly rose. A man sat on a bunk, watching his every move.

"Hi, kid," said the man. "Name's John. John McGregor. Yours?"

"Call me Leo," Leonardo said. "I've got to get out of here!"

"How do ya plan to do that?" asked John. "It's not the kind of place you have a messanger i-"

"That's it!" cried Leo. He pulled his communicator from his belt and retreated to a secluded corner.

Meanwhile the turtles were searching in the junkyard where Shredder's hideout had been. Don spotted Keno, heading home after the fight, and stopped him. He explained the problem and he joined the search. Suddenly, Michaelangelo's communicator began to beep. "Michaelangelo, this is Leonardo," it said.

Michaelangelo quickly pulled it out. "Leo! We've been worried sick!" he cried. "Where are you?"

"I'm at the New York City Police Department," answered Leo.

"Do they know?" Mike asked anxiously.


"We'll see what we can do," promised Mike. He put the communicator away.

"At least we know where he is," said Don.

"Uh-oh!" said Raph. They turned to see at least 40 Foot swarming at them. The turtles attacked.

Don yelled, "Keno! Tell Leo we need help!"

"He won't make it, Don," cried Mike.

"Yes I will!" shouted Keno. He dressed in a dogi and left. He saw a group of Foot and trailed them to the police station.

Inside, Leo was forced out of the cell by men with guns.

"Alright, move!" said an officer. They shoved him into a room where a dozen Foot were breaking in. The officers took their attention off him. "Alright, freeze!"

Leo pulled his katana and darted forward, slashing down the Foot until only one remained. The one fended off the swords with a metal bar. Metal clashed. The dogied warrior whispered, "Yo, Leo, it's me!"

"Keno?" questioned Leo.

"The guys got jumped by about 40. They need your help!" Keno hissed.

Leo disarmed Keno, threw the bar near the officers, who ducked, and followed Keno out of the room. They headed down the basement stairs, found a manhole and raced for the junkyard.

In the junkyard the others were fighting off the Foot. Don, pushed back from the main fight, jabbed one in the stomach and bashed him over the head. He kicked another one's feet out from under him. Mike knocked the weapons out of their hands and knocked them on their heads with his nunchakas. Raph ruthlessly jabbed with his sais.

Suddenly, another one leapt from the sewers, threw back his hood, and attacked. It was Keno. Leo jumped out of the manhole, vaulted over a pile of lumber, and attacked. He slashed 5 of the Foot attacking Donatello. He and Don returned to the main group.

"Alright, Leo!" yelled Mike throught the confusion. He knocked out an assailant with a mighty punch in the stomach. Three men attacked Leo at once. He defeated two in front, and was startled to hear a battle cry behind him. He flipped over the man and slashed him across the back. He hurried to help Raph, who was driving his sais into the men attacking him.

Raph and Leo found themselves fighting back to back, completely surrounded.

"Cowabunga!" yelled Mike, attacking them from the outside. Soon, only bodies remained around the four.

"Guess that's the last of 'em," said Leo, sliding his katana into their scabbards.

"Except that one," Raph said. He headed for a last one. The one evaded him and attacked Leo with his stick. Leo laughed. He disarmed the young boy and threw him to the ground. Don raised his bo and jabbed it at the kid. Leo caught it on the way down.

"Leo, what are you doing?" asked Don, astonished.

Leo stepped aside. "Alright kid. I admit it. You're a thousand laughs. Now you better get home before the cops get here." His brothers stared at him in amazement.

Raph said, "Either you've seen that kid before, or you're going crazy."

Leo laughed again. "Oh, and kid? Take the mask off first." The kid pulled off his mask and grinned.

"Keno?" said Mike.

"Had you fooled for a while, didn't we?" said Keno.

"Sure did," said Don, leaning on his bo.

"I don't know how you got word to Leo," said Mike.

"It was easy. I followed a group of Foot to the station. They broke in and I followed. Leo attacked them and when only I was left, I told him what was going on," said Keno.

"But what were you doing in the room at that exact moment?" asked Raph.

"The police were taking me through the room. If the Foot hadn't been in that room, who knows what might have happened," said Leo, shuddering.

Don winced. "I know what you mean." They all knew that if it was ever found out they were mutant turtles, they would be studied. Maybe even changed back to regular turtles.

"Let's get home," said Leo. "The police might be here any minute." The turtles headed for a nearby manhole and Keno removed his dogi and headed for the open street and his bike.

All the turtles did was train. They trained all morning, stopped for a pizza, and trained all afternoon. That evening they sat down to watch the news. The reporter spoke.

"Police continue to search for the odd criminals in turtle costumes. They seem to be carrying ninja weapons. One was apprehended last night, only to escape 45 minutes later in a break-in. During the break-in, the prisonor attacked the 10 men and then proceeded to throw a bar at the police and run off with one of the criminals. If any of these criminals should be seen, contact the police. And now, the weather-"

Don turned off the TV. "Bar?" He raised his eyebrows at Leo.

Leo shrugged. "I threw it over their heads and they dove behind a desk. I shouldn't have done it."

"We ought to go out and look for the other Foot. There must be more," said Mike.

"Alright," said Raph. "Let's go."

The turtles searched the junkyard. They gathered together to talk. "How about the old shack?" asked Raph.

"Sh," said Leo, drawing his katana. "I don't like this. It's too quiet. There's something going on."

Suddenly a voice shouted, "Freeze!" A volley of shots rang out. The turtles dove behind piles of junk for protection.

"Split up," hissed Leo. Leo and Raph ran in one direction, Don and Mike in the other. Leo and Raph accidentally ran into a dead end alley. The police, bringing three huge guns, followed. They lifted the guns and began to fire at the turtles.

Leo dove to the ground while Raph flipped to the right. They dodged and ducked the darts wildly. "Hurry up with those tranquilizers! We've got them trapped now!" shouted an officer.

Don and Mike realized that they weren't being followed and stopped. "You think Leo and Raph are okay?" asked Mike.

"Sure," said Don. "They'll meet us soon."

"Augh!" cried Raph. He flipped over a dark and rolled underneath another. Leo was ducking and dodging on his left. They had only been doing this a few minutes, but it felt like hours. They were already panting with weariness.

Leo pulled out his turtle com. "Uh...Don? We have a little bit of a problem."

"Are you OK?" Don asked worriedly.

"Yeah, Don, we're having a real luxary cruise over here!" cried Raph, ducking a dart.

"What's the problem?" asked Don.

"Do the words 'tranquilizer darts' mean anything to you?" asked Raph.

Don gasped. "Do they know?"

"No. They just probably don't have a federal warrant to shoot us. We can't hold out much longer," Leo said.

"We'll try and get there soon," promised Don. Leo put away his com just in time to duck another dart. One went by his leg and another by his arm. He resumed dodging and ducking. Raph dodged three darts fired at him. Suddenly, two of the guns fired a volley of darts at him. He ducked two. Moved to the left. Moved to the right. He rolled to the side, rose, ducked one, and felt another tear into his leg.

He gasped with the pain. He supported himself against the wall. He finally collapsed. Leo heard the man to the right cheer. He shifted his gaze, and with a gasp saw that Raph had fallen. Two men were heading for Raph. Leo acted fast. He grabbed two darts and hurled them at the men. They groaned and fell. He grabbed more darts and ducked a few more.

He heard two men swear and begin to reload their guns. He hurled a dart at the one man with a fully loaded gun. The man ducked and was hit with another dart. Leo finished off the last two quickly. Then he went over to Raph.

Leo removed the arrow, wrapped the wound, and sat facing Raph to wait. Ten minuted later he heart a noise behind him. In one swift movement he drew his katana, rose, and whirled to face Mike and Don. He relaxed and put away the swords.

Mike glanced at Raph. "He was hit," explained Leo.

"We'd better get home," said Don. The three of them got Raph to a manhole and headed for the lair.

Heh. Well, the TMNT are obviously in some serious trouble there. I could've done more with that idea, but never got around to finishing the story.

The TMNT (Leonardo, Michaelangelo, Donatello, Raphael), Keno, the Foot Clan, and associated characters are copyright 1998 Mirage Publishing. However, TMNT II SOTO P2 is copyright 1998 Luna Azul. Any attempt to steal, plagarize, edit, or in any way use this material will result in me doing something that you will regret sincerely.