Chapter 17: Six if By Sea

I've never heard of ferry boats embarking from the shores of the New York Harbor heading toward the United Kingdom.  Must be a first time for everything.  Unless, it was a special boat that
is top secret and makes this trips for certain purposes.  It was too hard to ponder.   In my trapped state, thinking was all I could do for the time being.  After what seemed like hours, the lid of
the trunk swung open.  If I could scream, the sound would have reached the shores of Hong Kong.  Standing before me were two, bizarre-looking creatures.  Like the Turtles, they were
definitely mutated but the word I would describe would be uglius to the maximus.  They're faces could only be called "pure terror."  A nightmare from a child's vivid dream.  They had no
eyes except for empty sockets, they're skin were a pale yellowish tinge which looked like it was rotting from the smell of it.  On the skin were scales like a fish with their heads protruding
numerous fins with razor-sharp pointed ends.  Their clothing consisted of old-fashioned Navy uniforms with seaweed draped over it that they carelessly left hanging on from deep sea
diving.  They were dead.  At least were at one time.  If this was the result of the experiment, what did they need me for?  I soon realized these things were tested subjects of one experiment then
cast out as rejects only used for orderly deeds.  The new devices created and lab techniques have been perfected over time.  And prepared for my arrival.  As the new subject for the
testing, I was really scared now.  Especially what I was looking at right now.  When the gruesome twosomes smiled wide with rows of brown fangs, the expression twisting their skin
distortedly, it was then I had passed out.  Right on cue.

A quick breeze flew up on the edge of the pier.  Lucy stood with arms crossed, haggling with an old man at a boat rental store.  Precious minutes were ticking away as she repeated the same
sentence over and over to him like a broken record.  He was either going deaf or chose not to listen.

"But I don't have $500 dollars!"  Lucy stammered.  The Turtles watched at a safe distance; their forms looming like lifeless statues stuck at the start of the wooden dock.

"Then, you don't have a boat.  I'm sorry."  The old man leaned back in his chair, returning the corn cob pipe to his mouth.

Lucy stomped a foot before looking over to the guys to give a shrug.  They started to walk over.  Now, it was their turn to take a stab at the stubborn.

"Look, mister."  Raph started with his typical New York accent.  "It's an emergency.  We need a boat pronto or else the life of a beautiful chick will die if we don't get to her in time."

The old man looked up to Raph, only seeing his green beak sticking out.

"I think you've been out on the water too long, son.  What's with the green face?  You seasick or something?"

Raph looked to his brothers, then to the old man.

"Listen old timer, while you're flappin' your gums, you're wasting our time to get to her.  She needs our help."

"And what's in it for me?  I expect to see some green before I let you do anything."

"Oh, you wanna see green?"  Raph almost stripped but was stopped by Leo.

"Raph, no!"  Leo was in no mood for games.  He quickly grabbed the man's coat and pulled him up toward his face.  "Listen to me.  And listen good.  It is urgent that we rent a boat and save our friend
before something bad happens to her.  It's not just her but the whole world is in trouble.  We're dealing with a mad scientist here who needs to be stopped or else."

"Or else what?"  The old man's voice trembled from the seriousness in Leo's words.

Leo wasn't one hundred percent sure of the else.  He decided to elaborate on the scheme, never once thinking he was right all along.

"Or else this scientist will complete his task, kill our friend, and continue to wipe out human existence.  If he succeeds, everyone will look like....this!"  Leo flung off his hood to reveal his bald, green,
head covered in scratch marks.  Now, the old man was spooked.  His arms flailed to be released and gestured to the line of boats.

"Take which ever one you want.  No charge."

The others smiled and started down the line of boats as Leo kept his serious face on him.

"Thank you.  And if you forget that you saw us, your life might be spared."

"I, I promise!  I won't tell a soul!  Please, help yourself!"  The man backed away with eyes almost bulging out of their sockets.

Leo nodded before joining his brothers who came across a large vessel that fitted to their liking.  He replaced the hood of the coat back onto his head as he embarked onto the boat.  Lucy watched on
the dock as he turned to her.

"You coming?  We may need your help here, so if you have no other engagements, I'd like that you please join us."

Lucy looked over to see the others preparing to set sail.  Then turned to see the old man in his little boat house, possibly frightened out of his wits.

"Alright, I'll come with you."  Leo reached for her as she bent down with hands on the railings.  She was quickly lifted down onto the deck where she soon felt the movement of the water beneath her.
Praying she wouldn't get seasick in front of them, her body began to go with the motion of the boat.  "I have no other engagements, anyway.  It's not like I have someone to go home to."

Raph turned to her with a wide grin.

"I'm a someone.  Interested in interracial species?"

Lucy was appalled as she turned to face his serious expression.

"My, you''t you?"  He nodded to her.  "Well, I'm not sure.  It's one question I'd have trouble answering."


"Cause no one's asked me that before."

Raph sighed as he turned his attention to pulling in the ropes into the boat.  Don got a hold of a map while Mike worked on fixing the sail.  Each were occupied with something.  Leo started to adjust
the helm to fit his height.  A captain's hat rested on one of the spokes of the helm.  Leo lifted it off and removed the hood, placing on the hat.  Getting the feel of being 'captain' he began to steer the
boat like a real professional.  Wearing the hat changed his whole attitude into latitude and longitude.  He stared out into the stormy weather as Lucy approached him.

"Excuse me, ah, Leo was it?"  He turned to her with a quick nod.  "Do you even know how to steer a boat?  I mean, for safety reasons that is."

"If I couldn't steer a boat, do you think I'd be doing this?"

"So, you can?"

"No, but I'll do my best.  How hard can it be?"

Lucy nodded before turning to Mike and Raph.

"We're in trouble."

On the high seas, there was much talk of what was to be expected when they reached land.  It took several hours to get to their destination.  In a bit of a hurry, none thought about the necessities.
Lucy had no food, no extra clothing, no supplies, and most importantly, no phone.  She had money stuffed in her purse which she had swung over her chest when she was taken out to her car in a
mad dash.  She mostly sucked on peppermints and chewed gum, offering her ship mates the same treats.  They just looked at her.

"Got a hoagie sandwich in that purse of yours?"  Raph eyed the large bundle in her arms.

"Make mine with extra bacon!"  Mike exclaimed as he pulled up on the other side of her.  These guys were starting to lose it.

Leo turned around to watch the three sitting there on the side of the boat looking deranged.  Then over to Don whom never took his eyes or even hands off the map.  The motion of the water must
have gotten to him.  His body was sprawled out flat on the top deck.

"Usually, when I take long trips, I carry more stuff with me.  Luckily, I have some money with me."  She looked to them again.  Why did they keep staring?  It was making her nervous.  She turned
to the cabin which headed to the lower rooms and bedding.

"Maybe there's some food and supplies down here-"  She twisted the knob with a sense of dread.

"Can't get in.  I already tried.  It's locked."  Mike joined her side, staring at the little brass knob as well.

"What?!  The man gave us a boat without the keys?  We can't stay up here the whole time!  Here, give me your weapon.  I'll bust the lock!"

Mike pulled back in shock.

"I most certainly will not!  This boat isn't ours!  It wouldn't be right to that."

Lucy crossed her arms.  "What would be right?  Starving to death or getting some food and shelter?"

Raph joined her other side.  Always putting her in the middle.

"I'll take the latter."  In a flash, his sai was in his hand and if Lucy blinked, she would have missed him breaking the lock open.  He simply thrust the point of the sai into the hole and twisted it, a small
click echoing in their ears.  The door slowly squeaked open then swung violently from the strong winds.

"Ladies first."  Raph gestured her to go in.

Lucy stepped down with caution, finding the cabin dark and stuffy.  She found a light switch to illuminate the tiny room.  A pull chain brought the dreariness into a more suitable atmosphere.  The room
was larger than expected with a double-sized bed, cabinets full of canned goods, a small bathroom with stand-in shower complete with toilet, and what appeared to be a walk-in closet was actually
a dark room which may have been considered a den perhaps.  A large, L-shaped couch sat up against the far wall with a wooden coffee table a few feet next to it.
Lucy surveyed the area before turning to meet three pairs of eyes and three hot breaths breathing down her neck.

"Who gets the bed?"  One of the breaths asked.

She shoved him away, not sure which one it was.

"Who do you think?"

Lucy moved over to the cabinets to find all the canned goods along with glass and plastic jars.  Condensed soups, chili, canned fruits, vegetables, and many more were stocked to no end.

"Now, if we had a can opener, we may get through this."  Lucy's voice drifted as she shuffled the cans around.  Looking along a counter top, she spied cooking utensils.  Among them.....a can opener.
"Bingo."  She then looked through the bottom shelves and cabinets for pots and pans.  "We're in luck, guys!"  She exclaimed.  But they had already left.  Two were in the next room, one using the
bathroom.  "Guys?"  She turned around.  "Oh."

Raph stepped out toward the kitchen area.  "Did you say something?"

She looked over to the ancient stove that stuck in the wall.  "Uh, I was just going to make some soup."  She held up the pot in her hand.  "Hungry?"

Raph stepped closer to her, making her feel uneasy.

"That's a silly question.  I'm always hungry.  Need some help?"

"No, thanks.  I think I can handle it."

Raph waved a hand and sat on the bed as Don and Mike soon emerged from different rooms.  Don quickly sat on the bed before the movement of the boat started to pick up again.

"Oh, I see you found some chow?"  Mike was at her side, watching her stir the contents in the pot.  She turned to meet his face inches from her.

"Uh, yeah.  Not much, but it's better than nothing.  There's a fridge but I don't think the food is good.  We don't know when the last time this boat was used last."

Raph stood up to take a look.  "Not too long ago.  Look..."  He pulled out a milk carton and sniffed the contents.  "Date doesn't expire till next week.  That old man probably rented this boat to
a family recently and didn't bother to clean it out right away."

Mike flopped down on the bed, feeling a hook jab him.  His eyes widened.   "Hmm, wonder what kind of family.  Check out what I found on the bed!"  He lifted a skimpy lingerie behind Don's back.
It was complete with lacey trim and garter belt.

Raph whistled as Lucy dropped her mouth.

"Nice.  Say, Lucy.  Maybe you should wear that to bed."

She looked back to Raph with the same expression.

"I'll sleep in my clothes, thank you very much.  Besides, you can take the couch in the next room."

"Aw, ya mean ya don't want company?"  Raph cooed.  He was almost touching her.

Lucy backed away, holding up the ladle in defense.  "Alright!  That's enough!  You guys are a bunch of horn dogs and I want you to just leave me alone!"

She looked to Don whom didn't seem interested.

"Well, you two especially.  But you may be just as bed."

"Hey, don't drag me in on this one."  Don spoke in a low voice.

Leo climbed down to the cabin with bad timing.

"Hey, guys.  I-"

Lucy raised the ladle to him.  "And what do you want?!  You want a quickie with me too?  Is that your game?!!  Tell me what your guy's intentions are so I know you're not fucking around with me!!"

Leo looked to his brothers in complete shock.  Then to Lucy who kept her weapon in position.

"Lucy!  What the hell's gotten into you?"

"Careful, Leo.  She's got a ladle and is not afraid to use it."  Raph stepped back near the bed.

Lucy looked to the plastic thing in her hand before releasing a heavy sigh.

"Ohhhh, I'm sorry, guys.  I overreacted back there."  She turned her attention to the soup which was boiling over.  "Oh, no!  Darn it!"   She took her ladle weapon and began stirring the contents, noting
the room behind her was dead silent.  She stirred till the bubbling calmed down and switched off the high burner.  She looked back to see them still staring at her.  Turning beet red, she gestured to the
large pot.  "Uh the done....if you're interested."  She shook her head and threw down the ladle, walking past them into the other room.

Who was she kidding?  They wouldn't be interested in a girl like her.  She had no clue they were interested in every girl they came across.  Her loss in boyfriends, fall outs in relationships, and being
dumped over fifty times shut off her male call for good and at 23, that was not a good sign.  She was beautiful.  At least I thought she was.  When I first met her at Edward's and my wedding, she
had a boyfriend with her.  Darryl I think was the chap's name.  They seemed so happy together, almost as if it were their wedding and not ours.  Edward was born in the U.K. making his sister, mum,
and dad English.  His parents still lived in Salisbury where they're retiring quite comfortably in their gorgeous estate.

"God, they hate me....they hate me..."  Lucy rocked in her seat as they slowly walked in.  Mike held out a plastic bowl and spoon, steam arising from the bowl.  He set it down on the table.

"Uh, soup's real good.  Here.  We thought you'd might like some."  Mike smiled nervously as he sat down next to her.  She only shifted away and looked up to them.  They still were in shock.

"Thanks, guys.  It does look good."

"So, why the outburst?  Is there something you should tell us about yourself?"  Raph switched to the other foot with arms crossed.

"If there's something bothering you, maybe we can help."  Leo offered with a hand out in reasoning.

Lucy shook her head.  "No, I don't think you can help me with this one.  Months of counseling has pulled me through.  But somehow, I'm not able to confess my problem to anyone."

Lucy had a secret.  A deep secret that she wouldn't share with anyone.  Except me whom was dragged into sitting through one session with her councilor.  Lucy said she wanted a witness.  So, I went
and heard her story.  Her traumatized teenage turmoil.  At the age of 16, Lucy had been asked out on a date with one of her school mates.  A nice gentleman named Harry.  Her mum, thinking he was a
nice boy because being named after one of Princess Diana's sons, not to mention he put up a good front, allowed the two to go out.  Even on a school night.  He had just turned 17 and got a brand new
Lexus his snobby rich father invested in for him.  Showing it off to Lucy, the two went out at around 6pm to catch a late night movie.  Because the curfew age is lower in England, they could stay out as
late as they wanted.  Of course, Lucy was given a certain time to return since she had school the next day.  Her mum said no later 10.  Lucy walked through the door after 1.  Her clothes were torn,
her face was swollen with punch and scratch marks; her eyes glassy and red from crying.  She poured her heart and tears out that she was date raped by charming Harry.  Harry of course, denied the
whole thing.  Eventually, sparring parents went to court to fight it out and this went on for several weeks.  He still denies it to this day saying she got drunk at a local pub and someone else took advantage
of her behind his back.  Her recent breakup with Darryl and my marriage to her brother has put her into a deep depression.  I only hope someone could pull her back out.  She didn't have to tell the Turtles
her story.  They read it through her eyes that something happened in her past which makes her distant to the opposite sex.

Feeling a need to change the subject, Lucy took a glance around the room.

"Uh, say.  What happened to your brother?"

The three looked around.  Raph went into the next room.

"Don?  Yo, Donny?"

Don came out from the bathroom; his face a paler shade of green.

"You okay, man?  You look like you're gonna puke or somethin'."

"I already did.  Twice."  His voice sound rigid.

Lucy came out, holding her bowl.

"Oh, no.  Poor thing.  Maybe some soup will help settle your stomach.  Or some saltine crackers."

Don smiled to her generosity but felt another wave of nausea approaching.  He shifted past her to the other room.

"Thanks but no thanks.  I think I'll just laid down."

Lucy looked to Raph before following him, giving a frown to Leo and Mike.  She placed the bowl on the table and knelt down beside Don, rubbing his shoulder.

"I'm sorry you don't feel good.  And I didn't mean to yell like that back there."

He nodded without a response.  Lucy slowly caressed his cheek.  He gave her a look but didn't tell her to stop.  It felt relaxing.  Soon, his eyes saw two black coat sleeves surround him.  Lucy
reached behind him to untie his mask.  She certainly knew how to make a guy feel comfortable.  He smiled to her as she stood up, taking his mask with her.

"You won't need this for now.  I'll put it on the table.  You sure you don't want anything?"

Don shook his head.  "No, nothing.  Thank you."

Lucy nodded before turning to walk out to the other room.  Leo had disappeared up to top deck while Mike sat on the bed with the map stretched out across it.  Raph was the one she bumped into.

"That was real suave of you, Lucy."

"What was?"  She didn't realize anyone was watching.

"You know, what you did for Donny."

"I didn't do anything."

He gave her a dumb look.

"You call, rubbing his arm, caressing his cheek and removing his mask nothing?  I'd definitely call it something!"  Lucy crossed her arms.  "Well, what would you call it?"

Now, she was getting angry.

"I'd call it consoling him.  He'd been ill so I wanted to help make him feel better."

Mike snickered from the bed.  He knew what would make him and his brothers feel better.  And the answer was right in front of him.

Lucy glared to Mike then back at Raph.

"And just what are you implying?  That I was attempting to sleep with your brother?"

Raph pulled back in defense.  "Hey, I wasn't saying that.  It's just that....well...."

Lucy nodded to him, totally appalled.

"You don't have to say it.  You were thinking it, weren't you?"  He stared at her.  She was disgusted.  "You really are a sick bastard!"

"Oh, I'm a sick bastard?  So, what does that make you?  A hopeless romantic?  You can't hide the fact that you want us.  I know your type.  You're just too scared to admit it."

A flat right hand came up to his cheek, striking it hard.  "Go to hell where you spawned from!"

Lucy stormed out to the top deck, leaving the two to stare in utter shock.  Raph looked straight out to where she disappeared to.  Walking slowly, he sat on the edge of the bed, sitting quietly.  Too quiet.

"You were way out of line, Raph."  Came Mike's voice finally.  "And you just happened to mess with the wrong girl."

"You were thinking it too, Mike.  Weren't you?"

"Yeah.  But I knew better than to say anything."  Mike flipped the map over in several different ways.  "Damn, how do you fold up these things?  It's impossible!"

Raph ignored him.  "After what just happened, do you think she'd ever be interested in any of us?"

Mike rolled his eyes.

"Man, I didn't think we had a chance from the first time we walked through her front door.  The girl's been hurt.  I wouldn't be surprised if she takes up lesbianism."

"A gorgeous creature like that doesn't need to love another gorgeous creature."  Raph's tone sounded faint.  Mike looked to him.

"Don't tell me you got love struck by that crazy girl?"

Raph turned to Mike with a wicked smile.

"Getting struck is one thing.  The love part will come later.  This is only the beginning."