Chapter 20! OMG! This thing keeps growing and growing! It's gone longer than I expected, and I am still terrible in that I need to name people by name, especially Llama and Doppleganger- and yet I fear this chapter is already too long!

TMNT is owned by Mirage, and that includes Peter Laird, who is a good man so there, J. W.!

Victor- Part B

It had been easy to enter the Lair with the two people and Michelangelo. All Victor had to do was pass through the doors at the same moment, stay cloaked, and stay on the walls and ceiling. He made his way to a dark corner where he could watch and wait for the most opportune time to reveal himself to the Turtles.

He saw the other turtles surround Michelangelo, alternately greeting him with relief and dressing him down for his actions. He heard him respond to all of their comments, and he saw them embrace him or otherwise touch him some how.

Victor felt an odd sensation in his throat, and wondered briefly if he was having some sort of malfunction. He could feel a tightening in there, a strange constriction that seemed to coincide with this reunion of these brothers.

"We've made plans for scoping out the five buildings Don thinks are good starting points," the one in blue was saying, as they led Michelangelo and the others to a table where Victor observed the crocodile Bishop had mentioned- Victor smiled to himself- it wasn't what he expected; but then, nothing Bishop had told him had been what he had expected, he'd learned. He also observed the robot he vaguely remembered from the first encounter. The two people were also joining them- obviously they did not consider these Turtles or the others as strange. Perhaps they might accept him as well?

That strange tightening in his throat happened again, and he once again worried that perhaps he was having a malfunction of some kind.

"If we split into teams of two, we can each cover a building, and then meet up if necessary for the fifth one," the one in blue continued.

"And if we find something, all of us meet up at that location," the person Michelangelo had referred to as Casey said.

But the one in blue- "Leo" they called him- was shaking his head.

"This is our fight," he said. "We are not taking you guys with us. We appreciate your help with scoping out the situation, but when it comes to going in, we refuse to take you with us."

"You will not be taking us; we will be going with you," Leatherhead insisted. "I, myself, have personal reasons for going. I believe that I have as much right as you to endure this risk."

"Indeed. You need all the help we can provide," Honeycutt stated. "I believe I am not bragging when I say that I can handle many of the security systems, as well as access the computer programs that control them."

"We can be of great assistance," Leatherhead added. "Aside from my personal reasons, I owe Master Splinter much."

"Well- I understand and appreciate what you say. But Casey and April, I honestly don't feel that you should be involved. This isn't your fight," Leo tried again, but April got angry.

"Leo, you tried that with me before," she snapped. "Remember? The Shredder and his men had nearly killed you; had thrown you through my window? You told me to run, that it wasn't my fight. Remember what I said?"

His brothers looked at him; they'd been too busy fighting to know what she was talking about, but Leo, though he had been severely injured, recalled it clearly.

He looked sheepish. He looked uncomfortable and sheepish.

But he was too honest to pretend ignorance.

"You said 'we're family. I could never run out on you guys.' But this is different!"

"Nope, the only difference is there's more of us, and we're volunteering'," Casey pointed out. "We're not being forced into it by circumstances. When I saw what was goin' down that night, I coulda just ignored it- but I knew that those guys were up ta somethin' that had to do with you guys, and I couldn't turn my back. And I can't turn my back now. The only difference is, that night I had ta decide quickly."

"And we love Splinter, too," April added. "I know he raised you, but he's been like a second father to me, and I have to help him! And you guys can't stop me!"

"Indeed, we all feel strongly about this, Leonardo," Honeycutt mildly put in.

Leo sighed. He didn't want to risk everyone, but what choice did they have? They'd helped with the Shredder; why not with Bishop?

"Too bad Silver Sentry isn't around to help with this," Mikey mused. "A super hero would sure be handy." But the hero in question was on a special mission to the Utrom home world, and there was no time to summon him.

"Too bad we don't have a transmat beam of our own," Don smiled suddenly, "and we could whisk Sensei out of there in a flash. But we can handle this without any fuss."

And they all suddenly smiled at the thought, while preparing for the grim reality that they were on their own.

At this point, Victor decided the time had come to act.

Still in cloaked mode, he stealthily made his way to a promising-looking door. He was careful to open it and close it without drawing attention to himself, and once inside, he allowed himself to revert.

The decor suggested to him that this was someone's private chamber. He guessed it was the chamber of Splinter. The place was tastefully yet plainly furnished with many peaceful, harmonious touches and decorations.

Victor had, when unobserved, researched Japan- part of his plan to contact the Utroms and ask for refuge on their planet. This place spoke of commitment, contentment, peace, strength. On one wall, near a low table containing only a candle and a scroll, was a picture of the Turtles.

Fascinated, Victor studied this image. The background scene was evidently the outdoors; trees, a building Victor took to be a dwelling, lots of grass were evident, but the grouping of the Turtles is what drew his attention. The one in blue- "Leo"- was standing rather peacefully, contemplating the camera as if he were resigned to having this picture taken. The one in purple stood next to him, wearing an embarrassed look- Victor got the impression he was trying to speak to whomever was taking the photo. He obviously wasn't ready for the shot.

Kneeling down in front of them, Michelangelo and the one in red appeared to be trying to headlock each other. Michelangelo looked as if he were enjoying it. The one in red looked angry.

Victor felt that odd constriction in his throat again as he gazed at this picture of these Turtles. Splinter must be fond of this particular shot. It had been enlarged and elegantly framed. Yet it was just these four Turtles in poses that one would not normally expect in a group shot.

A noise outside the room reminded him of his mission. He carefully unrolled Splinter's robe, and just as carefully laid it out on the sleeping mat. Then he got to work.

The room was dark again, and cold. Splinter, in so much pain that he could not remember when he had not hurt, lay on that table, wishing again and again that he could turn over on his side and simply go to sleep.

He had slept in spite of the pain, but only because his body, pushed to its limits by this treatment, simply could not go on, and he would more or less pass out- and yet the pain was still there.

His determination to survive was ebbing at the moment.

So cold. So cold, so tired, so uncomfortable, so angry-


In his semi-conscious mind, he laughed. He was not angry- this anger he felt was not his. Must be one of his sons' anger, come to nag him into doing something. Must be Michelangelo's anger-

His eyes flicked open at that.

Michelangelo? Michelangelo's anger? Vaguely he shook his head. It can not be. It must be Raphael. Raphael is the one who expresses his anger, not Michelangelo. Never his youngest...


"Michelangelo, I am disappointed in your behavior," he said to this "youngest" turtle. Splinter glared severely at this four-year-old Turtle tot, who was standing in the middle of a huge pile of flour, eggs, and milk. Splinter had worked hard to find such food- he had managed to enter a small market in the dead of night and "purchase" these items, leaving behind a note and an appropriate amount of the money he had been finding every now and then in the sewers and tunnels. And now nearly half of it covered his son.

Michelangelo mournfully looked at the mess, as if he were surprised by its being there, then turned his gaze back to his father.

"I didn't do it," he said. "Raph and Don tricked me. They said we could bake a cake for you, and I could jump outta the cake."

"And how were you to bake this cake when you know you are not allowed to use the stove?"

Michelangelo stood there, trying to think of a good explanation. The truth was, he had annoyed his brothers so much with his jokes, that they had played one on him- and landed him literally in this mess.

"Why are you the one in the middle of all of this, while your brothers are in their room, having the naps that you all are supposed to be taking?" Splinter asked, and Michelangelo knew that he had been set up good. There was no point in trying to argue or blame. He hung his head and tried not to cry. He knew what was coming, and he probably deserved it.

"I will help you clean up this mess, and then we will get you cleaned up," Splinter said, getting the supplies. "And then you will take your nap, even when your brothers are up from theirs. You are confined to your room until I am calm enough to punish you."

Through it all, Michelangelo never once uttered a complaint against his treatment- or his brothers. As Splinter had thought about the entire incident the rest of the day while he put the others through their basic beginners' lessons, he reflected that, had Raphael or even Donatello been the one caught in the mess, both would have registered complaints on the unjust treatment they were receiving. Leonardo would perhaps accept it, but even he was known to mutter under his breath when he thought Splinter couldn't hear.

But his youngest, though upset, never once complained.

And later, when his brothers had snuck into the room to, in their minds, rightfully gloat over his coming punishment, Splinter (who had shamelessly followed these two culprits) never heard one word of complaint from Michelangelo, not one word of accusation-

Or anger.

Get upset? Get mad? Yes, he has done these things. But get angry? This cannot be Michelangelo's anger. He would not be so angry with me for not fighting, for not returning to them...

Once more Splinter's eyes flicked open, and he stared at nothing as the realization fully came to him. Michelangelo was angry with him; angry with him for not fighting, for not returning to them.

He sighed, and closed his eyes. He had tried to reach them before, but the pain was too much. But now he concentrated as hard as he could, he tried as hard as he could to reach out to this youngest son, to soothe away this anger, to comfort him. He did this for as long as he could, and eventually his own pain seemed to recede, to let up. He felt- comfort.

He fell asleep feeling that his son understood.

"Okay, we're set," Leo said. The teams had been formed, the buildings assigned, the equipment handed out. April was to carry a katana for the first time, but if she got the chance she was to grab as many weapons as she could. She had done this before, when she and Casey had helped Splinter rescue the guys from Bishop the first time.

Don had explosives. Mike was scared to death. He had been partnered with Don.

"Do I have to? What if he trips and KABOOM?" and the noise, plus the gestures that accompanied this "what if" not only startled Don into almost dropping his pack, it knocked him off balance as well. Both of these nearly caused the brainy turtle to have a heart attack.

Don, recovered quickly and without warning, smacked Mikey on the back of the head, hard!

"I'll make sure to keep a safe distance from you, chucklehead," he frowned at him. "Believe me, I would rather partner up with Raph or Leo, but one of us had to get stuck with you, and it was my turn."

Mikey looked shocked as well as insulted.

" Your turn? You guys take turns to be my partner? Some family!" he sniffed, injured pride showing in spite of the seriousness of the assignment.

"Guys," Leo mildly cut in. Both brothers said "sorry"- but stood apart from each other. Leo shook his head. "Now, I think that-"

But what he thought was put on hold. A sound, a familiar sound, had froze them.

The door to Splinter's room had mysteriously opened.

On its own.

"What the..." Raph couldn't even finish the curse. The guys had drawn their weapons without thinking, and they all faced the open door.

In plain view they could see candles lit! Candles!

As one, the entire group moved to the door, on alert. Don was scrambling through his bag, looking for his goggles, but having trouble locating them quickly.

Leo held up a hand; nodding at Raph, the two of them slowly entered the room, looking around, keeping the others from following for the moment.

Candles were everywhere. Every candle that Splinter owned was lit. The table where he meditated was crowded. The night stand near his bed held many as well. Candles surrounded the bed mat-

"AAHHH!" the cry of recognition tore from Raph's throat before Leo could register in his mind what he was seeing. Heedless of the candles, Raph had rushed to the mat, froze for a moment, and then snatched the blood-stained robe from where it had been laid out- laid out as if for a funeral.

Now the room was crowded with panicked, stressed Turtles, people, robot and crocodile. Everyone was talking at once, and no one was making sense to anyone.

"How did it get here?"

"Master Splinter! Master Splinter!"

"Let me see-"

"How did it get in here? Who broke in here?"

"We gotta find them!"

"Raph, let me see!"

"NO! Master Splinter!"

Raph kept clutching the robe, holding it as if it were the body of his father, crying over it, refusing to allow anyone to take it. The shock of this discovery numbed his mind to anything going on around him.

Don was scanning the room with the goggles, but with so much candle light he was having a hard time deciding if there was someone else hiding in the room.

Leatherhead and Mikey began putting out the candles, and the resulting smoke began to sting the eyes and irritate the nostrils.

"There is someone in this room!" Honeycutt announced over all the chatter, and everyone abruptly shut up.

"Yes," a voice startled them all more than they already were. "I am in this room."

And standing in the doorway, blocking any exit, was the Slayer.

Without warning Leo launched at this being, who "vanished", and managed to knock Leo back into the room, upsetting Raph and April.

Don, goggles finally picking up the body heat of the Slayer, attacked with his Bo, landing several blows before being thrown bodily into the Professor.

Casey and Leatherhead fared no better. The crocodile perhaps stood the best chance, but Victor had been prepared- he applied pressure to the right place, and Leatherhead dropped to the floor, momentarily stunned. Casey was sent crashing into the wall, knocking down the family portrait and burning himself on the still hot wax of the multitude of candles that were on the table he collapsed upon.

Then the Slayer reappeared, still in the doorway.

He looked at Mikey with those strange eyes.

"Michelangelo," he said, as everyone regained their feet. "I have a message for you- from Splinter."


"Where's Master Splinter? What have you done with him?"

"It's a trick! He's killed Sensei and he's here to trap us for Bishop!"

They prepared for battle again- all except Mikey, who stood between them and the Slayer.

Victor, fully aware of their movements and plans, nevertheless kept his eyes on Mikey's.

"Michelangelo," the Slayer said again, moving slowly forward. "I have come to help you. I have a message from Master Splinter."

Raph growled, launched himself quickly at this monster- and was forcibly blocked by Mikey!

"Mikey, what the hell?"

"Raph, wait!" Mike cut him off loudly, keeping himself between his brothers and the Slayer- with his back to the enemy!

"Michelangelo!" Leo shouted angrily, swords ready. They had rarely heard such emotion in his voice like that. "Get out of the way!"

"You don't understand!" Mikey said, pleading with Leo while preventing him from acting. "He's not the same! You have to believe me! He's changed!"

"Maybe he's under some sort of mind control! Some sort of posthypnotic command!" Don, Bo staff ready to take out his own brother- for his own good- speculated, working his way around Mikey's left, while Raph tried getting around Mikey's right.

But Michelangelo was suddenly on guard against his brothers, protecting their enemy!

"Let me explain!" he kept begging them, as they slowly closed in on their brother and the creature he was protecting. Now Casey, April and Leatherhead had joined the group, all looking for a way to move Mikey and attack this creature that had invaded the Lair.

"He was gone a long time," Leo nodded; none of them were listening to him, they acted as if his body was there but not his mind. "Bishop could have done something to him while we were searching for him."

"Will you please listen to me?" Mikey screamed, backing slowly up towards the Slayer. "HE'S-HERE-TO-HELP-US!"

Now they all froze- not because of his words, but because he was right up against the Slayer, who had still not moved a muscle to either attack them or (and this is the part they truly couldn't believe they were seeing) attack Mikey.

It was quiet for about a minute. Then:

"I am here to give you a message from Splinter," he said again. "I am here to help you free him."

The brothers didn't know what to think.

Mikey, certain that his brothers would not attack for the moment, carefully turned and faced the Slayer.

"Did you choose a name for yourself?" he asked. The Slayer nodded, that strange stare focusing on this turtle.


"Victor? Why him?" Mikey asked, weapons down and ready to discuss the novel, as if nothing else mattered. "I mean, sure, there weren't many names to choose from there, but you could have found something somewhere else. Why Victor? He was the real monster in that book."

Victor shrugged.

"Perhaps because of that; after all, he was as you say the real monster. I am a real monster as well," he said calmly. "He was not quite- human. I am not quite- human. But I have looked on the Internet and 'Victor' is a strong name. I must be strong. I must- be victorious."

"Dude," Mikey sighed. "I think I understand. I guess it makes perfect sense."

"Will someone please tell me what the hell is going on?" Raph, the first to recover, shouted, stepping forward again, ready to battle, and at this point he didn't care who he encountered first, this Slayer or this crazy brother of his.

But Mikey turned once again, facing his brothers.

"He's telling the truth! Please! If he had wanted to kill us, we wouldn't be standing here!"

They looked at each other, skeptically, and then looked again at Mike. He was begging them.

Finally Leo sighed.

"Okay. I'll listen. But Raph and Don will be on guard- by the door! The others are to be allowed out of here- in fact," he said, turning towards the large crocodile, "I would suggest, Leatherhead, that you and Casey get yourselves, April and the Professor to safety once you're out of this room!"

He turned back without waiting for an answer, and looked this creature in the eyes, and Mikey could see that Leo was deadly serious.

"I don't trust you, but if Mikey is willing to vouch for you, then I will listen. But my brothers and my friends will be out of your reach."

The Slayer- Victor- agreed. He slowly turned and backed into the room, allowing them to move to the exit. He waited until they were out of the room, with Don and Raph in place by the door.

Mikey refused to go with the others. He followed Victor as if they were good friends, causing Don and Raph to both shake their heads, fearing for their foolish brother, but trusting Leo to not let anything happen.

"I'm sorry about-" Mike began but Victor shook his head.

"There is no need. I understand. I understand completely. The last time we met- the first time we met, in fact, we were enemies."

"Still are as far as I'm concerned!" Raph growled, still clutching Splinter's bloodstained robe.

Victor simply stared at him with that strange gaze of his.

"Well, go on," Leo said, sheathing his katana and, true to his word, listening. He even moved within easy reach of this being, to show that he would trust him. "Give us this message."

"Splinter said to tell you he loves you and to stay away from Bishop's place," he said, aware of the emotion this simple message suddenly stirred up in these four Turtles. He could feel the emotion welling up in them, but he had no time to observe it or comment on it. "I promised him that I would not kill you, though I have been ordered to do so by Bishop. I want to help you free your master. But I will want something in return."

"And what is that?" Leo asked skeptically.
