Okay- just a bit of fluff- TMNT are NOT mine, so stop asking!

Just a bit of fluff for the heck of it. TMNT owned by others. All my sad are belong to me.

Toe Jam

"Honestly, Mikey! HOW do you get INTO these predicaments?"

Mike pouted as Don worked frantically. He was trapped- and the danger of being discovered was too close at hand!

"I'll tell ya later, just get me free!" he pleaded, eyes moving at record speed as they traveled from the door to Don to the door to Don to the door to Don to-

The echoing sound of someone approaching reached their ears at the same time! The brothers exchanged frantic looks, then Don began working in earnest, while Mikey desperately tried to keep down the rising panic in his chest.

"DONNIE!" he begged, as if his bro was taking too long on purpose! "PLEASE! HURRY!"

"I'm doing the best I can, shell-for-brains," the brother responded under his breath. The sweat stood out on his brow as he worked frantically to free his careless brother from this situation.

Mike was about to do something desperate- for ONCE in his life he understood all those stories about foxes chewing off their own feet to escape traps- would Don have to amputate? The situation ALMOST called for it- but Mike held out hope. If DON couldn't help him, then he was dead! Don was a genius! Don was the BEST BROTHER EVER in the whole entire world! Don was-

"Remind me again why I should care," came the unwelcome tone of the aforementioned saint of a brother.

"Umm... becaaaauuuuuuuuusssssssssssssssssseee... I KNOW what REALLY happened to Raph's favorite DVD?"

Don nodded grimly, then redoubled his efforts- and was rewarded by the sudden release of his brother from his snare of doom!

The two of them wasted no time in beating a hasty retreat; Mike limped slightly, but made NO complaint as they vanished quickly from the scene of the the crime.

Splinter, meanwhile, entered the bathroom, and began to prepare for a nice relaxing bath. Donatello had recently installed this lovely tub, and Splinter had not had much chance to enjoy it. Michelangelo in particular had been wearing on his nerves with his antics lately. In fact, he had had to resort to the rarely used edict that his youngest must avoid attracting his attention for the next 24 hours or else something precious to the young turtle would find its way to the dump...

The two turtles, meanwhile, were half a mile away from the lair by now, huffing and puffing as if Shredder's entire Foot force were after them. After a few minutes, Mikey gave a rueful grin as he looked at his most favorite brother.

"I promise, on Master Yoshi's grave, that I will NEVER try to imitate stuff I see on Nick at Night ever again!"

"Mikey- I don't even want to know why you would use the new tub when you KNEW it was for Splinter- but HOW did you get your freaking big toe stuck up the faucet entrance anyway?" Don finally was able to gasp. Mike, equally out of breath, took several very noisy inhalations before he could calm down enough to answer.

Mike gave it some serious thought, then shrugged.

"Well, it wasn't easy," he replied.

((Thanks to an episode of the Dick Van Dyke show called "Never Bathe on Saturday"))