Been needing to get back to writing, even with a mindless drabble that doesn't fit the rules of drabble. I feel like I need to catch up to all the young whippersnappers! LOL! Nickelodeon and Viacom now are the "owners" of TMNT, but I will never give them up! NEVER!
Greatest Thing Since...
"It's the greatest indulgence an adult can participate in," I smiled at Splinter, and I was rewarded by a rather embarrassed raising of eyebrows, followed by a sly look in the direction of his sons' rooms, then back at me.
"Very well…. But I am rather… hesitant…."
I chuckled at this endearing feature of Splinter's character. After all we've been to each other, he's shy about THIS!
I'm not a trained ninja—God knows that would never happen in a million years, despite my longings to make it otherwise—I am nevertheless stealthy in my goal of pulling off the greatest selfish indulgence under the noses of four rather gifted teenaged mutant ninja turtles PLUS their human friends Casey and April (who are for some perverse reason of their own spending the night).
There, in the kitchen, away from prying eyes and straining ears, my Beloved and I partook of the bestest of best late night activities—
"French vanilla has a charm all its own," I murmur, as I greedily downed my share of the ice cream treat.
"There is much to be said for Rocky Road," Splinter replied, deep in his bowl of delicious and son-free dessert. "And you are right—eating this at such an hour, without witnesses, makes it taste so much sweeter!"
Ice Cream is truly the food of the gods…. especially in the dead of night, when one is supposed to be a "Responsible Adult."