Now and Forever


The Final Battle

April's jaw was on fire. Flames of pain throbbed through her head, nagging at the top of her skull. Tears formed in her eyes as she watched the silent body, but she kept telling herself over and over not to let them out. Crying wouldn't do her sister any good.

She stared down at the still, limp frame, focusing on her chest as it rose and fell slowly. Atleast she's breathing. Some of the color was beginning to return to her cheeks, and as April brought her hand to Robyn's forehead, she could tell that her temperature was rising as well, and that was a good sign.

Megan sat, crouched next to the wall, peering around the corner at the scene before her. Don and Raph were creeping silently toward the mob, the severity of their wounds and their worried expressions making them look as vulnerable as ants under the attack of giant human feet.

Casey branched off toward the left, readying himself to attack from the other side. He too looked oddly small without the hockey mask and bats that she had grown accustomed to seeing him with when he went into battle.

Suddenly, loud yells of anguish floated up through the air, causing a chill to creep up her spine. She shivered slightly as she stared toward the opening.

Raphael and Donatello stopped dead in their tracks, the fear and uncertainty rushing through them as they considered the possible outcomes they would encounter as they met up with their brothers. Leonardo's cries rose painfully through the hushed chamber, a mixture of overwhelming grief and anger. Raphael knew something horrible must be going on in there. He had never heard Leo like this before. He wanted to cry out to him, to reassure him they were there, to help him, but he choked back his emotions and remained silent.

After exchanging concerned glances, Don and Raph continued on, creeping up on the Foot so silently, Megan figured she could hear a pin drop. Finally Raph had chosen his place behind a rather large man. He must have been around three hundred pounds of pure muscle and six and a half feet tall! Without his weapons, Raphael looked so small and vulnerable next to him. Megan cringed as he glanced over in her direction, a slight mischevious grin on his face.

Not bearing to look, she turned around quickly, and scooted herself back along the wall to where April was sitting.

"What's going on?", April asked between clenched teeth.

"Looks like they're getting ready to attack.", Megan said wearily.

April could see the concern in Megan's face. "They'll be okay.", she said, more for herself than for her friend. "We're all gonna get out of here. We're all gonna be okay."


Splinter rounded the bend slowly and painfully, his arm wrapped snuggly around Shadow's short little shoulders. His leg continued to throb as he took in short labored breaths. He wasn't sure how much more he could bare. It was time to stop again. Wiping the sweat from his furry brow, he hopped over to the wall and leaned up against it, allowing the cold stone to sooth his warm body.

"What's the matter grampa?", Shadow had asked him that each time they had stopped. She knew Splinter was in tremendous pain, and it frustrated her that she was too small to help.

"I must rest for a moment.", he answered between gasps of air. He stared down at his wrapped leg, wondering about the extent of the damage. He thought about removing the bandage so he could assess his injuries, but decided to leave well enough alone.

He perked his ears and gazed down the hall, realizing for the first time how close they were to the light. Finally. A new hope rushed through him. Maybe this was the way to freedom atlast! And maybe his sons would be there waiting...

Suddenly, a twinge of pain gripped his soul, tearing at his emotions. Instinctively he knew they were in trouble. A shiver of anguish raced through him, almost as if he could feel their pain. He knew there wasn't much time. I must get to them...but where?


Their swords continued to crash together, in a fury so untame, their madened swipes left visible tracks in the air. Leonardo felt dizzy as he lifted his sword to block hers once again. She's too good. I've lost too much blood. But yet he continued on.

Blood dripped from Karai's broken nose as she continued to thrust her katana at the turtle. The red liquid ran down to her lips, filling her mouth with a rusty, salty taste, but she ignored it. She had waited a long time for this encounter, for a chance to get even with these mutants for what they had done to Oroku Saki. To finally have the control and power she had always dreamed of. She wouldn't let the pain or a little blood stop her now.

"Give up turtle.", she snapped, the crimson liquid spraying from her lips. "You're injured. You'll never beat me in your condition."

Leonardo glared at her, trying to conceal the pain. "Never."

Karai sighed. "You don't seem to understand, mutant. I'm going to kill you now. You will fall by my hand if you continue to fight me. But...", she frowned into his eyes. "If you give yourself up, I vow to let you live."

Leo's glare tightened, wrinkling his forhead, deepening the lines in his bandanna. "Your promises mean nothing, Karai."

"You would rather die then?"

"No.", he said simply. "I would rather slice your head off and feed it to the sewer rats."

Karai found amuzement in this thought and began to chuckle softly. "Poor foolish turtle. You don't seem to have that option at the moment. Take my offer."

"It's you who should be surrendering.", he glared at her with a look so fierce it would have made Raphael's bandana tails stand on end. Yet, Karai, who was blinded by her own purpose, hardly noticed.

"Ha ha ha! I hardly think so.", she cackled. "I am wounded, true, but you are losing your life's blood. You are growing weaker by the moment. If the fight isn't over soon, you will perish. So I say again, surrender and I will spare your life...for a price..."

He didn't want to ask, but the words formed on his lips anyway. "What price?"

The lady grinned at his new found interest. "My mutagen experiments are almost complete. The only thing missing is the exact DNA code from your blood. If you would volunteer to become my scientific subject--"

"You mean your ginuea pig!", he spat.

"Call it what you will.", she said innocently, "But you want to live. And all I want is absolute world dominerance. Is that too much to ask?" She brought her face close to his. "And you would have powers undreamed of."

Leonardo raised his katana with a new found energy. "I would rather die than become the monster you've turned my brother into."

They both spared a glance down at the unconscious turtle. Leonardo could tell that he was having difficulty breathing. The emotions tore at him as he imagined life without the happy, energetic spirit. He shook the thoughts from his mind and stared back up at Karai.

"You'll never win. I won't let you."


One... Casey held up his index finger, counting down the seconds until the three would attack. Raph stared at him anxiously, the adrenaline flowing through him. He wanted some action. He was going to teach these guys a lesson, and the time was now.

Two... Donatello sucked in a breath as he waited nervously to attack. They had no weapons, and would have to rely strickly on their hands and feet to carry them through this. He glanced down at his hand. Yeah, what good are hands if they don't work?...

Three. It was time to move. Raphael started off the action with a crack to the back of his chosen victim's head. The man let out a startled cry before turning to face his attacker. He balled up a giant fist, raising it to punch the turtle in the face, but Raph ducked his head into his shell, popping it up a couple seconds later and kicking him in the groin. As the man went down, he high-fived Casey.

The Foot had now turned their full attentions on the three. Casey kicked one in the gutt, then grabbed him by the shoulders and rammed his head into the wall.

"Nighty night.", he smirked.

Megan and April watched the comotion from a safe distance.

"I can't believe how easily they're taking them d--" Before April could finish, they spotted Donatello.

Don had been doing well, using his good hand to ward off the ninjas, while following up with roundhouse kicks, flips and other fancy moves to knock them to the ground. But, many of them remembered him from their previous fight in the sewers. They remembered his injuries.

The Foot circled Donatello in a tight crowd of weapons and fists. Gotta stay calm. He stood silently, his eyes running over each of them in turn, sizing up their abilities. Gotta focus... He took in a deep breath. He remembered what Splinter had taught them about concentration, about the importance of being focused, to use the resources they had available to them. As he began to clear his mind, he could feel a presense in the back of his head, pulling at his thoughts. Master Splinter?


Splinter stood motionless, his head against the cool stone, his eyes closed as he focused on the turtles. As the pain threatened to disturb his concentration, he pushed it aside, filling his mind with nothing.

As he breathed in, he could see a distorted image, alone and afraid, yet determined. He focused harder, his eyelids crinkling tightly as the image came into view. Donatello?

Master Splinter... He could hear the doubt in his son's voice, the wonder, the curiosity, and then it was gone.

His concentration wavered for a second as the throbbing in his leg grew stronger. No, I must...push it away... He focused again on the nothingness, on the silence, his vision resting on another shadowy form.

This one was motionless. He was laying on the hard, unforgiving ground, the life all but sucked out of him. He was dying. He could feel the body struggling for life, the heart beating faintly, irregularly. He could feel the pain.

Splinter's eyes flew open, unable to bare the horror of these sights any longer. His heart pounded hard in his chest as his breathing grew rapid. "Michaelangelo?"


Donatello struggled with mixed emotions as his sensei slowly faded into the background. Joy flooded through him at the realization that Splinter was alive, but doubt crept in as to how his master would react upon finding out he had left his brothers behind. He stared up toward the doorway, determined not to let his family and friends down.

Cursing his hand, he began to block the Foot's attacks, fighting back with all of his strength. The cold, his injuries and his emotions had really taken their toll on him in the last few hours. But he told himself that he had to carry on for Leo, for Mike, for Robyn, for Shadow and for Splinter.

Raph and Casey were still caught up in their own battles, but they were making short work of the Foot. One came at Raph, sai in hand, ready to run him through, but Raph was quicker than him. He slid to the side, grabbing the man by the arm and whipping him over his shoulder. These guys are as dumb as I remember. As the man fell to the ground painfully, Raph snatched the sai, grinning at the reasurring feel of the cold hard steel.It's been a long time.

Casey was aching for his baseball bat, but was doing a pretty good job without it. One of the Foot attacked him from behind, pounding the brunt of his sword into his skull. He whirled around dizzily, an angry frown on his face.

"That hurt!" He punched the man hard in the stomach. His attacker doubled over, but continued to pursue him, thrusting his katana toward Casey's throat. Casey caught the guy by the wrist, keeping the blade just inches from piercing his skin.

"I don't think so, pal.", he wrapped his hand around his attacker's and slowly, the blade began to turn in the other direction. They struggled for a few moments, Casey pushing the blade toward the ninja while the ninja attempted to counteract it. In the end, Casey was the victor as the blade pointed just inches away from the man's belly.

Deciding he wasn't in a killing mood at the moment, Casey brought his foot up to meet with the man's groin instead. As the man cried out in pain and slumped to the floor, Casey strode forward, katana in hand, ready to take on his next victim.

Raphael was back in his groove again, attacking everything that came his way, the sai flying with a fierce energy as he made his way toward Donatello. Megan watched in awe as he sliced his way through the crowd so effortlessly.

Don had been holding his own pretty well now, but Raphael's help had definately been welcomed. With only a few of the Foot left standing, they decided it was time to face what all of them feared to face; the fate of their brothers.

Raph was the first to enter, with Casey and Don not far behind. April and Megan watched in anticipation as they disappeared from sight. Damn! I wish I knew what was going on in there! Megan bit her lip and stared toward the opening.


Splinter hopped down the halls, supporting himself on Shadow's shoulders as he allowed his subconscious to guide him to the turtles. He could hear the sounds of battle just up ahead, and knew they must be getting close.

Ignoring the pain in his leg, he instructed Shadow to stay put and rounded the bend to discover a joyous site. April and Megan were crouched in the darkness, their eyes focusing on a point to his right. He allowed his eyes to follow their gaze and stared toward the door for a moment, gasping in wonder at all of the broken Foot bodies that lay scattered across the floor.

"April? Megan?"

They whirled around, ready to defend themselves, but upon seeing the rat, melted into a pool of emotion.

"Splinter!", Megan jumped up and threw her arms around him, almost knocking him over in the process.

"Ahhh, careful.", he whispered painfully.

Megan let go. "Oh, sorry!"

Splinter spotted Robyn lying silently at their feet and stared up at them questioningly.

"Um, this is my sister, Robyn.", April choked back the tears. "She's hurt pretty bad. But, my god, what happened to you?", April hugged him gently, and stared down at his wounded leg.

"It is broken. But luckily, I had a little helper to aid me."

The little girl sprang from the shadows, and ran toward April. "Mommy!"

"Oh my god! Shadow!?", tears streamed down April's cheeks as she embraced her step-daughter. She held her for a long moment, cradling her in her arms, afraid to let go. "God, I've missed you!", she sobbed, burrying her face in Shadow's hair.

Megan wiped at a tear that streamed from her own eye and introduced herself to Shadow. "Hi.", she said softly. "I'm Megan, your daddy's cousin."

Shadow stared up at her for a moment with widening eyes. "You're that pretty woman!"

Megan frowned slightly and turned toward the others. They returned her bewildered look as Shadow explained, "The one uncle Raph and me saw at the door."


"What the...?", Karai whirrled around just on time to see Raph's fist before it connected with her face. She stumbled backward painfully, the blood oozing from her nose as she sank to the ground unconscious.

"Raph!", Leo had never been so happy to see his brother.

"Holy shit, Leo!", Raph's eyes grew wide as he stared down at Michaelangelo's still body. "What the hell happened to him?"

"Karai...she poisoned him.", it was all Leo could do not to burst into tears at the reality of his own words. "With mutagen." From my blood!

Don stared at Leo wide-eyed as the words penetrated. "With mutagen!? But how?"

"Come on.", Leo said quietly. "Let's get him out of here, and then I'll explain."

Emotions flooded through Raphael as he slid his hands under Michaelangelo's shoulders. The skin was cold and pale, and he almost dropped him in surprise. My god, he's dying!

Casey was distraught. He had known these guys for a long time now and had come to think of them as his family; his brothers. He couldn't bare the thought of losing one of them. If anything happens to him, these pukes are gonna pay dearly!

Donatello let Leonardo take Mike's feet as he walked next to his body, studying his face carefully for signs of movement. Something was different about his brother. The rage was gone, and he looked almost peaceful now. Death was always peaceful...No! He shook the horrible thoughts from his mind and hurried out the door with the others.


"What has happened?", Splinter, upon seeing his family, hobbled quickly toward them. Relief and concern flooded through him as he embraced them each in turn. Joy filled his heart at the sight of Raphael and Donatello, whom he thought might have died. He was happy to see Leonardo, even though he had disobeyed him by entering the fortress. Even Casey received a hug, and for once, he really didn't mind.

"Master Splinter!", Leo cried, "I wasn't sure if I'd ever see you again!"

They laid Michaelangelo on the ground as April, Megan and Shadow hurried toward them.

"Oh god.", April whispered as she remembered watching him from that little room; watching his torture and pain. She closed her eyes, unable to look at him as the tears returned.

Casey lifted Robyn and laid her down next to Michaelangelo as everyone stood in a circle around them. Leo and Raph helped Splinter carefully lower himself into the middle of the circle to check on their vital signs and assess the extent of their injuries. The others remained silent as they stared at one another with a shared hope.


Karai opened her eyes slowly. The whole room was spinning out of control, and she struggled to regain her bearings. Where was she? She brought her hands up toward her head, grasping it firmly in an attempt to control the dizziness. Her nose began to throb uncontrollably. Now she remembered. She lowered her eyes to stare at the blood soaked armor. As she licked her lips, the familiar taste of rust and salt revived her taste buds. That damn turtle!

She gazed around quickly, realizing that most of the Foot were dead. She was out of options. There was only one thing left to do to defeat her enemies. Maybe, if she planned it just right, she would be able to survive.


"What now master?", Raphael asked concerned. He knelt down next to his fallen brother and gripped his hand, a look of extreme worry in his eyes. Splinter stared up at each of the distraught faces in turn.

"Michaelangelo is breathing as best he can. This mutagen Leonardo speaks of has done something inside of him, something I can not explain." He turned toward April's sister. "Robyn has suffered the consequences of extreme cold and hypothermia. We must find a way of bringing her temperature up. And then, all we can do is wait."

Raphael grew frustrated. "But master--"

"It is all we can do.", the rat said softly.

Suddenly, there was a wave of movement behind them. As they whirrled around to face their attacker, they found Karai standing before them.

"Aw man! Not her again!", Raph complained.

Leonardo stood quickly, drawing his katana. "Karai.", he said in a voice so deep, the others hardly recognized it. He took a step forward, but she stopped him.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

"Oh yeah? And why is that?", Raph said sarcastically as he stepped up next to Leo, drawing the sai that he stole from one of his victims.

Casey stepped up to help his friends. Can't let myself miss out on the action. "You know lady", he said, a slight grimmace spreading across his face, "I'm really starting to get sick of looking at you."

As Raphael took a step toward her, ready to attack, Karai drew a small round object from under her cape. "Stay where you are.", she threatened.

Leo put a hand out in front of Raph, instructing him to do as she said. Raph reluctantly stayed put, a frown of frustration wrinking his brow.

Recognizing the object Karai held in her hand, Donatello stepped forward. "A remote control?"

"Very good little turtle friend.", an evil sneer crept across her lips, reminding Don of the witch from Snow White. "But do you know what it does?"

This he could not answer. It wasn't a regular remote that someone would use for a television or a radio. It certainly wasn't the kind that controlled toy cars or airplanes.

Sensing his uncertainty, Karai answered for him. "This remote control is connected to this building. I have implanted a self-destruct device throughout the structure. One push of the button and everything within these walls will go up in flames.

"You're a loonie lady!", Raphael growled. "You blow us up and you're goin' down right along with us."

Her cold look penetrated deep into Raph's soul. "Then so be it."

She gazed around the room, her eyes meeting each of theirs for a moment. "Hmmm...let's play a little game, shall we? I press this button...", Karai pressed a button on the remote and suddenly an alarm began to sound.

"What the...! What the hell are you doin'!?", Raphael called above the noise.

"...And we'll see just how loyal you are.", Karai finished. "You can't possibly escape on time with the wounded. So what will it be? Will you stay here to die with the others, or will you free yourselves? You have five minutes."

Anger surged through Raphael and he rushed toward her, but Leo gripped his arms and held him back. "Come on Raph, we've only got five minutes! We gotta get out of here!"


They rushed down the halls as fast as their legs would carry them. Casey and Don carried Splinter, his arms wrapped around their shoulders, as they attempted to keep him from applying pressure to his leg. Leo and Raph carried Michaelangelo, Megan and April struggled with Robyn, and Shadow ran along side them. The alarm continued to sound and lights began to flash from the ceilings as they continued their race against time.

No one had a watch, but Don estimated that it had been two minutes since the destruction device had been activated. Those minutes seemed like hours as they struggled to regain their bearings in this giant maze. Which way was out?

Finally, Leo spotted a familiar corridor and ran toward it. "Come on! This way!" he shouted.

Three minutes. Don estimated as they ran down the halls. The sirens continued to wail as his heart pounded in his chest. Would they make it out on time? Four. They were nearing the front entrance now. Just a little farther. The adrenaline rushed through him as they neared the front chamber. Four and a half...

The door was closed. Casey set Splinter down and tried to ram it open, but it was no use. The door wouldn't budge. "Come on! Everyone!", Leo instructed everyone who could stand to set down the wounded and help him. "On the count of three. One...two...three!"

Six bodies ran for the door, slamming into it painfully, as bones were jarred and wounds were reopened. The wood gave way slightly, but remained in place in front of them, mocking their efforts.

"Dammit!", Raph cursed. "We're gonna die in here!" Some of the others lowered their heads in despair.

"No.", Splinter's voice echoed over the whining alarm. All eyes turned to the wise old rat, awaiting his advice, his never failing knowledge. Splinter sat there calmly for a moment before speaking.

Come on, master...some time today...this place is gonna blow in twenty seconds! Don stared at him nervously.

Finally Splinter spoke. "You must try again."

Leo half bowed, half nodded toward Splinter and motioned toward the door again. This time, as the force of the bodies collided with the wood, it gave way, sending them to the floor.

Only ten seconds left... Don watched eagerly as April and Megan jumped to their feet and ran toward Robyn. "No!", he yelled. "You girls go, I'll get Robyn." They glanced at him nervously for a moment before grabbing Shadow and rushing out into the night. Freedom at last...

Casey scooped Splinter up into his arms and hurried out the exit as well, followed by Don and Robyn.

Leo turned to Raphael, a somber expression on his face. "Well bro, I guess this is it."

Raph lifted Mike by the shoulders again. "It ain't over till the fat lady sings.", he grinned.

Don stared back worriedly as he continued to run with Robyn's limp body. He knew Raph and Leo were still inside.6...5...

Finally he could see Leo's sillhouette exit into the night, carrying Mike's dying body, with Raphael just behind.


He stared up ahead of him. Megan, April and Shadow were a few feet ahead of him, along with Casey and Splinter. He took in a deep breath. This was really going to hurt.


The explosion hit with full force, like a giant tornado, knocking them off their feet. April and Megan fell to their knees, sheltering Shadow as best they could. Casey tumbled to the ground, nearly dropping Splinter as he fell on the rat's leg. Splinter cried out in pain, but his voice wasn't heard above the rumble of the fire. Robyn practically flew from Don's arms as the force hit them. He fell to the ground, landing hard on his chest, a pain rushing through his head. The hurt was almost unbearable for Leo as peices of burning lumber smacked against his body. He had landed hard, having been thrown atleast ten feet forward by the blast. Pain racked through his side and down his legs, his skin sizzling from the fire. Michaelangelo, who had been yanked from his arms, lay a few feet to his right. He had landed on his shell, but from what Don could assess through his blurred vision, was otherwise as well as could be expected. But the worst had come for Raphael. Being the closest to the firey explosion, his body had taken the force full blast. He was hurled into the air a good thirty feet before landing hard on his shell. Smoke rose from his smoldering skin as he lay in a heap on the ground.

April was the first to stand cautiously on shaky legs and assess the situation. What had once been a mighty fortress now lay in burning rubble and ashes. The smoke rose through the air, stinging her eyes as her lungs struggled for oxygen. Her friends were hurt! She rushed to Leo's side, ignoring the pain that seered through her head.

Megan rose next, instructing Shadow to stay put. Her bruised ribs cried out in pain, reflecting the agony that was in her heart as she stared behind her. A turtle, the one who had saved her life on more than one occasion, lay silently, unmoving among the burning ashes.

She rushed to him, her heart pounding in her throat as she laid her ear to his plastron. My god! He's not breathing! His heart's not beating! Immediately she began CPR, breathing her life into him, filling his lungs with air. "Come on Raph.", she whispered.

Casey rose next, a little disoriented as he helped Splinter sit up. "You okay?", he asked guiltily.

"I will be fine.", the rat answered. "Go and help the others."

Don also rose to his feet slowly, the pain in his head blurring his vision and making him sluggish. As he turned toward the others, he saw another one of his brothers fighting for life.

Megan pressed on Raph's chest, searching his face for signs of life. One...two...three... "Come on, dammit!" He still wasn't breathing. She repeated the steps again. Still nothing. "Don't die on me!"

"Leo? Leo, can you hear me?", April stooped over her friend, her face twisted with worry. A spasm of coughs racked through Leo's chest as the smoke filled his lungs. "You're okay now Leo. Come on, let's get you out of here." Casey approached April and helped her lift Leo to a standing position before leading him away from the fire.

Donatello rushed toward Megan and Raphael, stopping a few feet away to observe the situation. Tears formed in the corners of his eyes as he watched the girl and turtle struggle against death. He knew there wasn't much else he could do to help, which made him feel helpless and alone.

The sobs rose from Megan into frustrated wails as she repeated the steps again with a new urgency. She pumped his chest over and over again, daring the heart to start beating, but still nothing. "Live...please! I need you to live!" Her breath flowed into him once again, but there was no movement. In defeat, she lowered her head to his plastron, the sobs rising again as she burried her head in his chest. "Don't die! Raphael, please! Don't leave me! I...I love you."

Slightly shocked at Megan's words, Donatello hurried to her side and stared down at the frail girl, crying desperately over his brother's body, his own tears flowing freely down his soiled cheeks. Never before had he felt such pain, not even in battle. can't be gone!

Suddenly, a coughing attack began to spasm through Raphael's chest. Megan jerked her head up in surprise and stared at him expectantly, bringing her face close to his. "Raphael?"

His eyes flicked open slowly, to behold the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. She stared at him wide-eyed as he lifted a weary hand to cradle her head, entangling his fingers in her soft brown hair. She looked like an angel. Did I die? I must be in heaven now, cuz I'm looking at an angel.

They stared into eachother's eyes for a moment as he pulled her close, the warmth of her breath filling him with determined energy. As their lips touched, Raph's body tingled with excitement. This was the first time he had ever kissed a girl, and she was actually kissing him back! He closed his eyes as the heat from her lips coursed through his body, filling him with a reassuring sensation he had never felt before.

Finally, Megan pulled away and stared at him for a moment before wrapping her arms around him in a hug. "God you scared me!", she whispered.

Don, Casey, April, Leo, Splinter and Shadow had all caught site of this, and as Raph and Megan glanced up, they found their friends standing around them, their eyes wide in surprise, their jaws dropped in dumbfounded silence. Megan cringed a little at Casey's twisted expression.

After what seemed like hours, Splinter broke the silence. "Come. We must go."

Chapter 19

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