I smiled at him in amazement. 'Rat.' It was so simple, how could I have missed the connection? I had been wondering about Splinter's roots as well. He had an elegant, respectful air about him that reminded me of Eastern civilization.

"Are you Japanese too?"

He nodded in response. "I am from the town of Chihaya, in the Honda Province. It is a beautiful country. I miss it sometimes."

Jim's 'specimen' was becoming more and more interesting as the minutes wore on.

"How did you do it?"

He looked at me in curiosity.

"How did you get to the elevator and set me free?"

"It was your doing, Holly. You set me free. After you fled the room, I was left to face Larry and Jim. I must say, they were rather frightened of me without the safety of the bars between us." The faint hint of a smile crept into his features. "Jim tried to attack me, but I rendered him unconscious. I am sure he awoke shortly after our escape with little more than a minor headache. It was Larry who stopped the elevator. I was fearful for your life, so upon his defeat, I made my way to you and entered through the space left above the jarred cabin."

"Wow...but why were you so worried about me? I mean, you didn't even know me. You could have been captured again. They could have killed you."

"You risked your life for mine. To refuse to return such a noble act would have been dishonorable."

I shook my head in awe. "I've never known anyone so willing to risk their life for a stranger."

"Nor have I."


We talked for two hours straight. Splinter briefly discussed his heritage and what his life had been like as an ordinary rat living with his master, Hamato Yoshi. Yoshi sounded a lot like Splinter--kind, soft-spoken, honorable, but intense. He told me how he'd mastered ninjitsu, how he'd passed his skills on to his sons. I was fascinated to say the least, but things were finally starting to make sense.

He'd explained the percentages to me. They'd done numerous tests each day, putting him under several physical and mental aptitude experiments. That day, his intelligence reading had put him over the top, but, weakened from the testing, his strength had only been fifty-two percent of his normal ability. Again, I found myself amazed at his endurance.

When I'd expressed my interest in the Japanese culture, he lent me one of his books. It was about the Japanese language. I decided that I would study its contents and try to impress him with my progress later.

Finally, realizing I was still in a lot of pain, Splinter ushered me out, instructing one of the turtles to make me some tea. He said it would soothe the tension in my aching muscles, and he was right. As I sat in the middle of their underground living room, I felt more relaxed than I had in a long time, and more trusting of my new peculiar friends. We discussed everything from outrageous food concoctions to political leaders, to television shows, and finally, our next plan of action.

As we talked, I thought about how my life would never again be the same. Not only had so many things fallen apart, but I now shared a bond with five very extraordinary beings. Needless to say, I felt a little overwhelmed. Still, I had to try to keep a focus on reality. I had to take life one day at a time, try to pick up the pieces.

"Buster." I suddenly remembered.

"Who?" Don asked.

"Buster...he's my dog. I gotta go back for him."

"You have a dog?" Mike's eyes lit up.

"Wait a second, Holly," Leo protested. "You can't go to your apartment. It's too dangerous. What if they're waiting for you there?"

"Yeah, I know, but I'm not gonna let anything happen to Buster. He's been a loyal friend."

"It might be best to lay low for a few days..."

"He hasn't eaten. I'm not leaving him there." It was settled in my mind. I started to walk out.

"Okay..." Leo said at last. "But we're going with you."

"Fine. Let's go then."


My heart nearly skipped a beat when we got to my apartment. The doorknob had been broken off, and the door sat at an awkward angle, hanging crooked from its hinges. Leonardo held me back with a protective hand. He unsheathed a long sword from his back and held it up as he motioned the others to follow him.

I watched them skeptically. I had been staring at them intently ever since we'd left their underground home. Each one carried a different weapon, which they secured to their bodies with a leather belt. They donned knee and elbow pads and tied strips of fabric with eyeholes in them around their heads. I assumed this to be their ninja-fighting garb. I guess I should have felt safe knowing that they had an even greater ability than Splinter possessed to protect me, but something about the whole scenario made me strangely uncomfortable.

I watched them enter my apartment, guarded, careful of each step. It made me wary to see them so on edge. The realization of just how much danger I was in finally hit me. My heart began to race. Swallowing nervously, I stepped inside, not willing to let them out of my site for too long.

Panic filled me instantly as I entered. My apartment was in shambles. The furniture was overturned. Pictures, lamps and knickknacks were smashed beyond repair. Drawers were left open, their contents all but spewed across the floor. I felt like screaming. My apartment...my life...it was gone forever.

Feeling weak and defeated, I slumped to the floor, covering my face with my hands. How dare they do this to me? How dare they take away everything that was important to me? For the first time in my life, I felt completely helpless. Leo had warned me about this. I thought I'd prepared myself, but nothing could have eased this pain. Everything I owned was ruined--all of my memories, everything I'd worked so hard for.

Someone knelt next to me, but I didn't bother to look up. I couldn't face any of them, not now.

"It'll be okay, Holly." It was Mike. He wrapped his arm around me, and I felt myself give into my anguish. I laid my head on his shoulder and sobbed.

While Mike comforted me silently, the other three kept their guard up, searching through the ruins for anything worth salvaging. I was too far gone emotionally at that point to search myself. It was embarrassing, being so helpless, having to count on others to take care of me. I'd never allowed myself to rely on others before. This was going to take some getting used to.

They made their way to the back of the apartment, and I heard Raphael call out Buster's name. A moment later, the sound of a chain greeted me.

"Whoa! Slow down!" Raph called as he lost his grip on Buster's collar. The dog came bounding toward me, nearly knocking Mike over as he pounced and licked my face. I wrapped my arms around him and held him tight, grateful that he wasn't harmed. He was all I had left in the world now.

"He's got something in his mouth." Mike reached toward Buster, and he allowed him to remove a piece of bloody fabric.

"Looks like Buster put up a little fight." Leo commented.

Raph grinned. "Serves them right, the bastards."

Chapter 4

