
Chapter Nine

The days passed quickly. I spent most of my time out in the open, under a clear blue, smog free sky. Although the air was cold, I enjoyed my time outdoors. It was a refreshing change from the busy traffic and rude city dwellers of New York. I understood completely why the turtles had been so anxious to come up here. They could walk around in the open air without fear of being discovered or chased. I could totally relate to that need for freedom now. When I wasn't exploring the great outdoors with Mike and Shadow, or baking with April, I was in the barn practicing with Leonardo. It was gruesome work. He seldom allowed breaks, and he constantly pushed me, harder than even I knew I was capable of.

It was during one of our more intense workouts. All of my attention was focused on my movements as I performed a difficult kata for Leonardo. I could feel him watching me in silence--not simply monitoring my movements as usual, but actually studying me. I averted my concentration from the routine and paused to look at him.


His eyes were glazed over. He blinked a few times, as if snapping out of a trance.

"Is something wrong?"

"Wrong? Nothing's wrong." He said quickly.

"You seem a little distracted."

"Well...yeah, I guess I am...but not in the way you might think." He took a deep breath and motioned for me to sit. I did so reluctantly, searching his face in the shadowed light of the barn.

"So, what is it?"

"Holly, I--there's something I want to talk to you about."

Oh boy, here it comes...

"Yeah, I figured. What's going on?"

He glanced down at his hands, then back up into my face. "I uhhhh..."

"Oh god..." Realization dawned on me as I watched several emotions play across his face at once. "Don't tell me--you've discovered that you have feelings for me. You want me to know how special I am to you. You're not gonna kiss me, are you?"

He stared at me in surprise. ", of course not."

A few awkward moments of silence followed.

"It's not like that at all, Holly."

Oh I'd really embarrassed myself.

"I'm sorry. I was only kidding..." Nice attempt at a save. I don't think he quite bought it though.

Leo bit his lip and looked at me apprehensively. There wasn't much that could render him speechless.

Oh god...please don't let it be more bad news...

He gave me a little half-smile and cleared his throat. "In fact,'s kind of the opposite."

I frowned at him in curiosity.

"I'm not...I mean, you're great, Holly. You're a very attractive woman, but..."


"I...well, I'm not the one who's interested."

I swallowed. "Oh?"

He smiled, more genuinely this time. "Just look around you, Holly. If you look hard enough, you'll see the signs."

So he did know about Splinter?

"Someone told you they're interested in me?"

"Well, no. Not in words. But I can tell. I'm very good at picking up on things like that, especially from my ma--uhhh...I mean, this particular person."

I couldn't help but smile. "I see."

"Look, I'm not usually the type to stick my beak in someone else's business when it comes to matters like these, and I'm not trying to tell you what to do, but I hope that when the time comes, you'll at least give him a chance..."

"Well...if I ever figure out who this mystery person is, I just might do that."

He smiled and rose to his feet, dusting himself off. "Great. Well...what do you say we cut practice short today?"

Cut practice short??? Was it really Leo who'd said that?

"Sounds good to me."

He held out his hand and pulled me up. As we left the barn, I couldn't help but smile to myself. It seemed Splinter had his own cheering section, whether he knew it or not.


The next morning, I awoke to the sound of clanging pots and pans. I opened my eyes and glanced at the clock. Six-thirty. I groaned.

Mike stepped into the living room wearing a god-awful, olive colored apron. When he spotted me, his expression turned apologetic. "Oh, sorry. Did I wake you?"

"It's okay." I smiled. "Where'd you get that?"

He glanced at himself and pointed to the apron. "What, this? It was hanging on a hook in the kitchen. You like it?" He twirled around, modeling the apron from all angles. I bit back my laughter and shook my head.

"Not really."

"Aw, come on..."

I giggled, and kicked off the blanket, following him into the kitchen. I could smell bacon cooking. "Want some help?"

"Sure." He reached into a cupboard and handed me a pan. "You can make the eggs."


I reached into the refrigerator and pulled out the cartoon. "Scrambled? Over easy? Sunny side up?"

"Scrambled. Raph's too fussy for anything else, and it's too much of a pain to make everyone something different."

"Fine. Scrambled it is."

We cooked together in silence for a while, Mike expertly flipping pancakes and frying up bacon while I cooked the eggs and made toast. We were a pretty good team. Then Mike started with the jokes, and nearly covered himself in flour, and I found myself giggling insanely. I hadn't felt such peace in a very long time. A half-hour later, as the others began to straggle into the dining area, Mike and I had created quite a feast.

As we carried the dishes to the table and watched everyone anxiously scoop up the food, I noticed that someone was missing.

"Where's Splinter?" I asked casually, pouring coffee into April's mug.

"He said he wasn't hungry." Don took a bite of the eggs. "He went for a walk to meditate or something. He should be back later. Mmm...these are good."


I sat down and quickly began to devour my breakfast. Before long though, I set down the fork, realizing that I wasn't so hungry either. I had to go find Splinter. I had to make him understand why I'd acted the way I had.

"Ummm..." I stared down at the plate, wiping my mouth with a napkin. I'd only eaten about half of what I'd taken. "I'm gonna go out for a while. I think Buster needs to go for a walk."

"You want some company?"

Now what? Did Raph actually not even trust me enough to go for a walk on my own? I was about to say something I might have later regretted, until I saw the softness in his eyes. It seemed he was actually making an effort to be kind. He smiled at me--a sort of uncomfortable smirk.

"No, but thanks for the offer, Raph. We won't be gone long."

I hurried over to Buster, disturbing his own breakfast, and hooked the leash around his neck.

"Hey, you gonna eat this?" Mike called, pointing to my plate.

"No. Go ahead." I grabbed my coat and hurried out, not realizing until the farmhouse was only a speck in the distance, that I'd forgotten to take Buster along.


The sun sat low on the horizon. The morning air was crisp and clean, and smelled faintly of jasmine. A gentle breeze was blowing, just hard enough to put a forceful chill in the air. Among the tall grasses, next to a gurgling, crystal stream, he sat. All was quiet--so still that I could barely hear the wind if I tried. There were no eager voices, no sounds of battle practice, only the calm stillness of nature itself.

He sat with his legs crossed in lotus style--the same position he'd donned the entire trip up here. He was wearing pants and a kimono, much like the outfit he usually worked out with in the dojo. His eyes were closed, his breathing slow and controlled. He was the epitome of relaxation, yet I could tell he was tense about something. I stood there silently, allowing the gentle wind to rustle my hair and numb my nose and cheeks, not wishing to disturb him.

Several minutes passed without so much as a movement from him. It seemed he was in some far away place, alone with only his thoughts. Or perhaps he didn't want my company just then. I pulled the jacket tighter around me and thrust my hands into the pockets, fighting the current of the wind as I began to walk back toward the farmhouse.


I froze.

"Please, do not leave."

I turned around quickly, to face him again. He was in the exact same position as when I'd left him, his eyes still closed, that quiet intensity in his face. I stood there for a moment, watching him, trying to decide if he'd really spoken or if I'd only imagined it.

"Please," he said gently. "Sit."

I stepped back over to where he was and lowered myself to the grass. He remained motionless for several minutes before finally opening his eyes to look at me. He smiled politely, but his face was a mask of tamed apprehension.

"How did you know it was me?"

"The way you walk, the pattern of your footfall, even your very is not difficult to identify you."

"I see..." I found it oddly sweet that he'd studied me so well.

"You have come here to speak to me?"

"Yes." I could feel my heartbeat pick up a little. "There's something I wanted to say."

He waited quietly, unmoving, save for his eyes, which were studying my expression carefully.

"I...ummm...about the other night..."

"Holly, please..." He said softly. "If there is any need for explanation, that task lies solely with me."

"No." I said quickly. "That's not true. I wanted to tell you--well..."

I took his hands, squeezing them lightly. His eyes widened in surprise, but his features quickly softened again. He said nothing as I stared into his eyes, willing myself to tell him why I'd come here.

"I'm sorry." I said at last. "I acted like an idiot. It's just that everything seems to be happening so fast, all at once. I was under a lot of stress, and your kiss--well, it came as a surprise. And I couldn't stop thinking about what happened in the elevator with Curtis, and--"

"It is understandable. I am the one to blame. I should not have taken advantage of you when you were at your most vulnerable. I have dishonored you, and I am sorry."

"Dishonor...? No. No, Splinter...that's not what I meant."

"I have always been a beacon of self control for my students." His voice was gentle, his eyes lowering to our joined hands. "I have not acted so rashly since I was a child. It has been a great struggle of mine to avoid romantic relationships. I have always been interested, but I felt that it was wrong to pursue a human, knowing that there are things a human woman needs that I can not provide. But from the moment I first saw you, I knew that there was something..." His voice trailed off. I watched him carefully. He took a deep breath and looked me in the eyes. "I apologize for making you uncomfortable, Holly. You have my word that I will never do it again."

I bit my lip. Was that what I really wanted, for him to leave me alone? No, of course it wasn't. "I don't...I don't want--"

"It is alright, Holly." His smile was empty, joyless. "I have been foolish. It was my mistake to think--"

I rested a finger to his lips, silencing him immediately. "I've given this a lot of thought, and I realize that I've always known what I really want. I was just too afraid to admit it."

He watched me in curiosity as I leaned in closer.

"Anata desu."

I kissed him. As my lips pressed into his, my eyelids lowered, focusing on the warmth of his mouth. I felt him stiffen in surprise beneath me. Quickly, his body relaxed again, and he reached up a hand, cradling my head and drawing me nearer to him. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, my fingers gripping the cool material of the kimono. The heat of his breath filled me, and suddenly, I wasn't cold at all. In fact, I was very, very warm.

His grip on me tightened, the urgent need we both felt replacing all doubt. The hand that cradled my head pulled me closer still, his other hand gently caressing my back. I let out a quiet moan, my lips parting to grant him access.

Minutes passed as we remained in each other's embrace. Finally, I reluctantly pulled back, breathing heavily, and looked him in the eyes.

"Boy," I gasped. "You sure know how to take a woman's breath away."

Was he blushing?

"And you know how to make an old rat feel young again."

"Old?" I stared at him with eyebrows raised. "Splinter, you're a year younger than me!"

"That may be." His smile was genuine this time. "But thirty-five is very old for a rat."

I started to protest again, but he silenced me.

"Come, there is something I want to show you."


"Oh my god..." I gasped. "It's beautiful!"

He'd led me into a lush forest area, thick with foliage. Although the trees had lost most of their leaves to Fall, they towered high above, sheltering us from the intrusion of the sun. When we finally emerged on the other side, I found myself standing before a massive lake. The water wasn't brown and murky like I was used to seeing, but a crystal blue, like the water from the stream. The sun danced across its surface, creating bright speckles that shone like polished gold. Trees rose up on the other side, tall pines that stretched skyward. Down along the right side of the distant shore, rocks peeked up here and there from the water's depths. On the other side, among the boulders, a small waterfall flowed. Michaelangelo had shown me many wondrous places since we'd come here, but never anything like this.

"I overheard you speaking about the waterfall, and I thought you might like to see it for yourself."

"Oh, yes. Thank you!" I walked around lazily, staring at everything, trying to commit it to memory.

Splinter smiled as he watched me stroll to the water's edge and submerge my hand.

"Eeek!" I pulled it out quickly. The water was freezing!

He laughed. "We do not do much swimming this time of year."

"Yeah...I can see why!"


He took my hand again and pulled me gently toward the distant shore by the boulders. I allowed him to lead me, sighing happily as I stared at the approaching waterfall. We stopped short of the water's edge and sat in the grass nearby. I tilted my head back to gaze skyward at the puffy white pillows of cloud.

"It's very beautiful up here." I said dreamily.

"Hai." He smiled coyly. "And so are you."

I blushed and took his hand. "You're really sweet, you know that?"

He smiled and closed his eyes, that familiar look of peace washing over him.


He opened his eyes. "Yes?"

"When I found you this morning, you were sitting like you are now, with your eyes closed. Donatello said you might be meditating..."

"Yes, that I was."

"How? I mean, do you just sit quietly and try to think about something?"

"Would you like me to teach you?"

I nodded my head yes.

"Close your eyes."

I did so.

"The way in which you sit is very important. You must allow your body to relax in order to free your mind from distraction." I felt his hands brush against my thighs, down toward my knees, pulling my legs up and gently crossing one over the other. He took my hands, draping them over my knees.

"Now breathe, slowly and deliberately. Feel your lungs fill with air. Fill them to their utmost capacity, and breathe out slowly as you clear your mind of all conscious thought."

"Clear my mind of all conscious thought..." That was a little hard to do, seeing as how he was kneeling behind me, absent mindedly rubbing my shoulders and exhaling warm breath on the back of my neck. I shivered and forced back a grin, trying to remain serious. "Okay...then what?"

"Once you have reached complete concentration, then and only then, can you begin to focus on your goal."

"Focus..." I repeated, my eyes still closed. "But what do I focus on?"

"Whatever it is that is troubling you. Whatever you seek to find the answers to."

"I see. And if I focus hard enough, my question just might be answered?"

"That is the ultimate goal, yes, but true enlightenment only comes when--"

I opened my eyes and turned toward him. "How about if I just focus on you?"

His eyes widened in surprise. "I--"

I smiled seductively.


I kissed him lightly on the mouth, feeling his whiskers tickle my nose. He pulled me close. His grip was more powerful than I'd first realized. I stayed there for a long while, feeling safer than I'd ever been, listening to the wind whistle through the branches of the trees.



"What makes someone like you want someone like me?"

"I don't understand..."

"Look at me, Splinter. I'm a mess. I lost my job, I have no place to live, there are people after me, I have emotional baggage coming out the wazoo--what are you smiling at?"

"I could have asked you the same question."

I stared at him for a moment, understanding slowly dawning on me. "Yeah...I guess you're right. But Splinter, it's so easy to care about you. There is so much inside of you that I could never..."

"Holly, Anata wa totemo utsukushii desu yo."

"Anata wa...utsukushii...beautiful? I am...very beautiful...?"

He nodded. "Yes, both inside and out."

I smiled and stared out at the distant scenery. I felt almost like a teenager again, I was so giddy with happiness.

"Let's go look at the waterfall." I decided suddenly.

I rose to my feet and, without hesitation, began to climb the rocks. Splinter eyed me warily.

"Holly, be careful. Those boulders are very dangerous."

I grinned at him. The wind brushed through the wispy ends of his fur, making him look fluffier than usual. I stifled a laugh. "It's okay, I have great balance." I jumped from one to the next, almost falling, but managing to stay upright. "See?"

He shook his head gently and began climbing after me. I smiled to myself. How debonair of him to stay close in case I got into trouble. Or maybe it was just my womanly charms that made him unable to stay away. I giggled.

I was about halfway out when my footing slipped. I let out a yelp, and tried to grab on with my hands as I tumbled downward, but I wasn't quick enough, and I fell into the freezing water below.

I surfaced a few seconds later, gasping for air.

"Holly!!" Splinter cried.

I coughed and tried to swim toward the shore, but the cold water was numbing my body, making it hard to move.

"Holly!" He called again. I saw him scrabble down the rocks and hurry toward the trees. He appeared moments later with a long branch in his hands. He stepped into the water, not daring to let it rise past his knees lest the current gain control, and extended the branch out to me. I only had to swim a short distance to reach it. "Grab hold!" He called.

I kicked with all my might, as fast as my freezing body would allow, fighting the gentle current of the water. When I was finally within reach, I gripped the stick tightly, and he pulled me safely into the shallow end of the lake.

"Thank you..." My teeth were chattering.

He lowered me to the ground and stared at me in concern. "Are you all right?"

"Y...yeah...I'll be...okay..." I hugged my arms around my body, trying to fight off the cold. "That was...pretty stupid, huh?"

He smiled softly and knelt down in front of me, untying the belt of his kimono.

"Wh...what are you--"

"We must raise your body temperature." He slipped the kimono from his shoulders.

"'ll freeze out here!"

"I will be fine. It is you I am concerned about." He smiled kindly as he wrapped his garment around me. I stared at him for a moment--at the toned, furry arms and chest he so rarely exposed. Except for the pants he wore, little was left to the imagination. He helped me to my feet, wrapping an arm around me and led me back toward the farmhouse.


A couple of hours, a hot shower, and several blankets later, I was curled up nice and cozy on the couch. It seemed everyone had gone to bed for the night. Even Buster was curled up at my feet, snoring softly. One person remained awake though, and he'd stayed away just long enough to make sure everyone else was asleep.

I was just starting to doze off when I heard the door creak open. As a natural instinct, I jumped up and grabbed the nearest object, ready to use it on someone's head if necessary. It was a glass vase. Probably not life threatening, but if I hit hard enough, it could leave a nasty bump.

"Hey, Holly, I--woah! Take it easy!"

"Oh, Mike! I'm sorry...I thought everyone was in bed." I set the vase down on the table and turned on a lamp. The soft yellow light washed over us, and I noticed he was hiding something behind his back. "What's going on?"
