The Shredder vs. The Shapers

Told by The Shredder

Part 3

I walked into the room, with the red Shapers staring me down. He must know... someone must have told him... they must know that it was me that hurt Terror.

"Shredder, so glad to see you made it. I have a job for you, to tell the truth a few. One of which will not be easy." Killer sat up in his seat, a bit of falms goes around the room. This room, is one in which I hate to even be near, it makes you feel like you're in hell... "Your first job is to deliver a message to the Shapers. Let them know that we have their friends, these Turtles working for us... and if they want the Turtles to have a chance to get away... they better give themselves up." A message! He wants me to deliver a message? What do I look like, a delivery boy? "Next I want you to find out who hurt Terror. Someone really hurt him, and I'm not happy that no one stepped up about that! Since you're on the inside with the ppl, you BETTER find this out for me." Oh! Good... he doesn't know! I laughed to myself... I'm free.... he just wanted me to do some work.

"Don't worry Sir. I'll keep my eyes out and find out." This would give me the chance to frame one of those Turtles... get them in trouble. I liked this. "And I'll deliver your message. Where do I find the Shapers to do so?"

"Try Cheryl's Ice Cream Shop. The place where we fought with Leo, the last time he worked for the W's." Raphael spoke up. I was shocked he was helping us. "They like to hang out there." He said, keeping his eyes on me. I could tell he liked working right next to Killer, and being aboved me in command.

I nodded my head, and back away out of the room. Upset that, one of those Turtles are working above me in anything! If anything those Turtles belong in a freak zoo, or in the soup bowl! I decided to first tell the Shapers, the message that I was told to give them... Wait! What if I came up with a different idea and caught a Shaper while delivery this message? The thought took control, I am going to catch one of those Shapers! I know just how.. I'll hit that weak spot.. which on them would be the peace sign! The Shaper will go down just as bad as Terror did! Than, I will be placed higher than the Shell Back!

2 Hours Later: Cheryl's Ice Cream

I walked up... and looked around at this place... wondering who the Shapers were.... a group of ppl sitting at a booth noticed me and ducked. Others let out a scream... that was a great feeling. No one here would stand up against me, unless it he or she was a Shaper.

"Hey ppl, you know the routine.. and if you don't.... well you'll just get your head blown off." I walked around, as everyone put their hands up, but two young men... sitting down at a table with a young girl... the girl has her hands up.

"Mikey... Peter... are you guys nuts?" The girl said with fear in her eyes. Bingo! That's them! I know those names!

"Yup, Mary... I'm nuts... because the whole world loves a nut!" Mikey said joking.. as he stood. "Oh, and don't worry ShredHead.... the whole world loves a weirdo too." His humor was just as bad as Michaelangelo's.

"Mikey, chill will ya." Peter said as he stood up and looked at me. "What would you want from a small little ice cream shop that has such low prices! This is the second time you low life scum have attacked this place!"

"Oh, trust me... it's not the place we want. And if you want your friends here to be ok,... than we should take this somewhere else." I knew they wouldn't shape infront of their friends... I had to get them out of this place, so I could find their weak spot, the peace sign.

"Where to?" Peter asked... he wasn't going to take any chances. These were not just ppl he was going to save, it was his friends. A big weak spot of the Shapers.

I grabbed out a paper with a written address, one of the W's dojos that was closed down by the Shapers a few years ago. I want didn't the place let out for everyone here to follow. Peter took the paper from my hands... I saw that girl grab Mikey's arm, and tug on it.

"Why does he want you guys?" She asked.

"Old matters, from the past." Mikey replied... not letting out that he was a Shaper. I turned and walked out, knowing there was no more to be said there. For once I had the upper hand over the Shapers, and they don't even know how much.

Half an hour later: Closed Dojo 3:15pm.

The Dojo is dark as I sit here... wondering what's taking those Shapers. Last time I was at this Dojo, was when they caught Michaelangelo... I knocked that Turtle so lose of what happened that I could say anything I want and they would have to believe me.

It was after a bank robbery that came here to drop off some of the cash, that was meant for this Dojo... that the Teens showed me the tied up Turtle in the back room, knocked out. They told me to beat the Turtle bad, only to break the other Turtle, Leonardo more. It was more than an honor to bit the living shit out of that Turtle!

They untied the Turtle, and took him out to the main Dojo floor. Next they tied his hands up, and hung him to the bar used to hold up the punching bags, useing some weights they tied the feet down. It was the perfect target for me. And all the way in CA. not one would find him, not even his brothers.

It took me only a few hours to have broken his legs, crack his shell, and make it so he wouldn't be able to remember anything within that time... Ah, but this was not work. It was pleasure to take him out, for all those times he put me down, he laughed in my face... he should have learned his lesson then for messing with me. He will learn...

The lights came on... I can see the two characters standing inside, near the door. It is time for me to forget about memory lane, and take out the trash.

"I see you finially decided to show your face."

"Cut the small talk Shredder, what do you want?" Peter said, not sounding happy to be here. Nice to know Mr. Depress also has an attitude.

"Yea, I want to hurry up and get back to my ice cream before it melts." Mikey said, with jokeing in his voice. I now decided who I would take out. It is time for the second joker to learn where he belongs in life.. in the same place as the Turtle.

"I want a fight, me against one of you... then I want to give a message to the other." I said, knowing these Shapers were sure of themselves.. they never lost to me in a fight before.

"Which one do you want to fight?" Peter said, as if he was already bored... then he even rolled his eyes. This is going to work better than I planned.

"I'll take Mikey, Mr. Party animal himself." I said... introducing him like the Turtle would be introduced. Mikey looked at me, a bit confused at first but caught on to my joke and laughed.

"Hey, TinGrin has a since of humor? Should I take that out of his profile Peter?" Mikey said, looking towards me... with a smile on his face. Peter just shook his head.

"Have fun Mikey." He said as he stepped back to watch. Mikey shaped human looking, but in a Gi, wearing his peace sign on the belt. Just what I wanted. Little did he know, that I knew what I was up to. Mikey bowed onto the floor, showing respect for the Dojo, as any true Ninja would. In my hand I hold a pin, that I'm going to slip onto the Shaper after I defeat him, it will make him appear away from the Dojo, so his brother just can't save him. This is the fun part of working for another world.

"So Shredder, ready to dance?" Mikey said, as he walked in front of me. I looked right to his eyes, and bowed. Mikey returned the bow, I knew I didn't want to talk to him... it would only be jokes that he would throw... and jokes isn't my strong point.

We both got into our fighting stances... which gave me the cue to attack! I did a round house towards his head, as he went to block that, went with the fack kick as I double the kick down wards and hit his peace sign with the round house kick good and strong. Mikey was not excepting that, and we went down, his mind wasn't on fighting me now, it was on the pain. Peter sat up, ready to do something. I kicked his peace sign even hard with an axe kick. His eyes widen... as the pain was to much for him... and he passed out. I put the pin on him, and watched the body disappear, just as Peter jumped me.

Everything is happening so fast, I turned to strick him to get Peter off of me, but I don't see his Peace sign. Peter held me down, but I knew I had the upper hand in this fight.

"Releash me you FREAK! Or your brother will be the one to pay for your mistake." Peter sat back and got up. He looked as mad as his brother Kevin gets. I got to my feet and smiled at him, for once this Shaper wasn't going to try and kill me.

"Your message?" Peter said, his voice low, eyes staring right through me. Hands in a fist at his side. I can see his body shaking a bit from how worked up he is.

"Well, I carry two messages now. First, we have your friends, those Turtles... and if you ever want them to have a chance to get free... you better meet up with your dad. Next.. if you ever want to see your brother alive again, you better get your other bothers together and give up to the W's." Peter did not do anything, to show me what he was going to do. He just stared at me... his mind must be thinking... maybe of how evil I am, of how much he wants me dead. But the only thing that really stands out, is that I won this fight. Peter without taking his eyes off of me shaped away.

Even though he won't say it. I know that his dad will be seeing him soon. This is the best feeling I've had in a long time. The Shaper has backed down he has given up to me... something that has never happened before. This is a reason to Party.

5:05pm: A Pay Phone in Hollywood.

"Moshi-Moshi." Blades said as he answered the phone...

"Blades, did you guys get my package I sent?" I asked, talking of the Shaper, it should have appeared at the base Blades is at.

"Yea, I got it. Congrats on the good work, Master Shredder." Blades said, with a bit of relief in his voice. "How did you do this?"

"First off, call me Saki right now... second I'll tell ya later. While we celebrate this catch tonight." This is a catch that deserve to be celebrated! After all this time we have been trying to catch these Shapers, we finally got one.

"Yes Sir!" Blades sounded happy... "Where shall we meet up?"

"War Lords... in Ferndale, MI, I hear they have some good Beer."

"See ya there!"

8:20pm: War Lords, a bar in Ferndale MI.

I've had about 9 beers now, telling Blades of how I defeated a Shaper... telling him how the peace sign is the way to take them down. Of course I added to the story, more than what really happened... sugar coating it. Just so they don't know, that I was the one to hurt Terror. It felt good to get the metal mask off my face and just sit back and relax.

"Hey! You two, I think it's time you call it a night. If you want to get home safe that is." The Bar tender said... coming over and handing us our bill. I just looked up at him, I am not in the mood to stop the party yet.

"Don't worry about us, just bring me another beer. I'm not ready to call it a night!" I pushed the bill away...

"Sorry Mister, but you should call it a night." He pushed the bill back at me. I'm not likey this attitude.

"Look, I don't want to call it a night! Just get me another beer, and there won't be any trouble!" I said standing up, looking the bar tender right in the eyes.

"Well you can sit here! But you're not getting any more beer from me!" I looked at him, than towards Blades... I was in a good mood before this jerk decided that it was time for us to call it a night. People worry to much these days. I grabbed the guy up against the wall.

"I want another beer! And I'm not ready to call it a night! So you better get me another beer!" The guy just looked at me, as if he's handled drunks before and that he didn't fear me... that was his mistake.

"Sorry, but you're not getting another beer." He went to grab my arm to make me let him go, but before he could... blood was dripping on the floor as his body just stood by my arm holding him up. My blades came right out into his throat. I dropped the body.

"This bar is dead! Let's go somewhere else." Blades didn't fight with me... he decided just to go along.

12, noon the next day. Shredder's room.

"Shredder! GET UP!" A voice called to me in my room. I just pulled a blanket over my head... refusing to let them wake me up. "I said get up, Killer wants to talk to you about catching that Shaper." I still didn't want to move... my head was feeling like dirt. Anything Mekoshan said couldn't get me out of bed.

2:01pm. Shredder's room.

"Sorry Sir. I couldn't get him to move. He has a bad headache..." Oh no... they're coming back to my room. I hear them in the hall.. damn, why can't I be left alone?

"Trust me Mekoshan, I know how Shredder is. He's as hard as a rock, when he doesn't want to do something." Killer said, I heard his voice getting closer... but my head hurt to much to get out of bed. I am feeling sicker than sick... even 4 asprins didn't help me. "I'll get him out of that bed." Shit! Why does he have to have me up right now! Today is my day off! That's why I knew I could party last night. "Shredder! Open up this door and GET THE HELL OUT OF BED!" I sat up at the yell, and threw on my mask... I looked to see I fell asleep dressed.

"Damn! Can't a man get any rest around here?!" I yelled, as I threw open the door. Mekoshan and Killer were standing there looking at me. Killer just walked right in pass me. Mekoshan stayed outside my room thank God.

"Shredder! You listen, when someone is calling for you!"

"Today's my day off, get off my back!" I only wanted to crawl back into bed, and forget that I even woke up today. But then I looked up to see Killer's eyes glow a bright red... I knew if I didn't move I would be in trouble. "Damn it! What do you want?"

"I want to know how you caught that Shaper? How you caught Mikey."

"It wasn't to hard... I just fought him." I sat down, holding my head, with my elbows on my knees... "I just went to deliver your message... I couldn't pass up a chance to fight those no good superheros. I just happen to win the fight." I didn't even look up to see Killer, my head is hurting to much.

"Did you deliver the message at least?"

"Yes Sir. I told that son of yours. He knows, and knowing him will be getting in touch with you. Hopefully handing himself and his stupid brothers over to you." I tried to stand up, and walk over to open a window, it was hot in here, and I had this dumb mask on. Though as soon as I stood up, I knew I had to sit back down, or this mask was going to get a little more in it than I want.

"Ok. Now, any luck finding who hurt Terror?"

"Nothing..." Oh man if I open my mouth one more time... that's it! I have to get to the bathroom! Getting up, and running for the bathroom... a taste has hit my mouth, but it only took seconds before it had my mouth and the rest of my mask filled with that same taste... gross... throw up everywhere... And I can hear laughing in the back ground...

"Oh, Shredder did you take more than you could handle last night?" Killer laughed... to him this is a joke... to me... well... I just want to forget it happened.

"Shut up Killer, and leave me alone. I have a mess to clean up."


"Hey Shredder, you done with cleaning up yet?" Blades came in, he didn't have as much to drink as I did last night.. and looks a lot better than I do now.

"Yea, though I'm still feeling sick."

"Well, you're wanted in the training room." Blades said as he turned and walked out. I could hear a laugh in his voice, he must find it funny that I had to much to drink. He'll learn better than laughing at me, once I get to the training room. "Oh by the way... Terror woke up. He should be able to tell Killer who attacked him, so you can stop the search."

"What?... He's up?" Uh oh! I'm in trouble!!! Once they learn that I was the one that hit Terror, Killer's going to have a feild day with me. Blades didn't say anything else, as he was to far down the hall... and didn't want to talk about it. Must be in a hurry to the training room. Maybe they already know, and that's why they want me in the training room.

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