Where is Splinter.....

Part 16,

I woke up the next morning. The dust in my room really turned me off, I was upset that I let my room fall to this bad at being durty, but it wasn't my fault and I had to get that through my mind. I cleaned my room a little bit before getting ready to leave. I went into the kitchen to make some food, and looked at the time, it was 3:30am, I wanted to get out by 4:30. I ate a fast breakfast. I walked over to Mikey's room.

"Mikey, I'm so sorry this happened. They would have never went after you, if it wasn't for them having me." I looked down, than walked over and put my hand on him. He was still burning up. I wish he was getting better. I hugged Mikey, than looked to see Donatello watching, he seemed so quiet, like a ghost watching us. It was weird. "I'm going to be leaveing soon, will you two be ok?"

"Sure we will Leo. April's coming down today. I can't wait to tell her that you're back with us. You are back with us for good? Right?"

"Yes Donny, I told you I'm free. I'm not going back to the W's at all." I smiled and hugged Don good bye. "I'll see you later, take care." I grabbed the Turtle com, an extar pair of swords and walked out. Donatello watched, as I left, I could feel he didn't want to be alone.

I got to the airport and jumped into the back of a cargo plane, that was easier than paying for a ticket. I knew where I was going, the strange thing was I haven't been there in years. Not since the day we said good bye to Ninjara. I don't really know what all happened between the two of them, and how Raphael and Mokoshan got into that fight, Raph wouldn't talk about it. I just know that what ever happened, made it so Ninjara figured she should stay away.

Once the plane landed I started to hike out to the woods, it was a long walk and took me three days to get there, since the last time we were out her, April had a car. I got to where we were camping the night before. I layed down, and got a few hours sleep, before going into the battle zone. The next morning I headed too Mokoshans home. When I got there, I had no time to think about what to do next, because a sai was put to the back of my neck.

"I knew they were going to throw you at us sometime!"

"Hi Raphael, how ya doing?" Raph pointed me with the sai. Than a big fear went through me, what if he doesn't believe me when I tell him I'm free.

"Don't hi me Leo! I got you this time, and you're not going to drop the kick on me!"

"You're right, I'm not."

"What do you mean, I'm right?" Raphael was confused now, usually by this time I was trying to get away from him, or telling him to leave, but I was just standing here this time. "Now Raph, can we get to some cover before the W's just see us standing around?"

"Why are you talking as if you're not one of them Leo?" I really had Raph confused, and to tell the truth it was funny.

"Because Raph, I'm free. I got away, I'm not a W any more." Raph brought the sai down, than Ninjara droped down on top of me.

"**ooof***" I fell to the ground and looked up at her. "Thanks for dropping in Ninjara, but next time can ya be a little easier on the shell."

"Oh stop talking." I went quiet, Ninjara didn't seem happy at all with me. "Now, I heard what you told Raph, that you're free, but how can we be sure of it?"

"Here call Donatello on the Turtle com. He knows. I was with him a few days ago.. I think three or fours days ago."

"How did you get away?"

"The Shapers helped me. The ones we called the Shadows, they're real all right and I know where they're from. Now let me up, I came here to help you." Than it hit me, the blades started to burn, it could since I was getting mad about Ninjara being on my shell, I couldn't let it take over. I had to keep control. Ninjara got off my shell and the blades cooled down.

"We'll give you a chance Leo, but if you betray us..."

"I wont, just don't get me mad. I still have the blades and they don't react to well with anger." I smiled at Raph and Ninjara, seeing them together was a strong feeling for me. I mean, when we first met Ninjara I didn't really trust her. I mean she was working the bad guys, fighting us, but than her and Raph got together. I never knew how much she would become part of our family. "Where's Master Splinter?" As soon as I said that, Raphael looked down.

"Ah Leo... you better come with us. We have to hide, and tell you a story. I don't know if you want to hear." This didn't sound good. I followed Ninjara and Raphael, they were leading me away from Mokoshan's home, where I thought they were staying. While walking thoughts went through my head.. Why did Raphael react like that. Is Splinter alive? Did the W's kill Master Splinter? My blades began to burn... I was so upset, the confusion I was feeling... I just wanted to know what they have been up too and where Master Splinter is. Why is that such a hard question?

As I walked with Raph and Ninjara, I saw their eyes keep looking my way. I could feel that they didn't trust me any more. The love, trust and honor we felt for each other was gone. Will I ever be able to make that up to my brothers? I looked back to see Ninjara, her eyes wouldn't leave me, her hand ready to pull her sword at any moment.

Just than a sword went flying out at us. I jumped out of the way, looking up I saw Revyen. I pulled my sword, ready for a battle, than looked around seeing hundreds of W kids runing around us.

"You should have left and not returned, you foolish Turtle." She said looking at Raphael. Raphael had his sais out, before I could even get my swords. "Now you and your brother will destoried.. Just like your Rat was."

"WHAT????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I kiai, Master Splinter was destoried, the thought of that killed me, I looked at Revyen and jumped her. My blades came out and and I didn't stop hitting, till Ninjara pulled me up, I looked around seeing all the W's around us, Revyen on the ground all bloody and not moving. Raphael had kind of a glare at me, as if I did wrong, than I saw. I should have never took Revyen out like that. But I worry for Master Splinter, the blades took over, how was I to tell Raphael that one.

I back up and looked down.

"I'm sorry Raph, I know I lost control, but what she said... is it.. true?"

"I can't answer that to you yet Leo." Raph said, he watched me as if I was some kind of freak. I lost my temper in front of him, and I always yell at him to control his.

The W kids started to close in on us. I grabbed out my swords and got ready for a fight. Than I felt a hand on my shoulder, the first thought that came to my mind, feeling a five finger hand was Master Splinter. I turned to look, there stood Mokeshan.

"Leonardo what are you doing here?"

"I'm free Mokeshan, I've came to join my brothers." She looked down, than looked up at me.

"So does this mean the only time I'll see you is in fights?" That hurt, because Mokeshan and I became close friends. I had a feeling for her, a strong one.

"I'm sorry Mokeshan, I hope you find away out of this madness." Than it hit me, she was at this fight. "Wait, you knew about the fight going along with my brothers and you never told me?"

"I couldn't tell you, Terror would have killed me. Please understand Leo, they started this fight after they had you. They wanted to get your brothers. This girl, Revyen came to the W's asking for help, at first we turned her down, till she told Terror that the fox girl; Ninjara that she wanted to get rid of, was a girl friend to one of your brothers. Terror jumped at that, this fight would bring your brothers and he could have all four of you."

"So the W's didn't want to get invold in this fight in the first place?"

"Yes Leo. Terror is only here to get his hands your brothers, and now I guess you too." I looked over towards Raph, who was now in a middle of the fight with the W's. I gripped my swords in my hands.

"I'm sorry Mokeshan, but I can't stay." I turned around and looked at Raphael. I ran over and jumped over some W kids landing next to Raph. "We have to get out of here. If we leave and not come back and fight, the W's will drop out of the fight, and Revyen would be all on her own." Raphael looked at me.

"Are you sure Leo? I don't know if we should leave this fight."

"I'm sure Raph!"

"I don't trust him!" Ninjara said from behind me. "We stay and fight, wouldn't it be odd for him to come and tell us to drop the fight. We know the W's have had him for sometime now."

"Ninjara! I'm not a W anymore! I'm free! I know why the W's are here! We have to get out of here!"

"No! We're going to stay and fight Leo! Ninjara is right! How do we know we can trust you?!" Raph, hit a W kid out with one punch, his anger was big, you could tell by how he was acting. Just than a blad came down right at me. I looked up to see the Shredder.

"Oh No!" I backed away, holding my sword up to keep him back. Raphael looked over to see what was going.

"You left us you foolish Turtle, now either you die, or come back while you're alive!" It hit me, if I die I'm a W for ever. I had to fight back, I wasn't going to join him, but I couldn't lose this fight. I went at him, not takeing any chances and cut off one of his blades. The Shredder fell to the ground in a deep pain. I watched him, as he couldn't even stand up. I backed away. Raphael's eyes went wide to see the Shredder down so easy. I remembered if I cut off all the blades, it would kill him. But I wasn't out to kill.

"Now Raph! Let's get out of here!" I said, turning away from the Shredder. I kind of found it funny that the Shredder went down with no blood drawn in a fight.

"Don't go with him!" A voice that sounded just like me said from behind. I turned around, I couldn't believe my eyes, it was me. "He's a fack! The W's sent him to win your trust!"

"Than who are you?" Raphael asked looking at the other me.

"It's me Raph, but I still can't return with you." I had a feeling I knew who that was, and the only way I could prove it was to fight him.

"Raphael, that's not me over there." I said, looking at Raph. Now Raph and Ninjara was confused, but it kind of made since for the W's to send another that looks like me to try joining them, when the real one was still caught.

"I knew I couldn't trust you!" Raphael said looking at me.

"Raph, I'll prove to you that that's not me!" The other Leo smiled and looked at me.

"Aren't you over acting a little?" He said.

"No! I'll fight you, only than can Raph see that you're not me!" The other Leo looked at Raph.

"Now isn't that so much like a W, to want to fight to prove things? Come on, give me a break. I know they sent you out to get my brothers, but I wont let you." He was putting up a good act himself a little too good. Than another way than fighting hit my mind. I looked at Raphael.

"Raph, I'll prove who I am without a fight." Raphael was standing there, I could tell the other Leo was winning him over. Than he looked at me.

"How's that Leo?"

"Ask that Leo anything about our past, than ask me another question, keep going till you know who's who." Raph noded his head, that sounded fair.

"Ok Leo." He said looking at the other Leo. "Who was the kid that bought us from the pet shop, before we became mutant Turtles?" The other Leo's face went Red.

"You want me to remember to that far back?" He said looking at Raphael. Than Raph looked at me with a shocked look. I smiled and said.

"It was Davy. Over at James Pet's Shop. About 15 years ago we fought them and almost lost Mikey and I in another world, almost like our own, but Shredder ruled it. It was our last fight with the Shredder, before this." Raphael knew I wasn't lieing then. He looked over towards the other Leo.

"Now who in the world is this?" He said pulling his sais out.

"It's Terror, my old boss when I was stuck working for the W's. He's trying to get me back. I don't think we should stay and fight this fight." Raph looked at me shocked.

"Why not?"

"Because, he's like the shadows...or should I say the Shapers, I don't know if we can take him out." Terror smiled and started to come towards. "I say we get out of here now Raphael!" Raph and Ninjara backed away. We started to run the other way, Raph hit into Mokeshan.

"Out of my way!" He went to hit her with his sai, it would have killed her the way he was going to hit. I jumped in the way, Raph pulled back his sai. "Out of my way Leo. She's a W!"

"There's no time to fight, we have to get out of here! Leave her alone." We looked to see Terror not to far behind. Raph went and caught up with Ninjara. Mokeshan leaned over and kissed me on the cheek.

"Thanks Leo." She said with a smile.

"Anytime Mokeshan." I said as I ran off to join my brother and Ninjara. Now I was going to find out where Master Splinter was. I couldn't wait, I had to find out if what was said by Revyen was true.

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