Splinter's goes home.

Part 19

"Mark, I need your help. You guys have a way to travel to where I don't even know I'm going somewhere. I need your help now, I'll like to get Master Splinter home for Donatello to take care of him, but I don't want to have to pull him home, through a plane trip and all, that would be to much, can you help me?"

"Sure Leo." Next think I knew it went all dark. I was really happy for the first time since I was taken, for now things were starting to fit into place. When the next I saw the light of day, we were home. I looked, we were right outside the sewer den.

"Thanks Mark, I'll bring Master Splinter to his bed, boy is Don going to be surprised when he sees Master Splinter and I here today." I smile at Mark, he could see I was getting happier.. I just had to keep thinking this way, wipe out all the bad that has happened to me, it was going to be hard, but to let the lonely days and depression rule over me, would let the blades win.

I got Master Splinter to his room without Don seeing me. Donatello was cleaning the kitchen up. I walked into the room to look at Mikey before I told Don about Master Splinter. Mikey's body looked so empty. It was a sad sight for any eyes. I wish Mikey wasn't down. After looking at Mikey, I walked into the kitchen. Don turned around surprise to see me.

"Leo! How did you get home so fast?!"

"We were headed home when I called ya, I wanted it to be a surprised that we got here today." Don smiled and gave me a hug. "Donny I got some bad news to tell you."

"What is it Leo?" I saw worry fill Donny's eyes.

"It's Master Splinter, he was to close to a bomb when it went off, he's in the other room." Donatello ran to Master Splinter's bed room.

"WoW! He looks worse than Mikey!!!"

"He's talked to me once, the first day I saw him like this. Donny I thought I should get him home to you, for you to take care of him, he needs you now."

"Leo, what am I to do, I already have Mikey? My hands are full... and I can't turn Master Splinter away, but this is a lot of work."

"I thought about that Donny, I'm going to call April in to help us." Don walked over and put his hand upon the melted fur. He looked up at me, than a tear went down his face.

"I don't think he's going to live this one Leo. I have a bad feeling about this." We both huged each other, I felt the tears from his eyes hitting my shoulder, as my tears went rolling down my face. To think of losing Master Splinter would be one of the hardest things.. I love him so much.

"I better call April in, and get back to help Raph. You take care of yourself Donny."

"Ok Leo, I hope the war ends soon." I looked at Don one more time, before I left. Mark was waiting outside for me. I walked over and claimed out of the sewer.

"I've got to go get a friend to come and help Donatello."

"Who are you getting?"

"April O'Neil, she's a friend of ours, and will help Donny." Once I gotup to the streets above, I went to April's place, she was going through some papers with Irma sitting down next to her.

"Well April, you could always go to that station, down town. They did stories on the crime a lot more than Channel 6."

"No, I think I'm going to stay as a free lance, I have more of my own right to do the stories I want. Besides I even have a good Camera lady, who could ask for anything more?" April smiled. I knocked on the door, even though it was open for me to see this. "Who's there." April asked as she turned around.

"Hi April, it's me Leo."

"Leonardo!" April ran over to the door, "Come on in.. where have you been? How's the others? Are you free from the W's? Why are you here?"

"Should I answer that all in order?"


"Ok, I've been with Raphael for a little bit in the war against Nevyen. Yes I'm free from the W's and I'm here because Donatello needs your help." I said, walking over to the table, looking down at the papers, I saw they were over due bills. "What's going on here April?"

"Why Does Donatello need my help, never mind the bills!" April grabbed a coat, Irma just stood to the side watching all this.

"Well you see, Master Splinter and Michaelangelo are wounded and sick, they need to be taken care of. Donatello can't do it all on his own, and I have to go back to help Raphael and Ninjara."

"Ok, I'll help Don." April said getting ready to run out the door.

"Oh fine April, just leave me, I'll show my own way out."

"I'm sorry Irma, but this sounds serious! I'll go through the bills later."

"Yea, yea, you're just looking for a reason why not to do the bills now." April smiled at Irma, than went out the door. Irma sat down and looked at me, I turned and followed April. I figured I would go with her, so she can see how bad they are.

"Leo, you've been through a lot I guess, with all this stuff with the W's.. do you think there's a story within it, that you can give me?"

"Maybe when all this madness is done with, but I don't know right now." We went quietly, but fast back home. I could tell April had a lot of stress on herself, that she was trying to block out. When we got to the lair I found Donatello running towards Master Splinter's room with some first ad stuff.

"What's wrong Donny?!" I kiai as I ran to Master Splinter's room, April close behind.

"I think we're losing him, he's dieing Leo!!! I don't know if I can save him!!!"

"We're going to have to fine away! Let's give it all we got!!" I started to do anything that Don told me to do, as did April, we were working together, handing Don tools from the first ad box. It was 15 mins, which felt like an hour, of just working on saving Splinter.

"Ok, that should do for now." Don said looking down, after the 15 mins was over. A tear went down his face. "Leo, this is crazy, I don't think I can save him, he was about to die right there. If that happens again, I don't know if I'll be able to pull him out of it." I looked down, feeling the pain that Donatello was talking about, to lose Master Splinter is too much.

"Hi April." Don said, looking up seeing April standing behind me.

"Hi Don, I'm sorry about this, Master Splinter sure does look ill." April put her hand down on him, than looked up at Don. "I'm here to help you, together, we'll keep Master Splinter alive." Donatello smiled at April, she is such a good friend of ours.

"Well guys I have a war to return too, don't worry, I'll return. Hopefully next time the war will be over." I turned and walked out of the lair as I could hear the two of them saying good bye. I just hope everything turns out right. Mark was waiting for me.

"It's time to go back to the war Mark." I said, looking at back towards the lair. "I will return here as soon as I can." Mark shaped over me, for all I could see was pure dark, and right now that was the way I was feeling too. I was lonely scared, and I think a little ill. Once I saw the light, we were in the room that we left, the room where they had Master Splinter in. I walked out of the room, Raphael was sitting down, than he stood up as fast as he could.

"What took you so long in there?!! What were you doing?!!"

"I got Master Splinter home, for Donatello and April to take care of him, he shouldn't be this close to the war!"


"Raph, take it easy, Master Splinter is ok. He's been moved, and I did so carefully. I don't want him hurt, and I don't want him this close to the war! Don't you trust me?"

"No Leo!!! I almost thought I could, but you lost that Trust! How could you be so dumb! I didn't even think he would live to get here! Than you have the guts to take him to New York!!! I didn't even see you leave the room!!! YOU HAVE TO BE LIEING!!!" Raph ran passed me and looked in the room. "Master Splinter!!!" He kiai..

"Raph, Mark took us home. Remember he's one of the Shadows, a Shaper." Raph turned and looked at Mark. "Don't even think of saying it's his fault, because it was my plan.. I had him do it.. for Master Splinter!" Raph turned and walked out. I looked down, I could tell that he was mad, and he was mad at me. How am I to earn his trust back, when he acts like that.

I walked to my room and sat down, looking out the window, I saw the wolf ppl with weapons, and guards all around. Ready for a war, it wouldn't be right to keep Master Splinter at a place like this, he's safer at home. I knew it, I could feel it.

I sat down for about an hour, thinking of all the stuff that's been happening, will we ever caught up to our normal lifes, did we ever have a normal life? So many questions, I'm in the dark about. I was feeling lonely, seeing the dark go over the land. Did I do the right thing? Did Raph have the right to be mad? Than my mind went towards Master Splinter, I closed my eyes.. thinking...thinking of him.

He was just a young Rat when his Master Yoshi got him, he remembered so much, and told us so many stories. Like how Nagi and Yoshi use to work together, than when Shen came into their lifes, they grew apart, both wanting the same women. They started to fight over many things, and never worked together again. Yoshi did feel bad after killing Nagi, he didn't mean to. Nagi got him so mad, it was just anger that clouded the mind that night.

That's why Yoshi started over and moved to New York. Only if Saki saw what really happened, instade of being brought up to believe it was a cold blood murder like he was. It has destoried so many lifes, but what if this all didn't happen, would we have ever had a father character like Master Splinter? With his years with us, he taught us many things, one thing was to try and hold our anger from clouding our minds, from destorying our lifes, like it did with his Master Yoshi.

I opened my eyes, it was time to try getting things more in order, we had to end this fight. The W's wanted us Turtles, not the wolf ppl. I walked down the steps, on my way to get Raphael.


I looked down, my Turtle com went off. Picking up my Turtle com, I heard Donatello's voice.

"Leo! I need you come fast! Master Splinter, he awake, I know you can't be all the way back to Mokoshan's place already! I need you to come home!"

"Ok Don! I'm coming" I turned off the Turtle come and ran into Raph's room. "Raph Master Splinter's awake! Don wants me to come home! I want you here for this Raph!" Raph sat up and looked at me.

"Ok, Leo, I'm coming. Let's get our shells out of here." We went into the living room, where Mark was sitting. Mark looked up at us. He saw there was something going on, by the looks on our faces, at that time Ninjara walked into the room.

"Raph, I'm done with my shower." She stopped and looked around "What's going?"

"Mark, we need to go home now." Next thing I knew it went all dark. When Mark uncovered us, we were home. I looked to see Ninjara came too. "Come on.. let's find out What Donny sounded so worried about." We walked in, Donatello looked over.

"What are Raphael and Ninjara doing here??!!"

"They well, it's a long story. Let's get on to, what's going on with Master Splinter?"

"Well, I walked pass, his room. I was going to take care of Michaelangelo.. and I heard a noise, I ran into his room, he was lying there, with his eyes open. He hasn't said anything, but I think you guys should be here." Donatello walked into his room, Raph, Ninjara and I followed. I looked to see Master Splinter, the pain in his eyes. A tear went down my eyes, I felt a deep fear, that this might be that last time I saw him looking at me.

"Hi Master Splinter." I said putting my hand on his right arm. He smiled at me.

"My sons you are together." He said, as some blood came from his mouth, and over the lips then smiled to us. "I have missed seeing you all together,............. but where is........................Mich...ae...lang....elo..... ?"

"He's sleeping right now Master Splinter, as you should be. Get your rest." I said, sitting down next to him.

"My sons..... there is something I must say...be..fore.. .I...close.....my... eyes..this..one.."

"Say what you must Master Splinter, but remember this isn't your last time closeing your eyes, we'll make sure of it!" Raph said, I looked towards, I saw the worry in Raph's eyes.

"I...have...alwa..ys....t.o.l..d..you...m.y...so..ns.... th.at..I..wi..ll..be gon..e....one da.y...t..his..day. is comin..g..closer.., as..I talk..no..w." Splinter closed his eyes in pain, as we saw blood come from his eyes, his words were slow, with a sound of pain, a deep pain, a sound I didn't want to face. "Be..fo..re........I'.m...go.ne..I..mu..st.. .sa..y...I.....love..you..all..m..y..sons..and...no...matter...what... hap..pens...ne..ver ...gi.ve...in...for I am..always with..you.." Splinter smiled at us, than closed his eyes again. I reached down, and felt for an heart beat.

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