Anger Clouds the mind

Part 7

It was a few months before I was on my feet again. Now I knew what I had to do, but there was a problem. These blades that lye upon my arm were no good, they ripped and tore at me. I was getting upset with every little thing that went wrong. I follow Terror's orders as if they were the world. I follow, but in my mind I thought I had full control, I thought I was just doing this to make it look like I wouldn't let him down, but the more I did as told, the more my blades had control over me. It wasn't till my next fight with my brothers when I saw that I lost all of my own control.

It was a night, A few W kids, Blades, Shredder and I took a plane to MI. We had to take out a Car dealer place in Detroit, the owner was getting a warning not to dig any deeper on finding the W's. Once getting there I saw pits vill. New York was worst, but with hiding out, and the towns we usually pick on, they weren't like this. Houses and buildings just left to fall apart in areas of the towns. You don't feel safe at all on these streets. As we were taking a car that was left at the air port for us, we saw some guy run off a street aim and shoot his gun at the moving cars. It was pointless, but deadly, it went through one car, with a lady driver.. not hiting anyone, but than it hit a car driver, the car pulled off and crashed into a Gas Station. We were going down 8 mile road, heading West to Woodward, than we had to go turn South into Detroit.

Once we got to the car dealer, I saw ppl walking around buying and looking at cars. We pulled up and jumped out of the car. The W kids grabbed out guns and shot everyone down that stood outside. We walked in.

"Hands up everyone!!" Shredder Kiai. I went up to a guy behind the desk.

"He's the one to live. Kill everyone else."

"Yes Leonardo." Shredder said, as Blades, him and the kids took everyone out.

"This is our gift, from us to your boss. Now if you want to live, you'll do as told, first of all I want all the money out of your safe, than I want you to tell your boss something for me and the rest of the W's."

"What? What do you want me to tell him? I'm say anything, please just don't kill me!!"

"I want you to.." than the door flew open, I grabbed out a sword and put it the guy's neck. Than looked to see who was standing there.

"Leo! What are you doing? Let that guy go!" It was the other Turtles, Shredder looked at my brothers.

"I'll handle them, you finish your job." I couldn't say no, if I did New York might be destroyed, or I would feel that pain that hurt so bad. I had to go on, do as I was told too, and besides the blades wouldn't let me stop.

"Ok." I said. "Now you tell your boss, if he shoves his face into our stuff anymore, he'll get another vistit from us. And next time he wont be so lucky to have a place left here."

Meanwhile Shredder jumped Raphael. Raph didn't take no time on Shredder, he wanted me. He wanted to know what was going on. What was I not telling him. And he wasn't going to rest till he found out. He tossed Shredder through a window and jumped at me. I stepped out of his way and held my sword down towards Raph, who was now on the ground.

"Don't get in my way Raphael! I have work to do!"

"Leo! What's wrong with you!!! You're hiding something, you're not telling us everything!!! DAMNIT I want to know what's going on in that head of yours to be working with Shredder!!!"

"Raphael Just get out of here!!!" Raph stood up, my sword followed keeping him a distance away. Than Raph leaped at me, I brought my sword up cutting his Migi arm, to where it cut to the bone. I stood there looking at him. "Now Raphael, do as you're told and get out of here!!!"

"I'm not leaving Leo!!!" Raph grabbed his arm, I could see the pain in his eyes. "I'm not going until you tell me what you're doing!!" Just than Blades tossed Mikey across the room, he crashed right into me. Raph took that chance and jumped on me. Mikey helped him hold me down. I tried to get up, than the blades came from my arm, I brought them up, hitting Raph across the face. I saw the blood drip down on me, but that didn't stop me, I jumped on top of Raph with blades out, I started to hit him, I didn't think of the pain this caused him. All I could do was Zuki, as if I didn't know him.

When I looked back I saw what I was doing. I let anger cloud my mind, as Master Splinter had warned us many times not to do. I looked to see blood coming down Raph's face. He was out cold. Mikey standing watching in horror, being held back by a W kid. Donatello up against the Shredder alone. I looked down, seeing what I have done, it was all my fault. I looked at Raphael again...

"Why didn't you listen to me?" I got off of Raph. "STOP ALL THIS FIGHTING!!!!" I kiai. Everyone stopped and looked at me. The W's stopped because I was put in charge of this battle, my brothers stopped because they looked at me as the leader for so long, it would be hard not to listen. "We have fought enough today. W's we have done what we came for. Lets get out of here." The W's started to leave, my brothers came around me. "I'm sorry guys." I said with a low voice looking down at Raphael. "Please take care of him."

"Leo, why are the W's listening to you. Even Shredder left under your word." Donatello asked looking back watching the W's leave.

"It's a long story, and knowing if Shredder gets back before me I'll have some problems. I'm sorry guys, I don't have time to tell it yet." I looked back at Raph lying on the ground. Than looked at the others. "One things for sure, you don't ever want to be caught by the W's, they let anger cloud your mind and they use it against you." I turned and walked away. "Sayonara my brothers" I looked back to see Mikey and Don pick up Raph's body. I couldn't think of that being my doing, it looks like a animal got to him, like a bear and just tore into him for food. I turn to walk out and a foot geri me right in the face. I went flying back, than looked up to see Ninjara standing in the door way. And she wasn't going to let me out easy.

"Sayonara is not the word yet, but Kohn Bahn Wah is" she said as she jumped at me. I thought to myself, Good evening... oh boy that means it's just the beginning, I wasn't going to be able to just get up and go. Ninjara wouldn't listen to me. I jumped out of the way, than rolled towards the door. I had to get out of here. Ninjara jumped in my way She Rei at me, "Now it's time to fight" She said grabbing her sword out. I worked with my Ki Hon Uke keeping her sword from touch me. I didn't want to Zuki her, I've had enough of that for one day.

"STOP!!!" A voice cried out. It was Raphael. "Ninjara, Leo is right. Don't get yourself hurt right now. We'll see Leo again, and he wont get away so easy." Raph said, you could hear the anger in his voice. Now the question hit me, will my brothers ever forgive me. Will they ever know what's the Dark Truth that I have not been able to tell yet.

After leaving I thought about that all the way back home. I went to my room and sat down. Covering my face that was full of tears, for I didn't want anyone to know. I just sat there, looking out the window. I felt the pain from where Raphael stabbed me with his sais, I haven't felt that pain in a long time, it was an old wound yelling at me for forgetting.

"You let anger cloud the mind, and see what happened." I looked up, Mark was sitting across my room, with another friend.

"Can you please help me?" I cried to them.

"I told you, once you got your brothers helping you, trusting you just as much as they use too. That's when we'll help. In the mean time Leo, think about how much they trust you now." I looked down, they were right. I let the anger cloud my mind, my brothers wont trust me for along time.

"Why can't you help me?"

"Because, you need the person who cares for you the most to remove those blades from you. The problem is you don't know who that is yet. Do you?"

"Could it be Master Splinter?" I asked, not knowing the answer.

"We don't know Leo." the other one spoke up, you could hear depression in his voice. "That's what you have to solve for yourself, the person you care for the most, and that person has to care for you the same back. Otherwise those blades will be on you for life."

"Who are you?"

"My name is Peter, though humans use the nick Brain when I'm shaped the way I really look. I'm the leader of the Shapers, I don't know why they call Mark 'Leader'" Mark smiled as if he knew "but I was born leader."

"Peter, can you tell me about you guys, how you came to Earth, and why you're staying here?"

"I will tell you our story when you're ready for it. In the meantime, think about the lesson you have learned today. If you let the anger cloud your mind, you'll lose everyone you need to get out of this. Now you must reconnect yourself with your brothers. Think of what your Master Splinter has taught you, and you'll be ok." the two of them just melted into the ground. I was starting to see why they were called Shapers.

I went to the DoJo, Shredder was in there. He didn't seem happy though.

"You wreaked it! We were winning!! You called the fight off, how could you?!!"

"They were my brothers, and I won't let them be killed. We did our job, now get over it."

"Are you growing weak on us Leo?" Shredder said coming at me.

"I'm stronger than you ShredHead. How would you feel if they threw you against Nagi if he was still alive?" Shredder shut up, I could tell I hit a soft spot there.

"If it wasn't for Yoshi, Nagi would still be alive!"

"If it wasn't for you, Yoshi would still be alive and Tang Shen. Stop and think about it Shredder, Yoshi was saving Shen, your brother started this all. He's the one that got you into this life that you lead now. If anyone is to blame it's the one that started it all. Your brother Nagi!" Shredder got up and walked out of the room. I could see the anger in his eyes, it hurt him to think that his brother could be the cause of all this. But I wasn't going to let this fight go on, I didn't want to fight, I wanted to clear my mind of anger, and Shredder wasn't helping.

After the Shredder was gone, I started to go through my katas thinking of what Master Splinter would do at a time like this. Would Master Splinter work for the W's to save a full City of ppl he loves, or would he let his honor be more important. I couldn't let these ppl die, I had to find a way of getting rid of the bomb that had been placed in New York, only than will it be safe for me to leave. I just wished those Shapers would help me, what are they doing, why aren't they helping, why do they just sit back and watch. I got mad, at the thought of how they didn't help me when I needed it, how they can stand there and let my brothers and I fight among each other. These Shapers are no good, they're in the way and shouldn't be here on Earth.

Than I stopped and thought of what I was thinking of. It was the anger again, clouding my mind, I was getting mad at these things, these things that are being hunted. And the worst part about it, was that I was one of the hunters. I put my swords away and stopped doing my katas, I headed for my room and sat down looking out the window. All the pain going through my head, the thoughts of the fight with my brothers and Ninjara. I wonder if Raphael was Ok, how bad did I hurt him, will he ever forgive me. I started to lose hope of ever going home, but than I heard the song Follow Your Heart go through my head. I had to go on, I had to find away to get home. The blades in my arms burned once again, it was feeling my anger, my anger about being here, about not being able to go home, about being told what to do.

It seemed no matter how hard I tried to hide those feelings from these blades they just kept coming back, and the blade ate it up, making me feel the pain in those thoughts. I had to do something, sitting around isn't going to help. My arms felt as if I should break something, just throw something against the wall, but I fought that, there was nothing I wanted to break, but I just felt like breaking something, anything.

"Leonardo, I have another job for you." I turned to my door there stood Terror. I wanted to jump at him and tear him to pieces, but I fought that feeling.

"What is it this time." I could hear the anger in my own voice, what are these blades doing to me. Why can't I get rid of this anger.

"This job takes place in New York. You have to go to a building on 34th street the east side of town, here is the address, you and Shredder are to kill everyone in the building. I want no one a live."

"Why, what have they done?"

"This is one of the Foot old hideouts, they are getting together and are planning to attack us. But we have the upper hand, go and do your job." Terror walked out of the room. I thought to myself, well this is going up against the foot, and with the anger inside of me, maybe I could let it out on the foot. That way nothing would go wrong with the areas I had to be careful. I got up and walked to the Shredder's room. He was sitting looking at a picture of Nagi.

"It wasn't Nagi's fault!" He said, I could hear the anger in his voice, just as much as it was in mine.

"Shredder we have a job. Get ready to take the next plane to New York." I walked out. I'm going home, New York how much I missed that places. I thought of all the pain I was in when I was last there. How much I just wanted the pain to end, now the pain is just a small one, I feel when it's touched and when I move the wrong way. I wonder if I should have told him it was the Foot we were going up against. His own clan, the clan that was about to Uke us. I looked back how mad Shredder was now. It's for Shredder to find out on his own.

Shredder and I took the plane to New York as planned. But for some reason my brothers were at the air port. I felt as if they knew my every move and was waiting for me. I walked quietly and noticed Raph was not with Don and Mikey. I hope Raph's ok. Ninjara stood near them, they were walking around as if they were looking for someone. I pulled my hat over my face, and started to walk faster. I didn't need them to see me. I over heard them talking.

"What if the note was wrong and he's not here dudes?"

"Mikey think about it, has those notes lead us wrong yet. Each time we've followed them they lead us to him."

"But we never got two in one day before."

"Let's just stop him before he gets to 34th street." Ninjara said looking over, than she looked my way. I didn't look at her, I kept walking as if nothing was going on. Saki walked by me, he too wore a hat over his face. I had my hands in pocket and wore shoes so they couldn't see any green on me. Ninjara looked the other way. I wonder who left a note for them, who is letting them know where I am. I walked till they were out of sight.

"Come on Shredder we have work to do." Shredder looked at me, he could see I was in a hurry to get out of there. I wanted to get to the place before my brothers got there to stop us. I don't want to fight them again, I already hurt Raphael once, and Ninjara wont let me get away with that.

Once we got to the place, the Foot was getting ready for a uke. I grabbed out my sword, Shredder grabbed me back.

"What are we doing here?"

"Our job is to finish off everyone here. That's what Terror wants."

"I don't care what Terror wants, we're not going to hurt the Foot, they're already stuck with out a leader. Unless you want to call Krang a leader." I almost laughed at that, Shredder and Krang always fought to be the leader of the Foot both didn't like each other, but knew each other was needed to try taking us out.

I looked around at all these teenagers, I've forgot how much work it was to fight the Foot. I grabbed my swords in hand and threw my coat and hat off to the side. Shredder looked at me again.

"We can't fight here!!"

"I've had to fight my brothers, do you think I wanted to do that. Now lets get this done before they find out about us." I saw anger in Shredder's eyes, he didn't want to listen to me, but since I was able to bet him, Terror has placed me higher than Shredder. He had to do as I told him, and right now I had orders to take out this building. Shredder looked as if he was going to go in for the kill, but as he went to hit me, I saw pain in his eyes. Shredder pulled his sword back and he stood up.

"I hate that!!!" He said with anger.


"When we try to hurt each other on work we feel the pain from Terror, he knows our every move. Lets get to work." I saw anger and depression, Shredder himself was trapped in this, this world where he couldn't do as he wanted.

I jumped down with swords in hand cutting two of the kids as they fell dead. I turned towards Three other kids in the room, at first Shredder didn't jump out. I was fighting on my own. I brought my sword down into one of the kids when another grabbed a gun out and shot at me, I moved just in the nick of time. These kids would kill me at any chance they could get, they already hated me from the years of fighting before, I bet they don't even know I'm working for the W's right now, or why I'm even here. Using a throwing star I threw it at the kid with the gun, he went to move out of the way, but it was too late. I hit the kid right in between the eyes. Two more to go. I turned to see they were already down, Shredder was standing right behind them.

I walked around the bodies than looked over at Shredder. "There's more upstairs, lets get this job over." Shredder looked at me, than went towards the stairs, I could tell he didn't want to do this, but I looked at it as a favor, less foot once I get free to have to worry about.

The fight on the next floor wasn't as easy. There were around 15 kids in the first room. All looked like they were about to head out to cause trouble. Weapons in hand. It took only seconds before the kids jumped me. I fought hard taking the sais from one kid and throwing them through another kids and Ushiro Geri the kid, who had the sais. Than I felt a sword go to my throat. I closed my eyes ready for the kid to de head me, than I thought he hasn't hit yet, it's time for me to move. I brought the blades out of my arm and stabbed the person, the cry I heard, I knew who it was and now I felt bad of what I did. I turned to see...

"Ninjara!! What are you doing here?" I got down towards Ninjara and a Foot kid jumped at my back, I brought my sword up and cut the kid in half. "Get out of here Ninjara!!" Ninjara looked at me, I could see the anger in her eyes, she didn't know what was going on, all she knows is that I've hurt Raphael and her, and she wasn't going to let me get away with this.

"I'm not leavings Leo! Not till you tell me what's going on!!"

I backed away from her, hearing the anger, than feeling my blades burn. I felt as if I had to finish her off, but I couldn't, she was my friend. The blades burned and hit me hard. I closed my eyes and looked at her.

"Please Ninjara. I don't want to fight you, or my brothers, I need your help. I don't know how yet, but I need to get away." Just than a Foot kid brought a sword down the Ushiro of my shell. "ahhhhh" The pain went through me, I turned cutting this head from his body. "Don't touch my Shell!!" I kiai at the dead body.

"Wow, Leo you almost remind me of Raphael there." I turned to see Donatello standing with his Bo ready to fight me. "Why did you hurt Raph? What's wrong with you Leo?" I backed away, this was like a nightmare, to face my brothers. I have failed them, in doing so I failed myself. I looked up at Don, the pain showing through in my eyes. Donny backed up. "Leo what's wrong?!!!"

"Donny, I don't know how to tell you, but you have to help me. I need Master Splinter, I think he's the only one who can truly save me. I need these removed." I held up my hand showing the blades. Than the pain in my back made me fall to my knees, Shredder jumped down on Donatello. I looked up to see his Blades coming towards my brother. I jumped in the way and Shredder fell back in pain.

"You fool!! Your brothers are the last ones here a live. We have to kill all, remember." The Shredder said looking at me, I wasn't going to let him kill my brothers. I looked up at them.

"Leave now! If you're ever to follow what I say again, than get out of here NOW!!!" Donatello looked down.

"Ok Leo, but we're here for you. One of these days you're going to have to tell us what's going on. Only than can we help you."

"Dohmo Arigato Gozeimas"

"Do Itashimashite" Donatello and Mikey grabbed Ninjara and they left. I looked at the Shredder and pulled myself onto my feet.

"Lets go home."

Once we got home I went to my room. It was dark out. Than I looked up and saw Mark and Peter in my room.

"Your brothers now know you're in danger and know that you need to remove those blades. You're ready to hear our story." Mark said. "Come here and join us, it's time for you to learn the fight that you're in."

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