Part 20... Splinter!!!

Part 20 The Beginning of the final war

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" I cried as tears started to come down my eyes. "It can't be!!!" Donatello got down near me, he felt for the heart beat and looked up at Ninjara and Raphael.

"I'm sorry guys, but he's gone." Don said in a low voice. The words went through my head some many times, the pain of the words, I couldn't believe it! He was just talking to us. I looked up at Don, than towards Raph and Ninjara. Raphael gave me a cold look.

"If you left him, he wouldn't have died!!!" Raph said to me, I looked down, it couldn't have been because of the move, he was moved safely.. he should have been ok. I saw a tear go down Ninjara face, just as she threw herself into Raph's arms. Raph went down into the hug crying. "It's all your fault Leo!" He said, I could hear the depression in his voice. I looked at Master Splinter's body, it can't be so,... he can't be dead. I reached down and huged the body, I felt the cold, there was no life in him. I started to cry harder.

Donatello pulled me off of Master Splinter, and put a blanket over his face. Tears going down from his eyes. We were all depressed, how would Mikey take this once he wakes up? Will he wake up? I sat near Master Splinter's body, not knowing what to do, no one we ever knew this close has ever died, besides the Mighty Mutanimals, and the future Turtles handled that for us. Did they know Master Splinter was going to die like this? Why didn't they tell us? I thought they said old age? Is it all my fault? I never saw the blades on the future Leo? Does he hide them? So many questions going through my head, when it's just stuff trying to block out the truth.. Master Splinter is dead, and there's nothing we can do to save him.

Raph looked up from the hug with Ninjara, seeing me sitting next to Master Splinter's body, he was so mad at me. I knew he was, but what could I do about it. I didn't want Master Splinter to die, I know it wasn't my fault, was it? The blades in my arms started to burn. The war had to end, and Revyen had to pay for what she did to Master Splinter, but I just couldn't leave the body, it was still Splinter, he can't be dead.. this has to be a dream.

April walked up behind me and put her hand on my shoulder, I almost forgot that she was here, she was so quiet. I looked up at her, tears going down my eyes, one of my hands holding Splinter's hand. April gave me a hug, than took Splinter's hand out of mine.

"I'm sorry Leo, I think we should leave the room for a bit." She took me and lead me to the living room. I sat down and started to cry, I could hear Ninjara and Raphael behind, crying. It was a sad day, a day of which will never be forgotten. I looked back to see Donatello, cleaning up Master Splinter's room, with tears in his eyes. Don fully covered Splinter. Than went towards his lab. He made coffins years ago, in case something happened to any of us, he made five. One for each of us Turtles and one for Splinter. He was the only one of us that could face the fact that death is coming for each of us. He even had a place picked for us to be buried. His only fear was, who will bury the last one of us alive.

These thoughts were giving me a headache, but how was I to think of anything else, Master Splinter... how??... How can it be so, he's always been there for us, what will we do without him. Than it hit me, Master Splinter didn't just die, he was murdered.. that blast is what did him in! I stood up and looked at Raph and Ninjara.

"I say we finsh this fight for Master Splinter."

"I agree Leo! Let's get ourselfs a wolf!" Raph said, wiping a tear from his eyes. "I'll teach her for doing this to Master Splinter!" I liked the sound of it, Raph wasn't going after me about this, for once. But we had a job to do.

"I wish I could come and help kick this dudettes butt, but I got other stuff to do." Donatello said, as he pulled one of his coffins into the room with Master Splinter, closing the door behind him. I couldn't help but feel tears coming down my face, Master Splinter's gone.. poor Don is doing the hardest job of us all.

"Leo, I still think you shouldn't have moved Master Splinter!" Raph said walking towards me. "But I'll get after you later, right now we have a wolf to kick!!!" Raph grabbed his sais out, Ninjara behind him holding her sword.

"We have a war to end! Let's get this done!" Ninjara said, walking towards the door. Mark was standing outside, waiting for us. He looked up at us, with the tears going down our eyes. I think he knew what was wrong, for he didn't say a word.

"We want to go back." I said looking at Mark he noded his head, than all went black, once we came up, I looked to see the Wolf ppl. Mokoshan was out working with them, getting ready for battle. "Mokoshan, it's time we go out and end this war!" I said walking towards him.

"What's going on, where have you been?"

"It's a long story, all I can say is that Revyen is going to pay for what she did."

"HuH?" I looked down, I knew I had to tell him what happened, or he'll never understand, but it was so hard to say. I don't want to say it out of my own mouth, it still wasn't real to me. Ninjara stepped forward.

"Master Splinter has died." She said, looking down, another tear coming from her eyes. Mokoshan looked down.

"I understand, but do you guys have a plan?"

"Just show me where the W's hideout is here, and I'll come up with one." I said grabbing out my swords, it was time to take on this fight, and not to let Master Splinter down. Mokoshan, took me on a long walk. We were careful not to be spotted, Raph came along. Ninjara stayed home. I noticed I was still getting the cold shoulder from Raph, but at lease we're working together. Once we got to the hideout, I saw the Wolf ppl that went with Revyen all upset, and Revyen was yelling at them.

"What do you mean you still haven't found them!!!! The W's wants those Turtles, and inchange, we'll be free of that Fox, Ninjara!!! Hurry up and get your work done, and find them!!!"

"But Revyen, we have been trying for days, and we can't find them. It's no use, maybe we should give up this fight, it's a lost cause. The Fox is going to go home with Raph."

"No! It's not a lost cause, she was so close to Mokoshan it hurt! I never trusted her from the start, I don't want her to leave here safe!!!" I looked at Raph, seeing how he was reacting to this, I saw his hands grip his sais, sweat started to come down his face, with anger in the eyes, and tears coming from the eyes. Things were hard enough today on us.

"Let me at her." Raph said quiety to us.

"No, Raph, we need a plan. Let's go home till we get one."

"Ok Leo.. but once we do get into a fight, I want to be the one to handle her."

"We'll talk about this once we get to a safe place Raph." We got out of there before hearing any more. Revyen had no right to be mad at Ninjara, Ninjara was invited to stay there. Once we got back to Mokoshan's hide out, we gather to talk. Ninjara, Raph, Mokoshan and I all sat at a table, Mark stood up against a wall watching us. They never offer him to help us, and that's one thing I was going to change.

"This fight is going to be big, and we have to face that fact right off the bat. Raphael, I don't want you or Ninjara up against Revyen."

"WHAT SHE'S OUR FIGHT!!! I WANT AT HER!!!" Raph kiai at me.

"Sorry Raph, but I don't want anger to cloud your mind in this fight. It's important that you don't have anger at the person you're fighting, at least personal anger at who you're fighting."

"May I speak up." I turned to see Mark finally stepping in. "You guys are going at this all wrong."

"We are?" I said, trying to see what he was talking about.

"That's right.. we got two sides in this war and both are lead... hmmm get the army together, we're hiking to the other base." Mark said standing up, "than I'll tell a story to you guys." We followed Mark, as we walked. Once we got to the W's hideout, Mark stopped us. "You guys stay here." He walked off into the hideout, we noticed Revyen isn't even here right now. Within 10 mins Mark returned to us. "Come.. " He said to us, we came into the base, Revyens army was seating down.

"We will hear your plan to end this war, but you must know that the only way we'll let the war end is as long as Ninjara leaves." One of the Wolfs said standing up for the rest of their army.

"Very, I'm leaveing as soon as this war is over." Ninjara said as we all took a seat to hear Mark's story, but why must both armys be together to hear it.

"My story is for both sides to hear, but what you must know is that I didn't write or make up this story, I heard it here on Earth in a song." He sat down in the center between us and the other army. "This song sang of a war.. A king called for war, and the other king answered. They would have this war at the rise of the sun. Through out the night they worked on their fighting and weapons. At the rise of the sun they met at the battle field weapons in hand, they looked out across the vacant land, they counted their missing one upon one, none upon none the war was over before it begun. Two little kings playing a game, they called a war and nobody came."

"What does this have to do with us?" I asked, trying to get the plan out of him.

"Ok, Leo, if you must know here is my plan. We all know that the reason Revyen doesn't like Ninjara, is because she wanted to be called Moon eyes by Mokoshan. She wanted to be the one Mokoshan loved. Well if she is left alone to fight him, she wont fight right.."

"You know, you might be right about that." I said, this was starting to make a little since to me now.

"Ok, so my plan is for Mokoshan, finally to call a war upon Revyen, you guys act as if you're going to go to the war, but than when the war comes, do not show up. If we all work together, Mokoshan might be able to knock some since into Revyen, if no one else is around."

"That sounds crazy enough it might just work." Raph said sitting back with one arm around Ninjara. "Leo how come you never come up with Crazy ideas that might get someone killed so easy?" I hit Raph on the back of the head.

"We'll go with it Mark.. I hope you know her as well as you think." Even though I didn't know if Mark knew Revyen or not, I was going with him. He seemed good with ppl, and was always there for me. Raph gave me a look, you could tell he really didn't care for the idea, and was just being rude when he talked. When we went back to our hide out and Mokoshan called Revyen to war, at the rise of the sun. I sat awake all night, waiting for this to be over. At the rise of the sun, Mokoshan went to the Battlefeild alone. I sat watching for him to return. I hope Mark was right about this. It has been an hour now, I was feeling something was wrong. Why is it taking this long. I went down stairs to see what everyone else was too. Ninjara and Raphael were cuddled on the couch a sleep. I saw the bottom part of Raph's face mask was still wet from tears. It was such a hard day, I couldn't sleep. Even though I know Master Splinter is dead, I just feel that he's gone for a long trip.. and will be home when we return.

I sat down on a chair looking over towards Raph and Ninjara, the thought of how they acted to each other the last so many days before breaking up came to mind. I miss those days.. I miss those days so much no one will ever know. Thoughts started to come to my mind..oh the pass of who we are. Master Splinter taught us to live, and let live. Even though he first asked us to kill the Shredder I could understand, but the Shredder still lives, and now I've learned more about him. To think of how we use to fight him, as if he wasn't human. Our anger for him was Great, he killed Master Splinter's Master Yoshi. But now, I wonder.. why did we have the anger for that, we never met Yoshi, only heard stories. I wonder if he was as good as a Ninja as Master Splinter tells me. I want out of this fighting.. why are we fighters... is it the only road we can take. After this war, can we call a end to fighting in our life, or will more come. I looked once more at Raph and Ninjara.. I saw some kind of peace that wasn't there before.. before they got back together. They now know they were made for each other.

How they met, I didn't trust Ninjara at first to much, but Raph just fell right into her arms. All of these stories, and no one to hear them. Having to hide from humans... besides kids, they believe in the Turtles, but adutls think we're just a cartoon. I walked over and looked at them, sleeping.. so peaceful, I wish I could go to sleep. I felt a tear go down my face, as the thought of Master Splinter hit me again. I've been up all night, my body needed rest, but I couldn't rest, Mokoshan still hasn't came home. I started to walk back and forth. My head hurting, the blades started to burn my arms again. All these thoughts, it was to much. I went back to my room and lyed down. Trying to sleep was usless, I couldn't. The thought of Master Splinter was going through my head.. I felt as though he was near me. Could he really be, did I lose him. I couldn't face that fact. I closed my eyes, as I felt the headache grow, I just couldn't sleep. Master Splinter couldn't be dead!!!

I got up, seeing that I still couldn't sleep. I went down to the kitchen and got a glass of milk. Sitting down, I felt as if I was going to drop face down, but I kept my head up, even though I was starting to see two of everything. I really felt something was wrong..I couldn't sleep, at lease not till Mokoshan returned home. So I know he's safe. After drinking my milk I went up stairs and lyed back down, could I sleep now? I rolled over, feeling the headache, it was hours of me just lying there. I got up again, this time I heard Raph up downstairs. I walked down, to see them making some food. Raph looked up at me.

"Has Mokoshan came home yet?"

"No, I'm hoping everything is ok." I replyed looking out the window. Raph walked up behind me.

"Leo, I'm worried... I think we should go out and see what's going on.. see why Mokoshan isn't home yet! We have to take action Leo!"

"I agree Raph, get some food in yourself and Ninjara, I'll get the army ready." I walked out, getting the army ready didn't take long, most of the wolf ppl were ready before I even got there. I walked back to the kitchen, before I said a word, I looked in, to see Ninjara in a hug with Raphael.

"Raph, I'm worried about him!"

"I know Ninjara, he's ok, we'll see to that." Ninjara looked at Raphael, tears going down her eyes. Raph went down and kissed her. I looked down, feeling the pain she must have, she had feelings for Mokoshan, we all know it. A tear went down my eyes, I walked in the room... Raph looked up from the kiss right at me.

"It's time to find out what happened." I said as I walked in... Raph and Ninjara followed, it was to a war we wanted to be over with, but will the war really ever end? With all the thought in my head, this was one of the hardest ones.

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